You may know that both BCP & Dorset Council declared a Climate Emergency earlier this year. Whilst there is still a lot of mystery as to what this means in practical terms it is an important statement of intent to do what can be done to help reduce carbon emissions, protect wildlife, manage air pollution and generally care more for our environment.

In a timely move, LM Primary School Eco-club members delivered a petition to the council on 9th October asking for the council to also support these declarations, with the result that the council voted unanimously to join with other councils and organisations in declaring a Climate Emergency.

To move this towards positive action, the council has started a working group to include both councillors and people from around the village, from the school, the churches and other organisations or just you as an individual. Cllr Rob Carswell has been elected as chair of the new working group to get things started, and one of the first things we will be doing to review the land and buildings owned or leased by the Parish Council with a view to developing recommendations for improvements. These could include improved insulation, use of renewable energy electricity supply, lower carbon means of space heating and providing hot water, planting trees, etc.

We would also like to dedicate a large proportion of the next Lytchett Link to looking at the various activities that are taking place around the village to reduce any adverse impacts on the climate. If you are running an Eco-club, or a recycling, upcycling, swap-shop group, or have ideas that we can help us all, please drop us a line or contact Rob directly.

Climate Emergency
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