Minutes of the Extraordinary meeting of LYTCHETT MATRAVERS PARISH COUNCIL
Meeting of Full Council, Weds 12th April 2023 at 7.00 p.m. in the Blanchard Room, Village Hall.
PRESENT were A Bush (Council Chair), Cllr M Attridge, V Abbott, A Huggins, K Korenevsky, K Morgan, and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk/RFO).
Also present: None.
1. To receive and consider apologies for absence.
Cllrs R Aspray, B Barker, H Khanna, B Lister, and P Webb
2. To receive any declarations of interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.
3. To request the Parish Clerk to progress the opening of an account on behalf of the Council with Lloyds Bank.
It was unanimously RESOLVED to APPROVE this.
4. To consider for approval the following resolutions required by Lloyds Bank as the Council’s Authority to the Bank to act on its instructions when given in accordance with the Authority:
1.We, the Organisation, hereby appoint Lloyds Bank PLC (“the Bank”) as our bankers and apply for the account(s) and service(s) as indicated to the Bank.
2. We authorise the Bank to operate our account(s) whether opened now or in the future in accordance with:
· The terms set out in sections two and three of the Authority; and
· The General Terms and Conditions and these terms are approved.
3. We, the Organisation, hereby agree that:
· A current account or accounts or (if applicable) a deposit account or accounts (“the account”) be opened with the Bank. For the purposes of the Authority references to “account or accounts” means the account whether opened now or in the future.
· The terms set out in the General Terms and Conditions and separate terms and conditions governing the use of the accounts shall apply to the accounts.
· The Bank is authorised to act on any instructions received from people named in Section 2 of the Authority (the “authorised signatories”) and in accordance with Section 3 (“Signing restrictions”) of that form, acting within the Authority to pay from or debit the account(s) either in writing or by any electronic or other automated payment or funds transfer system that the Bank makes available to the Organisation, by telephone, bank card, debit card, credit or by any other means that may be introduced by the Bank.
· The Authority will apply whether the account is in credit or overdrawn, even where the account will become overdrawn as a result of the debit.
4. The authorised signatories are authorised acting within the Authority to:
· arrange with the Bank from time to time for advances to the Organisation by way of loan or overdraft;
· withdraw and deal with any of the organisation’s property which the Bank may hold from time to time and;
· approve and authorise the execution on behalf of the Organisation of any contracts, agreement or other document with any part of the Lloyds Banking Group for the provision of banking services.
5. The Bank may act on any instructions given pursuant to the Authority provided by these resolutions without at any time making any enquiries as to the circumstances of the instructions or why such instructions were given.
6. The Bank is authorised to accept changes to this Authority from the authorised signatories acting within the Authority.
7. The Bank will be provided with the Rules and the Resolutions or Constitution of the Organisation for inspection and also with copies of any resolutions amending them that may from time to time by passed and certified by the Chairperson or the Secretary.
8. The Bank will also be provided with a list of the names of the officials of the Organisation and also with copies of any resolutions amending them that may from time to time the passed and certified by the Chairperson or the Secretary.
9. The Authority will not be affected by any change in the name of the Organisation but the Bank will be notified of any changes and the Organisation will complete all necessary documentation as requested by the Bank.
10. We have read and understood and agree to the terms set out in Section 4 of the Authority “Personal and Business Data and Lloyds Banking Group” on how your Organisation’s data will be used by the Bank.
11. It is certified that the above resolutions were duly passed in accordance with the Organisation’s Rules or Constitution (if any) and that the specimen signatures shown in section two of the authority are correct and that all signatories are duly authorised on behalf of all members to enter into legally binding obligations with the Bank on behalf of the Organisation.
It was unanimously RESOLVED to APPROVE points 1-11 above.
5. Council to note that in response to the recent request the following have put themselves forward, and have agreed to become signatories to the Lloyds Bank account: Cllr V Abbott, Cllr A Huggins, Cllr K Korenevsky, Cllr K Morgan and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk and RFO).
It was unanimously RESOLVED to note and APPROVE the above list of signatories to the Lloyds bank account.
6. To request the Parish Clerk to progress the opening of an account on behalf of the Council with Charity Bank.
It was unanimously RESOLVED to APPROVE this.
The meeting closed at 20:15
Annotated by/on ……………………………..Signed by……………………
Full Minutes (Extraordinary meeting) 230412.docx