The council meeting on 24th April marked the end of the current Parish Council team. With elections looming and boundary reviews, there will be a number of changes when everyone gets together again for the Annual Parish Meeting on May 8th.
After 9 years with the council, Parish Councillor Keith Norris is stepping down. Keith has been a mainstay of the council and whilst he will no longer be a councillor, we are pleased to say he has agreed to continue to help out with many of the Parish Council activities, in particularly the Litter Picking.
District Councillors Wendy Meaden and Peter Webb have both decided not to stand again in the elections of May 2nd. Wendy and Peter have both worked tirelessly for Lytchett for many years and we are glad that they will still be around so we can draw on their experience. In addition, Peter has agreed to stay on as a parish councillor.
Finally, our County Councillor, Peter Wharf, will be standing in our neighbouring constituency due to boundary changes. Peter has elevated Lytchett Matravers Parish Council in profile throughout the county, opening up new contact and given us new opportunities to pursue for the village.
We thank all four of the retirees for their effort and dedication to serving the village.