Meeting held on Wednesday October 9th 2019, at 7.00 p.m. in the Methodist Church, Wareham Rd, Lytchett Matravers

PRESENT: C Wood (committee Chair), M Attridge, B Barker, A Bush, M Colvey, R Carswell, A Cottman, A Huggins, R Watts and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk). Seven members of the public were also in attendance.

Public participation:

A resident expressed concerns which she offered as an objection to the proposed SANG covered in item 9 below. She specifically referred to the inadequacy of the proposed design in terms of its size, the “circular walk” which does not meet the specification for length, and the justification of a car park for such a small site which she believed was unlikely to attract visitors from any distance where it might be necessary to drive. The resident confirmed that she would submit her objection direct to Dorset Council Planning Department.

Another resident sought to clarify that the proposed SANG represented a change of use of this land. Cllr Wood confirmed that the purpose of a SANG is that it is an offset for land taken for developments. In response to a question about ongoing ownership of, and responsibility for, the proposed SANG Cllr Bush explained that developers have an obligation to provide for its long term maintenance; and may choose to do this by passing it on to another organisation – such as a Parish Council. It was also clarified that the specification and guidelines for SANGs is quite precise and is set out by Natural England. It is Natural England which is responsible for judgement whether a proposed SANG meets those requirements.

It was subsequently clarified that whilst provision of a SANG is not directly linked to any individual development proposal for housing, if the three proposals by the developer in this case do not go ahead then the requirement for them to provide the SANG also falls. It was further explained that the developer in this case, Wyatts, has brought forward the SANG proposal so that it is available by the time the first of the dwellings in their development proposals are built.

Two students from Lytchett Matravers Primary School presented a petition containing 187 signatures of students and staff and asking “…that Lytchett Matravers Parish Council declare a Climate Emergency to ensure that Climate Change is at the centre of all decisions made by them for the village.” Cllr Wood thanked the two students and assured them that this matter would be discussed during the meeting. In response to a question from Cllr Bush, the council were told that that the Headmaster is very supportive of this and the school has effective programmes to conserve energy and recycle a wide range of materials.

1. APOLOGIES. Cllr P Webb

2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest; and consideration of requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.Cllr Watts reported that as a near neighbour he had a personal interest in the planning application dealt with in item 8 below. Consequently he took no part in discussion or the decision related to this item.

3. To receive and approve minutes of the Finance & Policy Committee meeting held on 11th SEPTEMBER 2019. The minutes were ACCEPTEDas a true record and signed by the committee Chairman.

4. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters. The following matters were included in the Clerk’s report of past subject matters. [nb: comments made or decisions taken at the meeting are shown in italics]

i. F&GP, 13th February 2019, Minute 12 –Health and Safety Policy, The Parish Clerk reported that research into the background for potential need to enhance the adopted policy had now been carried out, and he proposed to circulate a draft revision to the adopted policy to a working group of members for comment before being put to the F&GP Committee for consideration at its November meeting.It was RESOLVED that the working group would be made up of Cllrs Attridge and Cottman.

ii. F&GP Cttee, 12th June 2019, Minute 20 Role of Parish & Town Councils in the planning consultation process – It was noted that Cllr Bush has agreed to now pursue communication with David Walsh on issues arising from this matter.

iii. F&GP Cttee, 12th June 2019, Minute 22 – Council letter of support for Allotment Association grant application for Allotment Drainage scheme. No further report from the Allotment Society has yet been received. DISCHARGED.

iv. F&GP Cttee, 14th August 2019, minute 9 – Gap in the am peak bus service arriving in Poole. It was noted that no progress had yet been made with regard to a dialogue with Mr Boyt of Dorset Council on this matter. DEFERRED until the next meeting.

v. F&GP Cttee, 14th August 2019, minute 14 – Correspondence from a resident of Keates Meadow regarding tree growth on the Foxhills Open Space. The Parish Clerk has written to the resident concerned advising of the council’s decision in line with the Tree Management Policy. DISCHARGED

vi. Planning application responses sent to the DC Planning Team:

Planning application 6/2019/0326 11 High Street, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6BG.Erect two storey side extension and create vehicle access. DC planning portal shows that this application has now been approved.

Planning application 6/2019/0424 OOTA Property Ltd. Honeypot Cottage, Huntick Estate, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6EB. Single storey extension. DC planning portal currently shows that this application has now been approved.

Planning application 6/2019/0441 Harlequin Homes. The Shooting Box, Middle Road, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6HJ. Sever plot, erect two dwellings with access and parking. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application 6/2019/0439 Little Garth Dolmans Hill Lytchett Matravers BH16 6HP. Demolish existing dwelling and garage and erect a replacement dwelling and garage. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application 6/2019/0453 Whytewood Lodge, Jennys Lane, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6BP. Outline application to sever land and erect a dwelling (all matters reserved). DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

5. To receive and note the 2019/20 bank reconciliation. A copy of the bank reconciliation is attached at Appendix 1 to these minutes. Members also examined copies of the relevant bank statements. It was RESOLVED to accept and approve this reconciliation.

6. To receive and consider a report covering 2019/20 year End council income and expenditure. The reports were circulated to all members by the Parish Clerk. It was RESOLVED to accept and approve this. Copies of the report and the Sports Club financial tracker are attached at appendices 2 and 3 to these minutes. Cllr Watts remarked that the Sports Club had achieved a commendable level of income generated by hire of the Sports Pavilion and also of the Lytchett Astro. He noted that the licence issued to the Lighthouse Church for Club Hall had initially been signed in 2009 and an annual fee of £100, but that this had never been reviewed. Consequently he suggested, and it was RESOLVED, that a review would now be carried out by Cllrs Bush and Watts. Action: Cllrs Bush and Watts to review this accordingly.

Related to this, it was RESOLVED to prepare an application for change of use which could then be used to enable unlimited food vendor trading in the car park. Action: Cllr Attridge to prepare this application.

It was also RESOLVED to review the council’s current policy on food vendor trading in the car park. Action: Parish Clerk to include this review on the agenda of the next meeting of the F&GP Cttee.

7. To consider planning application 6/2019/0455 Treetops, Flowers Drove, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6BX. Single storey side extensions. Erect detached carport with office above. It was noted that this is a duplication of the application which was considered within the agenda of the Full Council meeting in September. No decision was therefore required.

8. to consider planning application 6/2019/0493 Highbury, Eddy Green Road, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16. Erect two storey rear extension. NO OBJECTION.

9. to consider planning application 6/2019/0530 Lewis Wyatt (Construction) Limited. Land off Flowers Drove, Lytchett Matravers. Change of use of land to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) & associated car park. The Parish Council, voted to register an OBJECTION (7 vote to object, with 2 abstentions)on the following grounds:

(i) Given that the majority of the new dwellings proposed to be built in Lytchett Matravers by this developer are located at a site on the southern boundary of the settlement the location of the proposed SANG is too far away for it to be effective.

(ii) The total area is believed to be too small for it to be an attractive alternative to current practice, so it is anticipated that it will be little used and not achieve the purpose for which it is intended.

(iii) The length of the path / walk within it too short to satisfy the specified requirements of a SANG.

In addition, the Parish Council wished to challenge the logic of including a car park on such a small site. This seems to cater for users anticipated to travel from further afield to a facility which is smaller and with less interest than more attractive alternatives which could also be reached by car. Alongside this, concern was expressed about the environmental impacts of encouraging further car use.

10. To consider a request for minor repairs and modifications to the high level gates to the carpark.

10.1 Gate 1 (Tesco end) – replace missing hand rail. After brief discussion it was RESOLVED to incorporate this into the next Village Centre Working Group meeting on 24th October.

10.2 Gate 2 (Village Hall end) – improve access to lock by removing part of cover. It was RESOLVED to approve this work. Action: Cllr Cottman to arrange accordingly.

11. To consider the Parish Council’s response to Climate Change. A motion in line with the submitted petition “to declare a climate emergency to ensure that climate change is at the centre of all decisions made by the Parish Council for the village” was proposed by Cllr Carswell and seconded by Cllr Watts. Unanimously – Carried.

The members also considered three proposals within a paper prepared and circulated to all members by Cllr Watts on 6th October (copy attached at Appendix 4 to these minutes):

(i) To establish a Climate Change Working Group. RESOLVED. Action: Parish Clerk to include this in the list of Working Groups accordingly.

(ii) To identify a leader for the Working Group. It was RESOLVED that this would be Cllr Carswell.

(iii) Commission a review of the land and buildings owned or leased by the Parish Council with a view to developing recommendations for improvements. RESOLVED.

12. To CONSIDER ITEMS FOR THE NEXT PARISH MAGAZINE It was suggested that the next article should cover the declaration by Lytchett Matravers Parish Council of a Climate Emergency.

13. TO note correspondence received.

In response to a question from Cllr Attridge, the Parish Clerk reported that he had written to BT regarding a request to retain for spares the telephone kiosk opposite the Rose & Crown PH.

Cllr Watts reported on further correspondence with Dorset Council about the cycle path and a contribution from the developers. He also reported that it had been confirmed that Dorset Council own the roadside verge on the northern side of Huntick Road as far as “Long Acres”.

The Parish Clerk reported on the following items of correspondence:

· A report from the Village Handyman that the fence around Rocket Park play area had suffered further damage, due largely to the posts and gantt rails becoming rotten. Action: Parish Clerk to add consideration of options on to the agenda of the next Full Council meeting.

· A copy of correspondence from DC Highways to relevant Dorset ward council members seeking their views on a proposed temporary closure of Randalls Hill to enable BT works between 16th-18thDecember.

· A letter from a local resident forwarded by Michael Tomlinson MP regarding the poor state and antisocial use of the redundant bus shelter opposite the war memorial in Lime Kiln Rd. The Parish Clerk explained that he had already responded to the resident, who had suggested that the bus shelter be demolished. Action: Parish Clerk to add consideration of removal of the bus shelter to the agenda of the next Full Council meeting.

· Correspondence from a resident of the Foxhills Development reporting a fallen tree which is partly blocking a connecting footpath between Pryors Walk and Landers Reach.The Parish Clerk reported that he had visited the site and had contacted Mr Mills to arrange for him to attend to it.

The meeting closed at 20:40.

Annotated by/on …………………………. Approved by/on ………………………

Fin&GenpuposesCommitteeMinutes 191009 Appendix 1 (Bank reconciliation – HSBC Bank statements and scribe reports 1 Oct 19).pdf (PDF)
Fin&GenpurposesCommitteeMinutes 191009 Appendices 2 and 3 (Income and Expenditure reports, CIL and Sports Club trackers).pdf (PDF)
Finance&GenPurposesCommitteeMinutes 191009 Appendix 4 (Paper – Response to Climate Change 2019) (Word)

Finance & General Purposes Committee minutes 9th October 2019