Weds 24th April 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the Village Hall, Lytchett Matravers.

Council Office, Vineyard Close, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6DD Office 01202-624530

Public Participation Session (Standing Orders Suspended): An opportunity for members of the public to raise issues of concern or interest – e.g. ask a question, make a statement or present a petition. (Standing Orders Suspended).

Report from District Councillors (Standing Orders Suspended).

Report from County Councillor (Standing Orders Suspended).


1. To receive and consider apologies for absence.

2. To receive any declarations of interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.

3. To receive and resolve to approve minutes of Council meeting held on 27th March 2019.

4. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters (for the purposes of report only).

5. Chairman’s announcements (for the purposes of report only).

6. To offer a vote of thanks to Parish, District and County Council members who have served this community.

7. To receive and note the content of the minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting on 10th April 2019 (for the purposes of report only).

8. To receive and note the Annual Internal Audit Report on page 3 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2018/19.

9. To consider and approve the Annual Governance Statement (section 1, on page 4 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2018/19.

10. To receive and note the content of a report into the annual review of burial records.

11. To receive and consider a report on Sports Club Governance.

12. Establishment of a Village Gateways Working Group.

13. To consider allocation of CIL.

14. To consider planning application 6/2019/0219 Mr M. Wingfield. The Shooting Box, Middle Road, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6HJ. Sever the land and erect one dwelling with access and parking.

15. To receive and consider reports from the leaders of the Working Groups as follows:

Village Centre:

High Street Shared Space

Recreation Ground Pathways

Recreation Ground Ballcourt

Recreation Ground Bollards/Dolly Posts

Eldons Drove Lane

DCC Transfers:

– Youth Hall

– Library

– Astro Expansion

– New Sports Field

Village Communications:

– Broadband Improvement

– Mobile Signal

Neighbourhood Plan:

– Purbeck Local Plan

Transport links:

– Huntick cycleway

16. To resolve to approve the following payments already made:

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
4083 K Watson For purchase of building materials from Selco, Poole for Sports Pavilion refurbishment. 1224.75 244.95 1469.70

17. To resolve to approve the following payments due:

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
4084 T Watton Clerk’s salary – April (12 equal monthly payments by SO) TBA 0.00 TBA
4085 DCC LGPS pension contrib April 2019 TBA 0.00 TBA
4086 T Homer Handyman duties, March 2019 209.25 0.00 209.25
4087 Idverde Ltd Cemetery maintenance – March 2019 303.49 60.70 364.19
4088 Dorset Council Annual rental for land – Club Hall 15.00 0.00 15.00
4089 C F Selby & Son Machines and labour to cut tress etc back to hedge line on Church Walk 420.00 84.00 504.00
4090 S P Mills Supply soil and re-seed, Old School Green (340.00). Clear gutters, High St car park (180.00). Clear old growth on rec bunds (90.00). Cut hedges at lower end of High St car park (45.00). Trim Shrubs, Turbetts Green (20.00). Remove shrubs & Brambles, Huntick Estate corner (35.00) Cut back overhanging trees & shrubs on rec (75.00). 785.00 0.00 785.00
4091 Lytchett Matravers FC Reimbursement for cutting pavilion keys 32.00 0.00 32.00
4092 Lytchett Matravers Village Hall Electricity used in parish office 08/03/2018-20/03/2019 245.57 0.00 245.57
4093 DAPTC Fee for DAPTC annual conference. 140.00 0.00 140.00
4094 T Watton Reimbursement for cutting allotment keys (ASL Dorset Locksmiths) 13.33 2.67 16.00
4095 T Watton Reimbursement for payment of Dorset Community Action Annual membership fee, 2019/20 25.00 0.00 25.00
4096 A Bush Reimbursement of expenses incurred for materials for Annual Parish Meeting 34.18 6.83 41.01

18. To note any training undertaken by members or the Clerk in the past month (for purposes of report only).

19. To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents (for purposes of report only).

20. Correspondence received (for purposes of report only).

21. To note date of next meeting and items for future agendas.

Members are reminded that the Parish Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (including: race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, marital status and any disability); Crime & Disorder; Health & Safety; and Human Rights.

Parish Clerk: T. Watton Date: April 2019

Full Council agenda 24th April 2019 – 7pm in the Village Hall, Lytchett Matravers,