Meeting held on Wednesday October 14th 2020, at 7.00 p.m. online.

PRESENT: Cllr M Attridge (Chair) B Barker, A Bush, M Colvey, A Cottman, A Huggins, K Morgan, and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk). Two members of the public were in attendance.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: A resident of Wareham Rd commented on his concerns that the development at 86 Wareham Rd appears to have breached the terms of the planning permission in a number of respects. The resident was assured that part of the Parish Council’s role is to draw the Dorset Council Planning Enforcement team’s attention to any such breaches – and will do so in this case.

Apologies.R Carswell, P Webb, and J Wonnacott.

Declarations of Pecuniary Interest – and consideration of requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.There were none.

To receive and approve minutes of the Finance & Policy Committee meeting held on 9th September 2020.

The minutes were ACCEPTEDas a true record and were forwarded to the meeting chair to sign and return.

To receive and consider reports of past subject matters.

The following matters were included in the Clerk’s report of past subject matters. [nb: comments made or decisions taken at the meeting are shown in italics]

i. F&GP Cttee 11 Mar 2020, Minute 9. Maintenance of Jubilee Walk and Church Walk to a width of 2 metres. (See F&GP Minutes for draft spec) it is understood that a site meeting took place with the DC Ranger. This is subject to a dedicated agenda item (item 10) below.

ii. F&GP Cttee Planning application responses sent to the DC Planning Team:

Planning application 6/2019/0455 Treetops, Flowers Drove, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6BX. Single storey side extensions. Erect detached carport with office above. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application 6/2019/0530 Lewis Wyatt (Construction) Limited. Land off Flowers Drove, Lytchett Matravers. Change of use of land to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) & associated car park. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined. The Parish Clerk queried this with the Planning Officer Andrew Collins. Mr Collins advised that it had been referred to the virtual Eastern Area Planning Committee on 3 June 2020. The application was minded for approval in accordance with the officer’s recommendation. The recommendation was to delegate it to the Head of Planning to grant permission subject to the completion of a legal agreement under section 106 of the town and country planning act 1990 (as amended) in a form to be agreed by the Legal Services Manager to “…secure in perpetuity management of the land as a SANG and tie the use of the land as SANG as mitigation to the sites at Land East of Wareham Road, Land at Blaneys Corner and land east of Flowers Drove as identified in the emerging Purbeck Local Plan.” Consequently Mr Collins advised that the Section 106 legal agreement is being drawn up. When this agreement has been signed the application can be issued. At the meeting on 14th October it was clarified by Cllr Morgan that the Parish Council would be specifically named in the S106 agreement.

Planning application 6/2020/0213 Selbys Yard, Huntick Road, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6BB. Change of use of site to light industrial (use class B1), general industrial (use class B2) and storage and distribution (use class B8). Erect 15 industrial and storage units and a ‘welfare unit’ to serve the site. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application 6/2020/0159 The Cottage, Loop Farm Road, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6B. Erect a first floor extension with an increased roof height & new rooflights & internal alterations. Form 2 new parking spaces with stepped access to dwelling. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application 6/2020/0292. Land at New Park Farm, Dolmans Hill, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6HP. Erect temporary agricultural workers dwelling. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application 6/2020/0291 Fair View, Eldons Drove, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6HH. Raise part of roof, proposed rear extension at upper ground floor level, rear terrace and external remodelling. New brick & timber boundary walls & new front electric gates. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application 6/2020/0263 St Marys Church, Colehill Road, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6BS. Erect three lamp posts in church car park. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application 6/2020/0314 164 Wareham Road, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6DT. Sever plot and erect a detached two storey dwelling with associated access, parking, landscaping and amenity space. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application 6/2020/0303. New Park Farm, Dolmans Hill, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6HP. Erect agricultural barn. DC planning portal shows that this application has now been approved.

Planning application 6/2020/0255 Lord Rockley, Lytchett Heath Polo Club, Lytchett Heath Farm, Huntick Road, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6AE. Erect a single storey pavilion adjacent to an all weather polo arena. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application 6/2020/0037 27 Landers Reach, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6NB. Erect a single storey rear extension & a 2 storey side extension. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application 6/2020/0341 Kit Robins, Jennys Lane, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6BP. Erect a detached garage. DC planning portal shows that this application has now been approved.

Planning application 6/2020/0274 (revised plans) 27 Huntick Estate, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6EB. Sever land and erect pair of semi detached houses with access, parking and new dropped kerb. DC planning portal still shows no status against this application, however a further call to DC planning on 12th October confirmed that it has still not yet been determined. The delay is due to a later decision that it was necessary to also consult Natural England. They are due to respond by 28th October, after which it will be possible to make a decision.

To receive and note the latest 2020-21 bank reconciliation (for purposes of report only).

A copy of the bank reconciliation is attached at Appendix 1 to these minutes. Members had also been sent copies of the relevant bank statements. It was RESOLVED to accept and approve this reconciliation. It was noted that the Dorset County Pension Fund (DCPF) payment for May 2020 remains uncashed. This matter has been raised with the DCPF team to confirm whether a payment remains outstanding; and a response is awaited.

To receive and consider a report covering latest 2020-21 council income and EXPENDITURE (FOR PURPOSES OF REPORT ONLY).

The report was circulated to all members by the Parish Clerk. It was RESOLVED to accept and approve this. The income and expenditure report is included in Appendix 1 to these minutes.

To receive and consider a report on the current uptake, waiting list and upkeep of the allotments.

The report was circulated to members ahead of the meeting and its content was discussed. It was agreed to establish a small working group to examine a number of aspects including how to deal with the problem of persistent failure to comply with the terms of the tenancy agreement (specifically concerning keeping plots in cultivation and free of weeds); and also to conduct a review of the rental charge and level of deposit payable, etc – for recommendation back to full Council. Cllrs Attridge and Covey agreed to join the Parish Clerk on this Working Group. Action: Parish Clerk to liaise with Cllrs Attridge and Colvey to set a date for a WG meeting.

Members supported the Parish Clerk’s request to seek a quote for trimming of the inside of the hedges around the allotments. Action: Parish Clerk to approach local contractors accordingly.

To consider a proposal to take action to clear local pavements of weeds etc.

The Council Chairman introduced this topic by commenting on the work by the Guerrilla Gardeners currently underway to clear the pavement along the western side of Wareham Road from the R&C crossroads to the school. Regarding the “weed ripper” machine which had been identified, he observed that due to the conditions at the inside edge of the Wareham Rd pavement (soil spilling out from the bank) the machine was probably not suitable for this location, but may be very useful elsewhere in the village. It was therefore agreed that Cllrs Bush and Huggins would identify stretches of pavement around the village where the machine is likely to be effective. In the meantime the Parish Clerk would obtain a price from the gardening / groundsworks contractor for a one day of working with the “weed ripper” machine – to see how much can be achieved for a day’s hire. Action: Parish Clerk to speak to the gardening contractor accordingly.

To consider a proposal to investigate and suitability of anti graffiti coatings for the Skate Park.

The Parish Clerk drew attention to the fact that the recent offensive material had been removed from the Skate Park by the Handyman. It was recognised that cleaning the graffiti off or painting over it presents a clear space for more to appear. It was suggested that an approach be made to the Art department at Lytchett Minster School to offer the skate park as a “free canvas” upon which students might be encouraged to carry out an art project. Cllr Attridge agreed to write to the head of Lytchett Minster school to suggest this. Action: Cllr Attridge to write to the head Teacher at Lytchett Minster School to offer this opportunity.

To receive notes of a meeting with Dorset Council Rangers.

It was RESOLVED to receive these notes, a copy of which is associated at appendix 2 to these minutes.

To receive notes of a meeting with Dorset Council Highways.

It was RESOLVED to receive these notes, a copy of which is associated at appendix 3 to these minutes. In response to a question, it was clarified that the acronym WSP signifies a firm of consultants being used by Dorset Council Highways. It was noted that the warning signs on Eldons Drove should appear quite quickly. However a number of the other items covered in the notes may take considerably longer; and that it will be necessary to keep pushing Dorset Council for progress on the matters which they are responsible for.

With regard to the island adjacent to the Tesco Shop, emphasis is being placed on the health & safety aspects. It is understood that Tesco H&S Officers themselves consider the current operation involving their delivery lorries to be unacceptable.

To receive a report on defibrillator status, and to consider recommendations for next steps.

The Chairman explained that he wished to obtain the views of the Council members regarding whether to offer to Tesco take over responsibility for their defibrillator – as seen, and at no cost to the Council. He explained that this would enable the Council to make arrangements to ensure that it remains fit for purpose. This proposal received unanimous support from members.

The Chairman also suggested that a formal agreement is developed to cover the defibrillators which are mounted on premises not owned or controlled by the Council (i.e. Tesco, The Chequers, Aster Housing premises). This agreement should cover aspects such as the arrangements for use of electrical supply and wifi; and also to ensure continuity of public right of access to these units. Cllr Huggins agreed to research and develop a draft agreement to this effect. Action: Cllr Huggins to develop a suitable draft agreement for consideration of the Council, in liaison with Cllr Cottman.

It was also agreed that a proposal should be developed to ensure the ongoing monitoring and maintenance of all four defibrillators.

To consider items for the next Parish Magazine

Discussion took place concerning the next Parish Magazine. The following matters were identified for consideration for the Parish Council article:

· Clearance of pavements on Wareham Rd.

· Update on village centre project. Cllr Morgan indicated that he would prepare an initial draft on this. It was suggested that a version of up to 1 page would also be needed for the website.

· An update on Dorset Superfast (Broadband). Cllr Huggins advised that he would prepare a draft on this.

To note correspondence received.

(i) Cllr Huggins reported on a query from a resident on the progress and coverage of Dorset Superfast broadband in the village – which he had responded to.

(ii) Cllr Barker reported on the correspondence from the resident of Wareham Rd regarding possible breaches of the conditions within the planning permission for the development at 86 Wareham Rd.

(iii) Cllr Bush reported on correspondence from a resident of Loop Farm Rd concerning an offer to purchase Council land adjacent to the allotments. It was agreed that Cllrs Bush and Colvey would meet the resident to discuss this matter further.

(iv) Cllr Morgan reported on correspondence from a resident of High St expressing concern about the potential impact on her property from the proposed oak tree to be planted in the re-designed car park. It was noted that a reply had been sent giving details which should address her concerns.

The meeting closed at 20:35

Annotated by/on ………………………….Approved by/on ………………………

APPENDIX 2 – Meeting with Dorset Council Rangers

October, 5, 2020


Katie Black, Place Services, Dorset Council

Stuart Semple, Place Services, Dorset Council

Andrew Huggins, Lytchett Matravers PC

Alf Bush, Lytchett Matravers PC

Review of Service Level Agreement


Lytchett Matravers PC has engaged Dorset Council to maintain Jubilee Walk and Church Walk under a Service Level Agreement. This was due to start in April 2020, but due to C-19 will start on October 1, 2020.

The costs to the PC will be £0.25p per metre of right of way. Jubilee Walk is estimated to be 550m, Church Walk is estimated to be 430m. Total annual PC cost = £245.


Jubilee Walk :

DC will cut back this winter (2020/21) to increase the width to a minimum of 2m, and where possible wider to provide better longer clearance. This 2m measured from the ‘new’ post and wire fence westwards.

We will remove the low branch of the willow to improve headroom.

Church Walk:

DC will keep the current width (approx. 4m) between the ditch and the fence clear of vegetation, including the cutting down/removal of the regrowing willow and sycamore stump, for the length from the church to the top of the field.

In addition, we will put up a yellow waymarker to help others with the route at the Church end.

APPENDIX 3 – Meeting with Dorset Council Highways

October 5, 2020


Helen Jackson (HJ), Dorset Council Highways

Stephen Mepham (SM) ), Dorset Council Highways

Alex Brenton (Cllr AB), Dorset Council Councillor

Andrew Huggins (AH), Lytchett Matravers PC

Ken Morgan (KM), Lytchett Matravers PC

Rob Carswell (RC), Lytchett Matravers PC

Ralph Watts (RW), Lytchett Matravers resident

Alf Bush (ABu), Lytchett Matravers PC

Update on Lytchett Matravers Parish Council Highways Proposals

1. Update on actions from last meeting (11th May)

· ABu/RW to speak to the school to see if they would support the school entrance being moved. ABu has spoken to the school. School have said that they’re not averse to moving the pedestrian entrance depending upon the wider scheme for improvements outside the school.

· AB to check landownership/highways extent and then the PC can approach the relevant residents (by letter). SM sent plan to PC after previous meeting. PC have not progressed with letters to residents yet, due to uncertainty on specific details of proposed footway and Covid. HJ confirmed that the PC can still inform landowners of the proposed footway, detailed plans are not needed at this stage, it’s just the principle.

· SM to visit site with an estimator to arrange for the cost of repair of the damage to the island, etc to be available in advance of discussions with Tesco. SM updated on progress and said that there is a current backlog with the estimators but this site is on the list.

2. Progress on Projects

a. Primary School – Sustrans Community Project

This scheme is based upon the Sustrans Report and will provisionally focus on the informal school crossing on Wareham Road and possible traffic and parking restrictions/measures along Wareham Road during school times. The whole premise of the Sustrans analysis and report was because school traffic on Wareham Road was such an issue that the local residents raised a petition 2 years ago.

HJ confirmed that Dorset Council are commissioning WSP to progress this scheme from preliminary to detailed designs. Dorset Council will undertake the consultation/engagement with the local community.

ACTION: HJ will keep the group updated on timescales and progress and will provide all sketch plans provided by the PC to WSP.

b. i) Eldons Drove Lane (non-highway)

DC Assets & Property have now confirmed the licence has been approved for the PC to upgrade the Eldons Drove path to school rear gate. ABu has spoken to Mark Osborne who has confirmed that the licence has been issued but the PC are still waiting for a copy of this.

b. ii) Eldons Drove Footway

Eldons Drove options to include 20mph speed limit.

HJ confirmed that Dorset Council are commissioning WSP to progress this scheme from preliminary to detailed designs. Dorset Council will undertake the consultation/engagement with the local community.

ACTION: HJ will keep the group updated on timescales and progress and will provide all sketch plans provided by the PC to WSP.

c. High Street Crossing

HJ confirmed that Dorset Council are commissioning WSP to progress this scheme from preliminary to detailed designs. Dorset Council will undertake the consultation/engagement with the local community.

All options for the crossing will be considered by WSP, including a raised table and/or a build-out with textured road surfacing to define the crossing.

ACTION: HJ will keep the group updated on timescales and progress and will provide all sketch plans provided by the PC to WSP.

d. Huntick Road Cycleway

Selby’s Yard (6/2020/0213) planning application for light industrial units off Huntick Road is waiting for a decision. DC Highways response includes the provision of a cycleway on the frontage of the site along Huntick Road and a suitable crossing of the access road for cyclists and pedestrians.

With the Morrish/Wyatt Homes housing development and the proposed light industrial development, this will deliver a section of the first phase of the cycleway.

The PC will liaise with LM&U Town Council on their proposals around the Courtyard Centre to extend the footway from Dorchester Road.

HJ confirmed that Dorset Council are commissioning WSP to progress this scheme from preliminary to detailed designs. Dorset Council will undertake the consultation/engagement with the local community.

ACTION: HJ will keep the group updated on timescales and progress and will provide all sketch plans provided by the PC to WSP.

e. Recreation Ground Car Park

Works on the car park are almost complete including new access points to the High Street and also new drainage across the Recreation Ground linking with the existing drainage scheme to Eldons Drove. Car park works also include the installation of fast EVCPs through the JoJu agreement.

Post meeting note – other Town Councils (Blandford, Bridport and Swanage) across Dorset have installed EVCPs through agreement with JoJu and it may be helpful to speak to them to see what they did regarding TROs if JoJu raise this again.

The path across the Recreation Ground is almost complete and there was discussion around where the path meets Eldons Drove and concerns about children crossing the road. It was agreed that SM would arrange for a warning sign to alert drivers to pedestrians on the road to be installed on an existing post if in suitable location for eastbound direction only. This will be a temporary measure until the Eldons Drove footway scheme is in place.

ACTION: SM to arrange for warning sign to be installed on Eldons Drove (eastbound only) – pedestrians crossing.

There were also discussions about a 20mph speed limit on Eldons Drove which could be looked at in the design work to be undertaken by WSP.

f. Purbeck Parade Forecourt

SM has spoken to the Tesco store manager and agreed to meet with all businesses in Purbeck Parade to discuss the way forward on forecourt improvements – though it was noted that it’s the Tesco delivery lorries that damage the kerbing and grassed area so the PC will be asking Tesco to contribute towards the total cost (estimated £30k-£40k).

ACTION: SM to set up meeting with Purbeck Parade business reps and PC reps to discuss proposed improvements.

The Purbeck Parade improvements may require planning permission and all highways designs will need to be checked and agreed with Highways.


The Parish Council stressed that all of the schemes are linked together to deliver the bigger picture for the village as set out in the adopted Neighbourhood Plan, they are not isolated highways schemes.

ACTION: HJ confirmed that this message and all background information and supporting evidence (including surveys undertaken by the PC) will be passed on to WSP. WSP will share their preliminary designs with the PC



Date of next meeting – Early December 2020 ABu/HJ to liaise for suitable dates/times to be held virtually.

FinanceGenPurposes Committee Minutes 201014 Appendix 1 (Bank rec and budget reports Sept 20).pdf (PDF)

FinanceGenPurposes Committee Minutes 201014 (Word)

Finance & General Purposes Committee minutes 14th October 2020