Held on Monday November 17th 2014 at 7:30 in the Sports Club Pavilion, High Street Car Park.
PRESENT were Cllrs: M Colvey, A Bush, A Huggins, R Carswell, A Cottman, I Maitland, K Norris, J Taylor, P Webb, E Wilson, C Wood and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).
Also present was County Cllr F Drane.
No members of the public were present.
1. REceipt of apologies for absence – There were none.
There were none.
3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION (Standing Orders Suspended)
There was none.
5. THE MINUTES of the Council meeting on October 20th 2014 were approved as a true record of that meeting, and signed by the Chairman, after adding Cllr Webb to the list of those present and Cllr Wilson to those who attended at the DAPTC seminar on Planning.
- Minute 13, 18th August 2014. Establishment of Google Diary. Cllr Carswell reported that the matter of re-communicating the arrangements for this, and providing training for Cllrs, were in hand.
- Minute 14, 18th August 2014. Community support funding request for Village Hall toilets project – Camborne Energy. It was noted that a response to the formal request for the funding has not yet been received from Primrose Solar.
- Minute 10, 15th September 2014. Litter bin for MUGA. The Parish Clerk reported that he has requested a copy for the key to the vehicle gate to be passed to Mr Homer so that he could get access to install the bin.
- Minute 12, October 20th 2014. Outstanding Risk Assessment for Recreation Ground. This is still awaited.
- Minute 15, October 20th 2014. Proposed resolutions for DAPTC AGM. These were sent to DAPTC, but the council was advised that they could only be registered if presented at the AGM by a delegate in person. DISCHARGED
- Minute 17, October 20th 2014. Consideration of future arrangements for distribution of Lytchett Link. It was suggested that may residents may in future read it on the website, as it is published there as well as available in hard copy. Discussion took place on whether in future 1500 copies should be printed so that one is available for every dwelling within the parish boundary so that no one is disenfranchised.Cllr Norris indicated that he would obtain a quotation for 1500 copies. Action: Cllr Norris to obtain the quote accordingly.
- Minute 23, October 20th 2014. Response to Viridor Credits detailing the publicity plans for the Foxhills – Deans Drove path. Cllr Colvey provided a copy of the letter he has sent in response to this request.
- Minute 23, October 20th 2014. DCC Consultation on litter and street cleaning. Cllr Norris reported that he had responded on behalf of the council, pointing out the inadequate timescale for responses and requesting that consultations are sent direct to local councils rather than via DAPTC so that response time is not lost in that process.
7. District Cllrs report.
Dist Cllr Taylor reported on the most recent PDC Council Meeting as follows:
(i) A report and proposals from the Overview and Scrutiny Task & Finish Group to review the Council’s governance arrangements was considered. The main thrust of the proposals was to replace the Policy Group of six members of the majority party with two policy committees of 11 members proportionally balanced, dealing with community and environmental matters. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee would also be disbanded.
(ii) A report from the Overview and Scrutiny Task & Finish Group to review the proposal to share services with Christchurch and East Dorset Councils was considered. The main concern of the report was to improve communication and understanding.
(iii) PDC adopted a revised Code of Conduct for its Councillors, to take effect from 1 May 2015.
(iv) In response to the Openness of Local Government Regulations 2014 introduced at short notice by the Secretary of State for Local Government, PDC has resolved to install a new public address and digital sound recording system in the Council Chamber at Westport House, at a cost of £18,000. The replacement PA system is needed as the existing system is not fit for purpose, and the recording system is to ensure PDC is compliant with the new regulation – which will also safeguard the Council against misleading or improper recordings of meetings made by members of the public. Cllr Webb was interested to know how long PDC would be retaining the recordings.
8. County Councillor’s report
County Cllr Drane drew attention to the proceedings of the meeting on 25th September of the Executive Advisory Panel on Periodic Electoral Review, of which he is a panel member. He explained that at the DCC members meeting on Thursday 13th November he raised his objections on the changes proposed by DCC to be put forward to the Boundary Commission. The proposed changes include splitting the area he represents into two: (i) an area encompassing Upton, Holton Heath, Organford and Sandford and (ii) a separate area which links Lytchett Matravers and Lytchett Minster with Bere Regis. One of the implications of this is that the area served by Lytchett Minster & Upton Town Council would be represented by two different DCC members. As well as the problems this would cause to the identity and representation of Lytchett Minster & Upton as a community, his concerns also involved a challenge to the accuracy of the data on which the proposal has been based. He reported that he had been informed by the Leader of DCC that if a Town / Parish Council or any person with information which demonstrates that the figures used by DCC were wrong, (or if they have any other grounds for objection to the proposed change) then they should approach the Boundary Commission with the details.
If the change is agreed by the Boundary Commission, it will take effect from the local council elections in 2017.
County Cllr Drane also advised that he had pursued a complaint with DCC that some highways problems and defects being reported by members of the public were evidently not being acted on by DCC Highways – especially matters related to gullies and drainage. He advised that if members of the pubic did not receive a satisfactory response through the normal reporting channels then they should try reporting such problems direct to Adrian Norcombe at DCC on 01305 221824, or a.c.norcombe
Neighbourhood Planning Group.
Cllr Bush reported that the main Neighbourhood Planning Committee met on Tuesday 11th November 2014 and was very well attended. Two representatives from PDC, as well as Diane Bemand, were also present to provide advice. PDC is are still seeking a signed Service level Agreement with the Council. Cllr Wood is preparing notes of the meeting. It was acknowledged that such notes are important because they form part of the public information and consultation process around Neighbourhood Planning. The meeting on 11th November had included some discussion about the Wessex Water proposals for development of the reservoir site, and it was noted that Wessex Water have consulted PDC Planning for pre-application advice. It was also noted that progression of development of the Huntick Road site may be obstructed by constraints imposed by Natural England regarding nitrate mitigation. It seems this mitigation requirement is added to the heathland mitigation requirement. It will be necessary to investigate the effects of this further. Cllr Bush highlighted that the next step is to prepare a draft version of the overall plan. A question was asked about the grants available for Neighbourhood Planning. It is understood that this matter came up at a PDC meeting – and correspondence involving Arne Parish Council was referred to. The Council believes that Arne PC have asked for their share of the grant money because they believe PDC have received and are holding it.
10. Recommendations from Committees:
(i) Environment & Amenities Cttee – meeting 3rd November 2014:
There were no recommendations to bring forward.
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of this meeting.
11. Consideration of planning application 6/2014/0567 Mr Lovell 4 Pryors Walk, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6NH. Erect rear conservatory. NO OBJECTION.
12. Proposed change to Council’s Standing Orders regarding Recording of meetings (see email to Cllrs 8th Nov 2014).
The Parish Clerk explained that all councils are required to consider their arrangements to ensure that they now comply with the provision of the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 – which amends the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to enable the photographing, recording and filming of meetings. In order for the Council to do so, the Parish Clerk had prepared a proposed amendment to section 23 of the Council’s Standing Orders. After a brief discussion it was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the proposed change. A copy of the revised Standing Order 23 is attached at Appendix 1 to these minutes.
13. Receipt of remaining risk assessment.
Cllr Colvey advised that this was not available yet. Carried forward.
14. Consideration of nominations for “Volunteer of the Year” award.
Two nominees were proposed for consideration by the Council and after a brief discussion the selection of one to put forward to PDC was unanimously RESOLVED.
15. Consideration of draft letter to DCC Highways regarding condition of Loop Farm Rd.
It was noted that in previous meetings Cllr Maitland has expressed concerns about the condition and upkeep by DCC Highways of local rural roads. During this meeting hedrew attention, through some comparative photographs, to a deterioration in the apparent level of maintenance of rural roads by DCC Highways. He reported on a visit by a representative from DCC Highways. As a result of unsatisfactory responses from DCC during this visit and related correspondence, Cllr Maitland raised this general matter with the Government Minister for Rural England – also highlighting specific matters such as why a petition is necessary to go before DCC before they will consider speed restrictions along Rushall Lane, and why potholes and damaged road edges and verges are being left to further deteriorate on Castle Farm Road and Loop Farm Road. It is understood that the Government Minister concerned will visit DCC on this matter.
Cllrs Huggins and Cottman had attended the DAPTC seminar “Making Your Council Meetings Work”, and Cllr Cottman had attended a Planning training session given by PDC.
Village Fayre | DAPTC | Footpaths | Village Hall |
School Liaison | Youth Organisations | Sports Club |
Village Fayre: Cllr Maitland reported that a meeting had taken place during week commencing 10th November. Dring this meeting it became clear that for a variety of reasons nearly all of the volunteers on the committee would be dropping out before work starts on next year’s Fayre. It is understood that the reason for some of these changes is related to the timing of the fayre, so it was suggested by a Council member that the date for the fayre be moved to July – thereby also allowing longer to recruit new committee members and giving more time to plan it. It was noted that announcements of the need for volunteers should be included in the Parish Magazine and the Lytchett Link.
Inv | To Whom | For What | Net | VAT | Total |
3387 | T Watton | Clerk’s salary – November (12 equal monthly payments by standing order) | 878.20 | 0.00 | 878.20 |
3388 | T Homer | Handyman duties – October . | 211.50 | 0.00 | 211.50 |
3389 | Continental Landscapes | Grass Cutting, Southern end of Rec – October | 20.00 | 4.00 | 24.00 |
3390 | The Landscape Group | Cemetery maintenance- October | 303.49 | 60.70 | 364.19 |
3391 | Novatech Ltd | Two printer cartridges; replacement laptop battery; carriage | 131.26 | 26.26 | 157.52 |
3392 | Flavourfy | Website set up and transfer of old content; annual hosting plus lytchettmatraverspc.org domain | 525.00 | 105.00 | 630.00 |
3393 | Anglebury Press Ltd | Printing Lytchett Link no 54 | 282.00 | 0.00 | 282.00 |
3394 | DAPTC | Course fees (Making your council meetings work (x2), Planning training (x4) | 260.00 | 0.00 | 260.00 |
3395 | S P Mills Garden Services | Regular grass cutting (annual), Huntick estate brambles, Top up 2 graves, shrub pruning at Rec, attend to overgrowth at Lytchett Astro | 4770.00 | 0.00 | 4770.00 |
It was RESOLVED to approve all the payments listed above.
The Parish Clerk reported on the following correspondence received:
A letter from Fields in Trust confirming membership renewal.
A letter from the Jurassic Coast Trust seeking nominations from local councils for representatives to become Jurassic Coast Champions to assist with general communication between the Trust and the local communities; and to serve on the Jurassic Coast Community Forum.
A letter, with a thank-you card, from Lytchett & Upton Age Concern thanking the council for the grant towards their annual holiday for their members. The letter also invites members to visit the group when they meet on Mondays – to see some of their activity and to stay for coffee or lunch.
A letter and safety / maintenance report from Evolution Skateparks reporting on their first half-yearly inspection and maintenance visit to the skatepark. It was noted that some minor attention work was carried out and there are no safety issues requiring attention by the Council at this time.
Cllr Maitland reported on correspondence from the Lytchett Matravers Archaeological Society. The society has a number of filing cabinets containing archives and were seeking help to store them The Council does not have such a facility. It was suggested that the society be advised to speak to the Dorset County Archivists. In the meantime, Cllr Drane reported that he has also spoken to this group and has asked what sort of records are involved – but he has yet to receive a reply.
Cllr Norris reminded those present about the litter pick even – to take place on Saturday 22nd November 2014. Cllr Taylor indicated that he would produce some posters. Cllr Cottman agreed to be the nominated First Aider.
Cllr Carswell expressed concern about the recycling and rubbish bin collections taking place in the village during school-run time, which adds even further to the traffic congestion. Cllr Bush advised that he had written to Rob Camp (DCC) about this, and will follow-up with him on the matter.
Cllr Cottman reported that he had made one replacement flower tub and still has one to do.
Cllr Taylor observed that the new website now seems to be up to date with previous minutes, etc.
County Cllr Drane asked if any response had been received to the issues reported to Peter Finney in the letter from Cllr Colvey (i.e. arising from his visit to the village earlier in the year). Cllr Drane will follow up on this. Cllr Bush suggested – and it was generally agreed – that the council should prioritise and then focus on one of these issues to address. The “route to school” idea was suggested as the place to start.
The meeting closed at 9:35pm.
Annotated by/on …………………………….. Signed by/on …………………………
FullMinutes141117 Appendix 1.doc