Meeting held on Wednesday December 13th 2023, at 7.00 p.m. in the Blanchard Room, Village Hall
PRESENT: Cllr K Korenevsky (Committee Chair), R Aspray, K Morgan, B Barker, A Bush, Cllrs V Abbott, and Mrs A Clothier (Locum Parish Clerk).
There were no members of the public in attendance.
1. Apologies: Cllrs H Khanna, M Attridge, A Huggins and P Webb
2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest – and consideration of requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.
There were none.
3. To receive and approve minutes of the Finance & Gen Purposes Committee meeting held on 8th November 2023.
These minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting and were duly signed by the Committee Chair.
4. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters.
The following matters were included in the Clerk’s report of past subject matters. [nb: comments made or decisions taken at the meeting are shown in italics]
Minute No | Action Point | Progress |
F&GP Cttee, 8 Nov 2023, Minute 6 | Clerk to contact Scribe to see whether a month by month comparison against budget is possible. | It is possible see a month by month flexed forecast once all the forecasting details are entered into Scribe.
It was felt that a month by month forecast would be useful to see whether specific budget lines e.g. insurance have a surplus budget. It was noted that Scribe is a simpler system than other accountancy packages. |
F&GP Cttee, 8 Nov 2023, Minute 10 | Cllr Huggins to send an email to the residents to say that the Parish Council is awaiting a tree report and attach a copy of the Tree Policy. | This is complete and followed up with a further email to explain that the Tree Report did not recommend any works to these trees. Discharged |
F&GP Cttee, 8 Nov 2023, Minute 11 | Clerk to email Dorset Council to approve the school crossing plan. | This was completed. Discharged |
F&GP Cttee, 8 Nov 2023, Minute 13 | Parish Clerk to remove bank statements from the minutes. | The bank statements have been removed from the November minutes however the past minutes are ongoing. Ongoing. |
i. Planning applications (22 applications listed of which 3 are now shown as granted or allowed and 1 refused) – See Appendix 1
5. To receive and note the 2023-24 year to date bank reconciliation (for purposes of report only).
A copy of the bank reconciliation was made available to all members ahead of the meeting, and is attached at Appendix 2 to these minutes. It was RESOLVED to accept and approve this reconciliation.
6. To receive and consider a report covering 2023-24 Council income and expenditure (for purposes of report only).
The report was made available to all members by the Parish Clerk. It was RESOLVED to accept and approve this. The income and expenditure report is included in Appendix 2 to these minutes.
7. To consider the actions resulting from the Tree Survey
The tree report has been received and Cllr Bush has looked at the suggested work with a local expert. A tree report action plan was circulated in advance of the meeting. 13 trees need non urgent works. The work to the five trees on Eldons Drove will need a tree surgeon as well as one tree overhanging a house on Lockyers Way. Five other trees on Eldons Drove were recommended advisory work and it was concluded that this should dealt with by the tree surgeon at the same time. The remaining trees will be dealt with by the Guerrilla Gardeners. It was noted that care will be taken for nesting birds with any tree works. It was RESOLVED to RECOMMEND this work to Full Council
Action: Clerk to request quotes for tree works.
A question was raised regarding a tree by the Spinney play park and it was advised that this would need to be raised with Aster.
8. To consider a response to the Purbeck Local Plan
To be discussed at the Full Council meeting on 20th December.
9. To continue to work in preparation towards a budget proposal for 2024/25
The up to date tax base information from Dorset Council had been sent round to Councillors in advance of the meeting. It was highlighted that the Parish Council would need to make a decision on what the % rise for the precept should be. Inflation is 3.4% but discussions were around keeping it as low as possible due to the cost of living. Councillors questioned whether this would cause issues for the budget for 2024/25 but it was stressed that there are significant amounts in reserves from CIL payments. A 2% rise in the precept was suggested and this will be discussed at Full Council. The deadline for submission is 31st January 2024.
The list of projects were discussed and it was highlighted that limited money had been spent in the current financial year. The focus for 2024/25 will be moving forwards with some of these projects. The school crossing is moving forwards but this will not be a cost to the Parish Council. The 20pmh zone project can progress now that the speed test results have been received.
The Youth Hall renovation is underway – the office is cleared and the flooring needs some work. The back room will be decorated as well as the office and toilets. Help from volunteers with painting will be needed on the large room.
The Sports Pavilion storage was approved and 3 quotes for the design and build are being sought. Note that this will also have positive knock on benefit for the Parish Office. The terrace area is ready to be tendered but further discussion on the plans is needed before this can go out. The air source heat pump protection is pending the insurance settlement. It was suggested that some of the work to the Sports Pavilion might be eligible for a Dorset Council grant. This can be moved forwards once a quote has been received.
Hannam’s Gateway was discussed, as this design is approved.
The issue of insurance was raised as the Parish Council’s insurance company had commented that some work by volunteers would not be covered. This is being queried. It was noted that the Parish Council need to improve their Risk Assessments for work carried out by volunteers.
Cllr Bush to redraft project list for Full Council.
10. To receive feedback on the DAPTC AGM
To be discussed at F&GP in January
11. To consider items for an article in the next Parish Magazine.
The following matters were considered and agreed for inclusion:
· Plans and priorities for 2023
· Meeting dates
· Removal of wreaths at War Memorial
· Suggestions for priorities in the village
· Tree wardens
12. To note correspondence received.
· Cllr Bush has asked DAPTC whether the Parish Council should charge VAT and they have confirmed that there is no need to be VAT registered. There is a VAT course in January which Cllr Barker will attend.
· Cllr Abbott – lighting outside Tesco. Cllr Abbott asked if the Parish Council can write a letter to Tesco to ask for lighting outside the shop – it previously had solar lights. It was noted that the steps belong to the Pharmacy and Cllr Abbott agreed to speak to the manager of the Pharmacy.
Action: Clerk to write to Tescos regarding the light. Cllr Abbott to speak to the manager of the Pharmacy.
· Cllr Morgan – memorial bench on the library green – a member of the public would like to donate £300. Another group would like to purchase a tree or bench for a memorial. It was suggested a tree would be suitable and that this should be in the lower corner of the Rec – the tree recommended was a small leaved Lime for around £75.
Action – Clerk to respond to memorial tree request and send memorial policy
· Cllr Barker – Grants for Youth Hall from Dorset Council. The intention is to apply for three grants – prosperity fund- for water heater and new lights for youth hall, capital leverage fund and culture and heritage fund for warm space, café, youth club staffing etc. Policies need to be updated for the grant applications – three specifically – Equality and Diversity, Privacy, Safeguarding. The Safeguarding Policy also contains the procedures in the case of a safeguarding incident. The Designated Safeguarding Lead would be the Clerk and they will need Safeguarding Training. To be approved at Full Council.
The meeting closed at 20:40
Annotated by/on ………………………….Approved by/on ………………………
Appendix 1
Planning Applications
Planning Application No | Location | Proposal | Status |
6/2021/0282 | Land east of Wareham Road Lytchett Matravers. | Phased residential development of site for 95 dwellings, new vehicular and pedestrian access onto Wareham Road and other associated works including landscaping and open space. | Not determined. |
P/FUL/2021/02674 | Cuckoo Hill Deans Drove Lytchett Matravers Dorset BH16 6EQ. | Alteration to listed building to install a new wood burner and new chimney pot | Not determined. |
6/2021/0365 | Caroline Cottage Prospect Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6ED – | Revised. Alteration to listed building to install a new wood burner and new chimney pot. | Not determined. |
P/FUL/2022/01066 | Land Adj, Clouds Hill Burbidge Close Lytchett Matravers Poole Dorset | Sever land and erect 3 bed chalet bungalow with associated parking | Not determined. |
P/FUL/2022/01095 | Land at Blaneys Corner To the east of Wareham Road and south of Wimborne Road. Lytchett Matravers | Erect 25 dwellings (C3 use class), new vehicular and pedestrian access onto Wimborne Road and other associated works including landscaping and open space | Not determined. |
P/VOC/2022/01291 | 164 Wareham Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6DT | Variation of Condition 2 & 5 of planning approval 6/2020/0314 (sever plot and erect a detached two storey dwelling with associated access, parking, landscaping and amenity space) to agree to the new building location 700mm further forwards towards the highway and the new foul water drainage connection | Not determined. |
P/CLE/2022/02881 (Cert of Lawfulness) | Valley Farm Middle Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6HJ | The erection without planning permission of 3 storage/workshop buildings, an agricultural building, a music studio and a toilet block in the positions shown on the attached site plan. | Not determined. |
P/CLE/2022/02911 (Cert of Lawfulness) | Valley Farm Middle Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6HJ | A mixed use comprising the fabrication and repair of horsedrawn vehicles (caravans, carts and wagons); the display and sale of bric-a-brac and collectables; open storage of assorted items including vehicles and portakabins; hobby farming and music festivals within the areas identified on the attached use plan. | Not determined. |
P/CLE/2023/00412 | Beaconfield Middle Road Lytchett Matravers BH16 6HJ. | The use of six units of accommodation as permanent dwellings at Beaconfield | Not determined. |
P/FUL/2023/02603 | 36 Glebe Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6EH | Erect 5 bedroom detached house with associated garage and parking | Not determined. |
P/HOU/2023/04414 | Willowbank Eldons Drove Lytchett Matravers BH16 6HH | Retain air source heat pump on the north west elevation | Permission granted |
P/FUL/2023/04751 | Goresmead Cottage Foxhills Road Lytchett Matravers BH16 6BD | Erection of stable block with hard surfaced apron and track from existing parking & turning area. | Permission granted |
P/HOU/2023/04489 | 8 Old Chapel Drive, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6HA Erect garage, (demolish existing). | Construct new rear terrace. | Not determined. |
P/HOU/2023/04978 | Sonora Flowers Drove Lytchett Matravers BH16 6BX | Remove rear conservatory and erect single storey extension. Erection two storey front extension. Extend and add balcony to existing dormer window at rear and add dormer window with balcony on North Elevation. | Permission granted |
P/HOU/2023/05756 | 29 Rozalia Meadows, Lytchett Matravers | Removal of existing closeboarded fence to rear garden and install new fence and gate. | Not determined. |
P/HOU/2023/06113 | 22 Prospect Road Lytchett Matravers BH16 6ED | Erect single storey side extension | Not determined |
P/CLP/2023/06137 | Water Tower Field Colehill Road Lytchett Matravers | Positioning of a caravan as a rest room for people working on the agricultural holding and a shipping container as a pig ark for the housing of pigs. | Not determined |
P/HOU/2023/06111 | Arne Lodge Eldons Drove Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6HH | Replace rear extension with a smaller unit, with roof lantern and balcony to first floor bedroom. | Not determined |
P/HOU/2023/06540 | Two Trees, 40 Wareham Road, Lytchett Matravers | Construction of rear extension. | Not determined |
P/PAPA/2023/06671 | Race Farm, Huntick Road, Lytchett Matravers | Alterations to farm track leading off Huntick Road. | Prior Approval Refused |
P/HOU/2023/05971 | Oakhurst, Huntick Road, Lytchett Matravers | Erect side and rear single storey extensions. | Not determined |
P/FUL/2022/05152 | 15 Dillons Gardens, Lytchett Matravers | Demolish existing dwelling and erect 6no 4-bedroom detached houses with associated parking and access. | Not determined |
Appendix 2 – see separate PDF file.
Appendix 2 – see separate PDF file.
FinanceGenPurposes Committee Minutes 231213 v2.docx
FinanceGenPurposesCommitteeMinutes 231213 Appendix 2 (Bank Rec and budget report)web.pdf