Held on Wednesday March 27th 2019 at 7:00 in the Blanchard Room, Village Hall, High St, Lytchett Matravers.

PRESENT were Cllrs A Bush (Chairman), M Colvey, A Huggins, K Norris, R Watts, P Webb, C Wood (from 19:35) and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).

Also present: Dist Cllr W Meaden, County Cllr P Wharf (from 19:20), and two members of the public.


In relation to the recent very productive litter pick event, a member of the public commented on a persistent problem at the lower part of Foxhills Road near the junction with the A35. She wondered if it would be possible to install a camera. In response the Chairman explained that it is understood that there are data protection and privacy issues involved. This point was confirmed by Dist Cllr Meaden, who drew on knowledge of similar situations handled by Purbeck Dist Council.

District Councillor’s Report

Cllr Meaden’s and Cllr Webb’s joint report is attached at appendix 1 to these minutes. Cllr Norris observed that it was good to read that a grant had been awarded to the Upton Day Centre. In response to a question from Cllr Bush it was clarified that the cutting of trees on the Wessex Water reservoir site referred to in the report did not include those at the front of the site where it borders Purbeck Rd.

The Chairman thanked the District Council members for their diligence and for what will be the last report, in view of the cessation of the District Council in April.

County Councillor’s Report

A copy of County Cllr Wharf’s report is attached at Appendix 2 to these minutes. Cllr Watts commented that he felt that the County and District Council officers and members had done an exceptional job in preparing for the transition to the new unitary authority in such a short time. He remarked that he understood that there was a view at principal authority level and above that the local government elections would not be affected by the possibility of having to hold European parliamentary elections in the event of a delay to Brexit.

1. To receive and consider apologies for absence – Cllrs A Cottman and R Carswell.


3. TO receive AND RESOLVE to APPROVE THE Minutes of The Full Council Meeting on 27th February 2019. It was RESOLVED to approve these as a true record of the meeting. The minutes were then duly signed by the Council Chairman.

4. TO RECEIVE and consider REPORTS OF PAST SUBJECT MATTERS (for purposes of report only).

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of the following report, which had been prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting by the Parish Clerk. The italics below indicates additional comments made by members at the meeting.

  1. Minute 7, 17th January 2018 – research of grant funding for defibrillator by Cllr Cottman. The Parish Clerk advised that the grant awarding body had confirmed that the application had been successful – although the money had not yet been transferred to the council’s bank account. Cllr Cottman and the Parish Clerk were thanked for their efforts in securing this.
  2. Minute 10, 25th April 2018 – Security of fences at Jubilee Walk. A meeting was held with as reported at last month’s meeting As reported at February’s meeting, Ms Black, DCC Ranger, had advised that DCC contractors would carry out a one-off exercise to cut out the middle section of the tree which bridges the path, to re-open it. This had been delayed by weather and other commitments for the contractors but she had advised that it should completed within the next 2-3 weeks.
  3. Public Participation, 25th July 2018 – condition of Church Walk. The Council hadreceived some information from DCC Ranger Black regarding a discretionary grand funding at DCC for improvement to path surfacing. She had not yet provided information on the matter concerning the designated path width (if there is one) for DCC maintenance purposes, and so the clerk had reminded her that this point is still outstanding. The clerk reported that he had incorporated risk monitoring items concerning the safety of users of Church Walk into the Risk Assessment document for Row Park Cemetery.
  4. Public Participation, 26th September 2018 – coronation memorial plaque. The Parish Clerk had written to the leader of the local history group to advise them of the council’s decision regarding a suitable location of the plaque on the triangle of land adjacent to the gate into Row Park Paddock from Church Walk. The letter also invited the group to make their own arrangements for its installation.
  5. Minute 18, 23rd January 2019 – Scribe Accounts package. The process of setting up the budget headings and cost codes, etc had been completed and the transaction data for 2018/19 YTD have also been entered, ready for transition to the cloud-based system for the 2019/20 financial year.

5. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS (for purposes of report only) The Chairman commented on the forthcoming event to be run by Sustrans in Wareham Rd on 28th March. He emphasised that the road would be closed between 13:00-16:00 and that a residents’ session was to be held in the school between 17:00-18:00.


6. To receive and note the content of the minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting on 13th March 2019 (for purposes of report only). It was RESOLVED to receive and note these.

7. To consider an application to Fields In Trust for project funding under their “Active Spaces” awards programme.Cllr Norris explained that the reason this had been included on the agenda was that funding is available through FIT for initiatives such as outdoor recreational facilities and it was considered that this might be suitable to support the Ball Court Project. An additional or alternative opportunity might be to provide some adult / outdoor gym equipment. It was observed that the next stage would be gauge local interest and support through a display at the Annual Parish Meeting. In the meantime it was RESOLVED to respond to FIT to indicate that the council would be interested in this funding opportunity, but that it is still working out the details and obtaining views on the level of community support.

8. To receive and note the content of a report into the annual review of burial records. In Cllr Cottman’s absence, this matter was deferred to the April meeting of the Full Council.

9. To receive and note the content of a report into the annual review of insurance cover. It was RESOLVED to accept and note the report from Cllr Wood and Huggins concerning the adequacy of the range and level of cover provided by the insurance policy.

10. To receive and note the recommendation from F&GP Cttee concerning the annual review of the Council’s Risk Register. It was RESOLVED to accept and note the report from Cllr Norris and the Parish Clerk concerning the completeness and accuracy of the updated Risk Register, a copy of which is attached at Appendix 3 to these minutes.

11. To receive and note the recommendation from F&GP Cttee concerning the annual review of the Council’s Internal Controls and Governance Schedule. It was RESOLVED to accept and note the report from Cllr Norris and the Parish Clerk concerning the completeness and accuracy of the updated Schedule of Internal Controls and Governance, a copy of which is attached at Appendix 4 to these minutes.

12. To consider further details of the content and approach to the Annual Parish Meeting. The Chairman explained and developed an approach to this year’s Annual Parish Meeting in which the initiatives and achievements of the council over the past year would be summarised on display boards in a week-long exhibition in the library. This would culminate in a public meeting between 10am and noon on Saturday 20th April to obtain feedback on the initiatives and also to gather additional ideas for the further development of the initiatives and also for new priorities for the future.It was RESOLVED to go with this approach; and so members were asked to reflect on this and feed any further thoughts on it to the Chairman.

13. To consider preferred locations for “Village Gateway” street furniture. It was noted that Mr S Mepham, Community Highways Team Leader, DCC, had forwarded information on designs for village gateways. He is willing to arrange a site meeting once the council has developed its ideas about whether to go ahead and, if so, their preferred locations and designs. DCC Highways Sign Shop (Mr Adam Marsh) is able to provide a quote for supply and fitting. It was RESOLVED that a Working Group would be set up to consider these matters, and if supported, to progress this initiative. Action: form and initiate a suitable Gateways Working Group.

14. To consider the clerk’s review and recommendations for updating the council information and scale of charges under the Model Publication Scheme produced by the Information Commissioners Office in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. It was RESOLVED to accept this recommendation and to adopt and publish the updated list of information and scales of charges.

15. To consider the effectiveness and suitability of the current banking arrangements for the council. The Parish Clerk reported that there are no issues to report with the council’s present banking arrangements with HSBC. These are working well and create no obstacles to efficient and effective council operations. He therefore recommended to members that the council notes this and approves their continuation. Members were however asked to note that a review of authorised signatories will be required once the declaration of persons standing for local council election is published – since it is already known that at least one current signatory will not be standing for election to the new council effective from May 2019.It was RESOLVED to accept this report and note the effectiveness and suitability of the council’s current banking arrangements.

16. To receive and consider a report on Sports Club Governance. It was RESOLVED to accept and note the content of this report prepared by Cllr Webb. A copy of the report is attached at appendix 5 to these minutes. The Parish Clerk then added a brief comment on the meeting he had attended with the Dorset FA representatives carrying out the playing pitch assessment. It is understood that the report of this assessment will be forwarded within the next 2 weeks.

17. To receive and consider the content of reports from the leader of the Working Groups as follows:

Topic Working Group Update
Village Centre High Street Shared Space Please see Cllr Carswell’s report at appendix 6 to these minutes.
Rec ground pathways Cllrs Bush and Carswell plus a local volunteer cleared a sample section of the path down towards the site of the former pond adjacent to Eldons Drove.
Rec Ground ball court Please see Cllr Huggins’ report at appendix 7 to these minutes.
Rec Ground bollards / dolly posts Please see Cllr Huggins report at Appendix 7 to these minutes.
Eldons Drove Lane Please see Cllr Bush’s report at appendix 8 to these minutes.
DCC Transfers Youth Hall Please see Cllr Bush’s report at appendix 8 to these minutes.
Library Please see Cllr Bush’s report at appendix 8 to these minutes.
Astro Expansion The tree stump removal and grading work remains to be completed.
New Sports Field Please see Cllr Bush’s report at appendix 8 to these minutes.
Village communications Broadband improvement Please see Cllr Huggins’ report at appendix 7 to these minutes.
Mobile Signal Project ceased. It was noted that Michael Tomlinson MP wrote to the mobile phone providers and they have responded stating that there is insufficient demand.
Neighbourhood plan Purbeck Local Plan Please see Cllr Bush’s report at appendix 8 to these minutes.
Transport Links Huntick Cycleway Please see Cllr Huggins’ report at appendix 7 to these minutes, also Cllr Bush’s report at appendix 8.

18. To resolve to approve the following payments already made:

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
4064 Dorset County FA Pitch improvement programme – inspection visit and report. 150.00 0.00 150.00

It was RESOLVED to approve the above payment.

19. To resolve to approve the following payments due:

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
4065 T Watton Clerk’s salary – March (12 equal monthly payments by SO) 883.15 0.00 883.15
4066 DCC LGPS pension contrib March 2019 350.56 0.00 350.56
4067 T Homer Handyman duties, February 2019 202.50 0.00 202.50
4068 Idverde Ltd Cemetery maintenance – February 2019 303.49 60.70 364.19
4069 Purbeck CitIzens Advice Grant – for CAB advice sessions at Lytchett Matravers Library 2315.56 0.00 2315.56
4070 British Telecommunications PLC Office phone and broadband Mar-June 2019 146.25 29.24 175.49
4071 Borough of Poole Repairs to vandalised Astro electric control box 179.40 35.88 215.28
4072 SSE Contracting Ltd Repairs to car park light 165.00 33.00 198.00
4073 Lytchett Matravers Football club Reimbursement for payment made for 10 weeks cleaning of pavilion @ £15 per week. 150.00 0.00 150.00
4074 SSE Sports Pavilion electricity account quarter 4, 2018-19 89.19 4.45 93.64
4075 A Bush Reimbursement for cost of copying Sustrans letter 46.67 9.33 56.00
4076 J&Bs Ltd Supply of plumbing materials for refurbishment of Sports Pavilion 5733.88 1146.80 6880.68
4077 Hillier recycling Ltd Skip hire for Sports Pavilion refurbishment project. 240.00 48.00 288.00
4078 HMRC P32 PAYE / ENI payment, quarter 4, 2018/19 898.79 0.00 898.79
4079 British Gas Sports Pavilion Gas supply 20 Dec 18 -19 Mar 19 155.88 7.79 163.67
4080 K Norris Reimbursement for expenditure incurred for postage to Fields In Trust and purchase of sacks for litter pick. 14.78 2.79 17.57
4081 A Huggins Reimbursement for expenditure incurred for 10 x litter pick bag hoops 57.90 11.60 69.50
4082 K Watson Replacement for uncashed cheque 838 (fitting gas box at Pavilion) 56.36 0.00 56.36

It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments.

20. To note any training undertaken by members or the Clerk in the past month. The Parish Clerk reported that he had undertaken the Scribe accounts package training. The Parish Clerk reported that he had attended the DAPTC annual conference at Kingston Maurward on Tuesday 26th March.

21. To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents.

The parish Clerk reported that the following items of small repair and remedial works, all below the de-minimus spending limit, had been put in hand:

  1. Cutting back branches on an overhanging tree on the Foxhills Open Space which is touching the roof of a nearby property; (i) public complaint, (ii) Risk Assessment item.
  2. Replacement of a drain cover outside the western end of the Sports Pavilion; Risk assessment item, tripping hazard.
  3. Filling pothole in grass on playing field adjacent to double doors to Sports Pavilion; Risk assessment item, tripping hazard.
  4. Handyman to check and remove plant growth on roof of bus shelter opposite Glebe Road; Risk Assessment item.
  5. Groundsworks contractor to remove very low branches on trees near to Children’s play area on Rec; Risk Assessment item.
  6. Handyman to replace metal strapping on dog bin midway across southern side of rec near the path; Risk Assessment item.

22. Correspondence.The Parish Clerk referred to correspondence from Mark Croft of the Lytchett Matravers Football Club (email 22nd March 2019) concerning their summer tournament due to take place on the weekend of 22/23rd June. They wished to seek the views of the council concerning the car parking arrangements. Cllr Bush indicated that he would explore some options with Mr Croft to minimise the disruption for regular users of the High Street car park.

23. To note date of next meeting and items for future agendas.

The next Full Council meeting is to be held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 24th April 2019 at 7pm.

The meeting closed at 20:43

Annotated by/on …………………………….. Signed by……………………

FullMinutes190327 Appendix1 (Dist Cllrs Report to Parish Council MARCH 2019).doc
FullMinutes190327 Appendix 2 (Dorset County Council April 2019).doc
FullMinutes 190327 Appendix3 (Risk register -Review Mar 2019).xls
FullMinutes190327 Appendix 4 (Internal control and governance schedule and action plan – Mar 2019)
FullMinutes 190327 Appendix 5 (Sports Club Report to LMPC)
FullMinutes190327 Appendix 6 (High Street Shared Space WG).pdf
FullMinutes190327 Appendix 7 (Project update 23 Mar 2019 Cllr Andrew Huggins)
FullMinutes190327 Appendix 8 (LMPC DCC-DC Status Report Mar 2019)

Full Council minutes 27th March 2019