Lytchett Matravers Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting on Thurs 2nd June 2016 in the Blanchard Room, Lytchett Matravers Village Hall, Vineyard Close, Lytchett Matravers at 7:00
PRESENT were: Cllrs C Wood, A Bush, R Carswell, and E Wilson.
Two members of the public were also in attendance.
1. APOLOGIES: Cllr A Huggins, A Cottman, M Colvey, J Taylor and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).
3. Public participation (standing orders suspended). Mr & Mrs Wells discussed the nature of their plans for consideration.
4. Minutes of meeting held on 5th May 2016 were unanimously agreed as an accurate record and were signed by the meeting Chairman.
6/2015/0755 AMB Developments Limited. High Street (Land to rear of Chequers Inn), Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6BJ. Erect ten dwellings with associated car parking and engineering works; form new vehicular access from Hopmans Close; modifications to services and ground levels. A revised plan, reducing the number of dwellings for 10 to 9, was received from PDC on 3rd February for further consultation. In recognition of the fact that this is too late to be advertised on the agenda for this meeting, the Parish Clerk agreed with Ms S Leonard, Planning officer at PDC, that this would be scheduled for inclusion on the Full Council meeting on 15th February 2016 – which it was. PASS still shows that this application has still not yet been determined (as at 15:45 on 2nd June 2016). This was noted by the committee.
6/2016/0184 Mr C Short. Old Coach House, Vine Close House, Dorchester Road, Sturminster Marshall, BH21 3R. Removal of Condition 6 of planning permission 6/2001/0362 (Change of use of nursing home to private dwelling with staff accommodation) to allow the use of the staff accommodation as an independent dwelling. PASS shows that this application has been approved by PDC.
6/2016/0166 Mr S Kidd. Cuckoo Penn, Dorchester Rd, Sturminster Marshall BH21 4AA. Remove old mobile home and shed and erect an agricultural barn. PASS shows that this application has been approved by PDC.
6/2016/0121 1st Lytchett Matravers Scout Group. High Street (Lytchett Matravers Youth Hall), Lytchett Matravers BH16. Demolish existing building and erect new youth hall. High Street (Lytchett Matravers Youth Hall), Lytchett Matravers BH16. PASS shows that this application has been approved by PDC.
6/2016/0199 Mr and Mrs D Horlock. 29 High Street, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6BH. Sever land and erect one bedroomed terrace house. Form new vehicular access to the High Street. PASS shows that this application has been refused by PDC.
6. 6/2016/0263 Mr & Mrs D Wells. 13 Ballard Close, Lytchett Matravers, Dorset. BH16 6EW. Loft conversion including raising the roof, dormers and roof windows. New rear decking and steps.
Members noted that previously refused plans for this plot had been for severing the land and erecting an additional property, rather than for the type of development covered by this latest proposal. It was also noted that other properties in Ballard Close have already been adapted in similar ways to this proposal. NO OBJECTION.
7. 6/2016/0277 Mr Meehan. Quarr Farm Bungalow, Halls Road, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6EP. Erect replacement agricultural building – retrospective. NO OBJECTION.
8. 6/2016/0302 Mr Christopher Draper. Sweetlands, Flowers Drove, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6BX. Erect detached garage and form parking area. Weatherboard cladding to the front elevation of the property. NO OBJECTION.
9. 6/2016/0313 Mr & Mrs Moors. 9, High Street, Lytchett Matravers. BH16 6BG. Single and double storey rear extension. NO OBJECTION.
10. CORRESPONDENCE. There was none.
Cllr Bush raised issue of the land in the Chequers’ car park and its relationship to the Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Wood is to ask the Parish Clerk if he knows of the situation with either 106 or CIL money due from this site, due to the NP currently being with the appointed inspector.
The meeting closed at 7.35 pm
Modified by/on …………………. Signed by/on ………………….