Meeting of Full Council, Weds 24th May 2023 at 7.00 p.m. in the Blanchard Room, Village Hall.

PRESENT were A Bush (Council Chair), R Aspray, M Attridge, B Barker, A Huggins (Council Vice-Chair), K Korenevsky, P Webb and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk / RFO).

Also present: none.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION (Standing orders suspended)

There was none.


No Dorset Council Ward members were present. However Dorset Cllr Alex Brenton produced a report which had been made available to members ahead of the meeting. Members noted its content, and a copy is associated at Appendix 1 to these minutes.

There were no questions.

1. To receive and consider apologies for absence.

Cllrs V Abbott, H Khanna, and K Morgan,

2. Election of Council Chair and receipt of declaration of acceptance of office.

Cllr Bush was nominated by Cllr Huggins and the nomination was seconded by Cllr Korenevsky. There being no other nominations Cllr Bush was duly ELECTED and signed the Acceptance of Office accordingly.

3. Election of Council Vice Chair and receipt of declaration of acceptance of office.

Cllr Huggins was nominated by Cllr Bush and the nomination seconded by Cllr Korenevsky. There being no other nominations Cllr Huggins was duly ELECTED and signed the Acceptance of Office accordingly.

4. To receive any declarations of interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.


5. To receive and resolve to approve minutes of Council meeting held on 26th April 2023

It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting as true record of it. They were duly signed by the Council Chair.

6. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters on the minutes of the Full Council meetings (for purposes of report only).

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of the following report, which had been prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting by the Parish Clerk. Italics below indicate additional comments made during the meeting.

  1. Minute 17, Full Council 10th Aug 2022 – dog exercise area. Actions:

Removal of the bramble roots and re-seeding with grass. Mr Warr has confirmed that this will be carried out during week commencing 22nd May 2023.

  1. Minute 18, 22nd Feb 2023 – Parish Clerk to write to the Village Hall Management Committee with request for the replacement of the windows and frames in the Parish Council office. The Village Hall Management Committee asked about the possibility of using the same contactor as appointed for the Youth Hall work. This was raised with the YH appointed contractor and he quoted £1000 for this job. The Parish Clerk had written to the Village Hall Management committee to advise them of this. It was reported by the Clerk during the meeting on 24th May that the Chair of the Village Hall Committee had replied wishing to accept this quote but, due to their limited availability of funds, she had asked whether the Council might meet the cost initially and accept a part reimbursement from the Village Hall Committee. It was suggested that instead the Village Hall Committee may like to consider a grant request to the Council to support this. Action: Parish Clerk to reply to the VH Management Committee Chair accordingly.
  2. Minute 20.1, 22nd Feb 2023 – communication of outcome of grant request and the confirmation of Council responsibility for churchyard maintenance including the boundary wall. The Parish Clerk had written to the PCC accordingly; and also suggested that they may wish to seek additional quotes from providers approved by the diocese. A response was received from Rev. Partridge thanking the Council for this and confirming that they will seek the additional quotes. In the meantime a “Churchyard Maintenance policy” was prepared and approved by the Parish Council at its March 2023 meeting. Awaiting quotes for the required work on the boundary wall.
  3. Minute 25, 22nd Feb 2023 – offer from a mobile catering company to operate from the High St Car Park on Saturday mornings / Cllr Bush to speak to the Football Club about this. Following the discussion on this matter at the February Full Council meetingCllr Bush had spoken to the Football Club and confirmed that they had their own catering arrangements on Saturday mornings and did not feel that this offer fitted well with that. The applicant was been advised accordingly and the Council noted that the Football Club were asked to make their Saturday morning catering offering more publicly available. At the meeting on 24th May 2023 the Council Chair summarised the situation so far – highlighting that whilst the Football Club had indicated their intention to extend their service to an offering to the wider public, nothing had really changed – so the general public remain largely unaware of any opportunity. Discussion then turned to the need for further clarification regarding the service offering originally proposed by the mobile catering company in Feb 2023. The Parish Clerk was asked to contact them to clarify this and report back. Action: Parish Clerk to contact the original correspondent and obtain further details.
  4. Minute 27, 22nd Feb 2023 – consideration of site for bench as the Lytchett Astro / site visit and photos. A location for one bench agreed and at the March Full Council meeting it was noted that Cllr Huggins had obtained a quote for the required bench. This was agreed by the Council (item 7.1, 26 Apr 2023, 1st bullet point) and the bench has since been delivered. DISCHARGED
  5. Minutes 3, 4 and 5, Extraordinary Full Council meeting, 12th April 2023 – Opening of Lloyds bank account. The progression of Lloyds Bank account opening was the subject of the Extraordinary Council meeting at Full Council meeting on 26th April 2023. The Lloyds application process required submission of evidence of the declaration, plus a signed copy of the minutes. This final part of the submission was posted to Lloyds on Thursday 27th April. A response from Lloyds is now awaited. Each signatory should be contacted directly by Lloyds with their log-in details. It is understood that the account opening process can take up to 6 weeks. Awaiting finalisation by Lloyds.
  6. Minute 6, Extraordinary Full Council meeting, 12th April 2023 – to open bank account with The Charity Bank. The Clerk has now obtained the details of this bank’s Easy Access Savings Account (Business version, as advised by the Charity Bank’s Customer Support team), plus a hard copy of the application form and Terms of Business. These are currently being examined with a view to putting forward a proposal to the June F&GP meeting to enable approval at Full Council and completion of the application form for submission by the end of June 2023.
  7. Minute 18, 22 March 2023 – mandate for inactive Santander accounts. The Clerk has called Santander to discuss this. The process for updating the mandate involves the completion of a Change of Details form – which is now held by the Clerk. This will need to be supported by a copy of a Council minute listing the signatories to be removed (Keith Norris, Julie Dyball, Robin Miller, Maureen Munford and Dennis Gillard) and the new signatories to be added (still to be agreed). This will also need to be accompanied by a letter from the Council signed by the Chair, Vice Chair and Clerk also listing the signatories to be removed and added. Consequently a proposal for a suitable minute has been prepared ready for inclusion on the June F&GP Cttee meeting ready for final approval at the Full Council meeting on 28th June.
  8. Minute 14, 26 April 2023 – request from a local resident for parking restrictions to be introduced on Deans Drove (emailed to all members at 16:56 on 12th April 2023). At the Full Council meeting on 26th April 2023 the Parish Clerk was asked to respond to DC Parking Officer Marion Fisher to advise that the Council felt it more prudent to see and consider the full impact of the introduction of the planned Wareham Rd school crossing before considering the matter of any parking restrictions on Deans Drove – or indeed on any adjacent roads. This is because it is expected that the crossing will affect the wider dynamic. This stance is consistent with the advice from DC Officer Andrew Bradley. A response to the above effect has been sent to Marion Fisher.
  9. Minute 16, 26 April 2023 – to provide a mobile phone for the use of the Parish Clerk on Council business in support of remote working. The Parish Clerk followed up on a mobile phone deal with Tesco Mobile identified by Cllr Huggins. However following two lengthy calls with Tesco mobile, plus a visit to their phone shop, Tesco were unable to successfully progress the request in a way which treats the Parish Council as the customer. This matter will be picked up again when time permits.

7. Chair’s announcements (for the purposes of report only).

There were none.

8. To consider appointments to DAPTC Area and Larger Councils Committees.

It was AGREED that the Council’s representatives for 2023/24 will be Cllrs Attridge and Aspray.

Parish Clerk to speak to Neil Wedge – LMPC wishes to pursue more active involvement.

9. To consider appointments of Lytchett Matravers Youth Groups link, litter picking events co-ordinator, Rights of Way (footpaths & bridleways etc) representative, and liaison roles to other village organisations as required.

  • Youth Groups Link – Cllr Barker
  • Litter picks co-ordinator – Cllr Huggins
  • Rights of Way – Cllr Korenevsky
  • Village Hall – Cllr Abbot
  • Primary School liaison – Cllr Attridge

Regarding the matter of proposed informal liaison meetings with the Primary School, Cllr Korenevsky indicated that she would be happy to be involved. It is also understood that Cllr Khanna may also wish to contribute. Cllr Bush will speak to her about this.

10. To receive and note the content of the minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting on 10th May 2023 (for purposes of report only)

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of these draft minutes. Members were reminded that the project budgets had been reworked and clarified at the May F&GP Cttee meeting. An agenda item is to be included on the June F&GP Cttee meeting to formalise restructuring of the Working Groups. Action: Parish Clerk to add this to the F&GP Cttee agenda.

11. To receive and consider the report and recommendations of the review of the Council’s insurance cover.

Cllr Huggins had provided a report and recommendation on this matter which had been made available to members ahead of the meeting. A copy of this is attached at Appendix 2 to these minutes. During a subsequent discussion members indicated that they were satisfied with range and levels of cover offered by the current supplier in their renewal documents. It was AGREED to ask the Parish Clerk to seek further quotes to compare with that provided by the current supplier’s 3 year discounted deal; but to accept the current 3 year discounted quote if alternatives cannot be obtained and considered before expiry of the current insurance on 31st May 2023. Action: Parish Clerk to attempt to obtain comparative like-for-like cover quotes for consideration before 31st May 2023. Also to arrange the renewal on the basis of the current suppliers 3 year discounted premium if comparative quotes cannot be obtained and considered in time.

12. To receive a report from the Village Environment Working Group (for purposes of report only)

A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 3 to these minutes. There were no questions.

13. To receive a report from the Highways Working Group (for purposes of report only)

A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting. The Council Chair commented that the report itemises the range of matters this new Working Group is intended to cover. A copy of the report is associated at Appendix 4 to these minutes.

14. Receive a report from the Neighbourhood Plan 2 Working Group (for purposes of report only).

No formal written report because this Working Group had not met in the past month.

15. To receive a report from the Lytchett Matravers Youth Hall Working Group (for purposes of report only.

A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 5 to these minutes. It was noted that the work to replace the windows had now been completed, and that the drawings and statement of work for phase 1 had been discussed with Fairway. It is anticipated that the work will start in mid-June 2023.

16. To receive and consider the three quotes obtained for Building Regulation fees for the forthcoming LM Youth Hall works.

Cllr Morgan had produced a report considering the three quotes obtained for this. After consideration it was RESOLVED to accept the quote from JHAI at £500 + VAT.

17. To receive and discuss a report on the Coronation Picnic event.

The Chair drew attention to a report on this which had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting – a copy of which is at Appendix 6 to these minutes.

Reflecting on the popularity of the local celebration events to mark the Jubilee in 2022 and the coronation in 2023, discussion turned to consideration of possible future annual community events on the recreation field. It was recognised that if such an event were to take place in 2024 it would need to avoid clashes with other regular scheduled events such as the local football tournament in June, and the established carnival / festival type events in adjacent communities such as Upton / Lytchett Minster, Corfe Mullen and Sturminster Marshall. To that end, Cllr Webb agreed to speak to the Football Club; and that enquiries would also be made with Upton, Corfe Mullen and Sturminster Marshall about their events. It was also agreed that a Working Group, with community membership as well as Cllrs, would be needed to begin the process of planning and organising such an event.

18. To receive and note the AGAR 31/03/2023 Internal Audit report signoff by the Internal Auditor, Rosie Darkin-Miller; and to receive and consider Mrs Darkin Miller’s report and recommendations to the Parish Council on matters identified during the internal audit process.

The Council Chair talked through the series of suggested management responses and / or action on the points raised in the feedback report to the Council by Mrs Darkin-Miller. These were noted by the Council. The £30 burial fee overcharged in error is to be refunded, and the Parish Clerk and the Council Chair will explore the practicalities of separately tracking CIL monies within the Scribe accounting package. A copy of the audit report, with the agreed responses / actions, is associated at Appendix 7 to these minutes.

19. To consider a proposal to make meeting reports available prior to Parish Council Meetings.

This was AGREED, subject to a minor clarification of recommendation 3 i.e. that is reads “Reports can be requested by residents from the Parish Clerk up to 24 hours before the start of the meeting.” A copy of the agreed version of the proposal is associated at Appendix 8 to these minutes. Actions: Parish Clerk to (i) include a statement on all future agendas indicating the availability of reports to the public, on request from the Clerk, (ii) arrange for Dorset Cllrs to have access to the Dropbox folder.

20. To receive and consider for approval the CIL report for the year ending 31st March 2023.

This was noted and AGREED. A copy is associated at Appendix 9 to these minutes.

21. To resolve to approve the following payments already made:

To Whom For What Net VAT Total
British Telecom Office phone and broadband – Apr 2023 61.75 12.34 74.09
SSE Youth Hall electricity Charge Quarter 1 2023/24 78.78 3.93 82.71
Christopher P Manning Balance payment (50%) for hosting plus showband for Coronation event 1875.00 0.00 1875.00
The Charitable Emporium Provision of covered stage, PA system, mix engineer and stage crew for Coronation event 1250.00 250.00 1500.00

It was RESOLVED to approve the above payments already made.

22. To resolve to approve the following payments due:

To Whom For What Net VAT Total
T Watton Clerk’s salary – May 2023. 1138.80 0.00 1138.80
HMRC PAYE & ENI – May 2023. 388.75 0.00 388.75
Dorset County Pension Fund LGPS pension contrib May 2023 420.13 0.00 420.13
T Homer Handyman duties, April 2023 286.55 0.00 286.55
Idverde Ltd Cemetery maintenance May 2023 Inv no xxxxxxxx [NB: as of 24/05/23 this invoice had not been received] TBA TBA TBA
Lytchett Matravers Village Hall Hire of Hall for Coronation event 100.00 0.00 100.00
Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management Annual subscription 95.00 0.00 95.00
SLCC Annual subscription 187.00 0.00 187.00
A Huggins Reimbursement of expenditure of behalf of Council – Coronation event (banners, hazard tape, litter sacks) 137.02 0.00 137.02
A Bush Reimbursement of expenditure of behalf of Council – travel to B&Q, plants for bund (Part 1) 42.89 0.00 42.89
T Watton Reimbursement of expenditure of behalf of Council 17.36 0.79 18.15
Information Commissioners Office Data Protection annual renewal fee 35.00 0.00 35.00
Kate L porter Facepainting at Coronation event 205.00 0.00 205.00
The Play Company International Ltd 2 x benches plus delivery 1198.00 239.60 1437.60
Churches Fire Security Inspection & service of fire extinguishers etc at LM Youth Hall 147.01 29.40 176.41
Aerial Tree Services Dismantling of precarious broken horse chestnut branch in churchyard 350.00 0.00 350.00
Homestyle Glazing Ltd Balance of payment (50%) for LM Youth Hall window replacements 4075.00 815.00 4890.00
Excalibur Stone Refund of memorial fee payment incorrectly deposited in LMPC bank account. 158.00 0.00 158.00
A Bush Reimbursement of expenditure of behalf of Council – travel to B&Q, plants for bund (Part 2) 48.50 0.00 48.50
M Fletcher Allotment deposit refund (plot 24) 33.50 0.00 33.50

It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments – with the exception of the payment to Idverde for which the invoice is still awaited.

23. To note any training undertaken by members or the Clerk in the past month (for purposes of report only).


24. To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents (for purposes of report only).


25. To note correspondence received (for purposes of report only).

Cllr Bush referred to email correspondence concerning a proposal for a secure “corridor” between the school and the Lytchett Astro to enable students to access the Astro at break and lunchtimes without having to come out of the school premises onto Wareham Rd. He noted that the school have now indicated their support for this proposal. This matter will be picked up with the school by Cllr Attridge when the first of the informal liaison meetings takes place.

Cllr Bush also commented on two items of correspondence related to the Stonewater development on the Wessex Water reservoir site:

(i) Correspondence between a resident of Frys Close and Stonewater, and also between the resident and Dorset Cllr Alex Brenton concerning the grading of the site and related drainage which has had the effect of diverting run-off surface water into the gardens of properties in Frys Close

(ii) Correspondence between Cllr Bush and the relevant DC Planning Officer concerning the removal of the chain link fence which had originally served as the secure boundary of the reservoir site and which was supposed to have been removed as part of the completion of the development.

Cllr Aspray indicated that he would speak to a contact he has at Stonewater about both of the above issues; and also liaise with Dorset Cllr Brenton and the resident of Frys Close.

Cllr Aspray reported that he had received a response from Dorset Planning Dept concerning the status of an approval given under reference P/PABA/2021/05355. The reply explained that “it would not be necessary or expedient to revoke the prior approval because permitted development rights can only be relied upon to construct an agricultural barn that benefits from prior approval when all the permitted development criteria are complied with, which is considered at the point that work commences. A note to this effect will be added to the decision notice for P/FUL/2023/00458.”

Cllr Aspray also reported on correspondence with DC Planning Enforcement Team about Enforcement case EN/2022/00353 relating to potential progressive industrialisation of the field adjacent to the water tower at the western end of the High Street. The case had been ongoing since April 2021 but remains unresolved. The newly appointed Enforcement Officer is understood to be currently on sick leave.

Cllr Barker reported on a letter of thanks and appreciation from Michael Tomlinson MP for King’s coronation celebration event on the recreation ground on 7th May 2023.

Cllr Huggins referred to the correspondence from the primary school reporting that the Astro floodlights were seen on at 3pm. He reported that he had arranged for an electrician to attend to investigate and advise on adjustments to the timer / switching mechanism. Some work had been done to deal with the problem, but a further visit from the electrician was due on 24th May.

The meeting closed at 21:30 Annotated by/on ……………………………..Signed by……………………



Report by Dorset Cllr Alex Brenton – May 2023

Dorset Council Youth Fund

This may help the Youth Hall developments – The Dorset Council Youth Fund supports a range of activities with grants being offered from £500 to £5,000.

Organisations working with young people can apply for grants to deliver projects and activities within the Dorset Council area. Projects must provide access to positive activities or promote wellbeing. The money can be used for equipment and staffing costs, and fund projects that provide young people with opportunities to experience new activities they may not otherwise have access to.

Last year 24 projects received funding to enable young people to access positive activities and a total of 68 grants have been made over the last three years. The Youth Fund continued to support youth clubs and centres as a safe place for young people to meet with friends. It was also able to help a wide range of young people who might need some extra support including helping young carers to take a break from caring and groups supporting those with learning disabilities.

The panel making decisions about grants will be made up of three youngsters and three councillors, and a young person will co-chair with the Portfolio Holder for Children, Education, Skills and Early Help, Councillor Byron Quayle.

The fund is open to youth centres and clubs operating in the council area for the benefit of young people who live there. Organisations can only apply for this once a year and must have an annual income lower than £500,000.

You can find out more eligibility and how to apply at https://www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/your-community/support-for-voluntary-and-community-organisations/funding/dorset-council-youth-fund-grant-criteria-2023-to-2024

Applications must be submitted by Wednesday, June 14 to be considered.

Beryl Bikes

All your Dorset Councillors were on a meeting Friday week about starting a Beryl bike scheme in Corfe Mullen and Upton. This extends the scheme from Merley and Wimborne. It is separate from the BCP scheme.

The users have to sign in with an App and then pay per minute for the hire. It is thought unworkable to run the scheme to Lytchett Minster and Upton at the moment. The installation of the ‘stands’ costs as much as the bikes. The funding is allocated for up to 80 bikes and 12 stands. Bikes could be ridden from Upton to Lytchett but would have to be returned.

Affordable Homes in Purbeck.

New residents which have a local connection to the area are set to move in to the homes at Spyway Orchard, Langton Matravers.

The development is a mix of one-bed flats as well as two, three and four-bedroom houses. The new homes have been built using grant funding from Homes England, and delivered in partnership with Dorset Council, housing association Aster Group and developer Countryside Partnerships. All of the homes at Spyway Orchard have been allocated to residents from Langton Matravers or those with a strong connection to the area or the surrounding rural parishes.

The site includes bat boxes, bird boxes, bee bricks and a hedgehog highway which provides gaps in the fencing between gardens to allow hedgehogs to move freely.

Barge in Portland harbour

As part of an update from the multi-agency forum (MAF), it was announced that the Bibby Stockholm barge is still expected to arrive at Portland Port in early to mid June. Around 50 asylum seekers will arrive soon after as part of a staggered entry.

The barge is eventually proposed to house more than 500 men in 220 berths.

Provisions are being put in place for security, healthcare and communication with local stakeholders ahead of the arrival of the barge next month. There are still lots of questions about how this will run and not just be a prison ship.

Rural roads maintenance.

Work starts this May to maintain rural and residential roads as part of our annual programme of surface dressing.

Working times will be between 5am and 6pm and letters are sent to those households affected, with advice on road closures, suspension of on-street parking and any required diversions during these hours. We thank everyone in advance for their support and patience.

Surface dressing prolongs the life of roads by providing a waterproof seal, while also improving skid resistance. It is a vital part of our annual road maintenance programme, alongside patching, micro-surfacing, in-situ recycling, road preservation and resurfacing.

This year, around 400,000m² (approximately 95 miles) of road will be treated with surface dressing. Weekly road list is found online.

Dorset Cabinet and Lead Members reshuffle

Following the AGM there has been a reshuffle –

Cabinet members:

o Cllr Spencer Flower – Leader and Portfolio Holder – Governance, Performance & Communications

o Cllr Gary Suttle – Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercial and Capital Strategy

o Cllr Ray Bryan – Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel & Environment

o Cllr Jill Haynes – Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development & Transformation

o Cllr Simon Gibson – Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth & Levelling Up

o Cllr David Walsh – Portfolio Holder for Planning

o Cllr Laura Beddow – Portfolio Holder for Culture and Communities

o Cllr Byron Quayle – Portfolio Holder for People – Children, Education, Skills & Early Help

o Cllr Jane Somper – Portfolio Holder for People – Adult Social Care, Health & Housing

o Cllr Andrew Parry – Portfolio Holder for Assets & Property

Dorset Council’s constitution allows up to six Lead Members to be appointed by the Leader of Council, to support Cabinet Members with their portfolios.

Lead members:

o Cllr Bill Pipe – Education

o Cllr Mark Roberts – Safeguarding

o Cllr Cherry Brooks – Care & Health

o Cllr Graham Carr-Jones – Housing & Homelessness

o Cllr Noc Lacey-Clarke – Highways & Travel

o Cllr Andrew Kerby – Environment

Cllr Flower, Leader of Dorset Council, said: “These changes reflect the ten Cabinet Commitments in the Dorset Council Plan and ensure we have Cabinet portfolios aligned to those priorities.

So congratulations are in order for one of your local ward members.

Many Councillors – not just the Lib Dems are concerned about the lack of democracy and open discussion at Dorset especially with the reduction in face to face contacts and meetings. The proposal to investigate changing from Cabinet to Committee government is still not going to happen before the next election.

Win on Waste

Win on Waste continues with Alex and Andrew collecting on 2nd Saturday of the month, as long as the Scout Hall permits. We have started a petition on Change.org.uk to Make Pharmaceutical companies take responsibility for the waste as in Pill Packets they produce, at present we the consumers and Council pay to recycle or dispose of the debris of pill taking. We had a visit from Michael Tomlinson MP and have written to Denise Coffey MP asking for Government directives to the Pharmaceutical industry to be responsible.


Parish Council Insurance Review 2023

Date: May 2023

Reported by:

Cllr Andrew Huggins, Cllr Peter Webb, with input from Cllr Beverly Barker


We have reviewed the list of insured items. With the exception of the youth hall, we considered the list of insured items to be reasonable. We noted that the insurer has applied a blanket 20% increase on the insured value of listed items which is a generous reflection of inflationary rise.

We should add a cover of £20,000 for the Youth Hall for furniture, kitchen items and games equipment. This will not include any technology such as computers or TV at this stage.

Historically the youth hall building has been largely ignored by PC, and the insured value is just £16670. Now we are investing in the building we need to raise this to a more realistic value. Rebuild cost estimates vary between £400,000 and £1.1M for a modern modular (6-section) building. Phase 1 Refurb work has commenced but phase 2 will include cladding and roof.

We propose that, at this stage, we insure the building for £400,000. Once the Stage 1 works are complete we suggest seeking a professional rebuild valuation at that stage taking into account the planned stage 2 works. The insurer requires to be advised before stage 2 proposed (structural) works commence.

As with year 2022/3, the insurer has offered a discount if we commit to remain with them for 3 years. We recommend taking advantage of this offer which will give us a 9.5% discount over the single year premium.

Financial Impact:

Increase in insured values leads to increased insurance premium, but the overriding position is that we should be appropriately insured for the value of our assets.

In 2022/3 the total premium we paid was £3453. With the additional youth hall buildings and contents insurance, but with commitment for 3 years cover, the premium for 2023/4 will rise to £3548 which is a very modest (£95) rise, given the additional cover provided.


Add £20,000 insurance for contents for youth hall.

Increase Youth Hall buildings cover to £400,000

Commit to 3 years with current insurer.

Accept the proposal of £3548.87.


Village Environment Working Group – Summary Report. May 2023

Working Group Objective:

To identify areas of concern/opportunity within the physical environment of the Village and propose responses. A Progress Mtg has should be convened soon – 5th, 7th (from 2015hrs) or 8th June?

Note:- Highway matters now to be dealt with by separate working Group.

Working Group Participants:

Ken Morgan, Alf Bush, Andrew Huggins, Karen Korenevsky, Vicky Abbot, Hannah Khanna


1. School – New Car Pk?

2. School Walk – Extend path across school field? Negative response from School.

3. Hannams Close entrance enhancement. Bench in position. Discuss with management company.

4. Sports/Scout Bldgs High St frontage. Design to be agreed.

5. Pond –J.K now eliminated.

6. Boules/Petanque Pitches – Layout/positions agreed.

7. Finger post Renovations – Progress on Upper X with discounted parts available. Assemble volunteer team for training + seek sponsorship.

8. Dog Area – additional planting being added as and when available.

9. Jubilee Walk – restriction required at Huntick Road end?


· Dorset Council Highways + Planning/Local Plan. School cooperation. Funds.

Status/Next Steps:

· Develop design for Sports Pav/Scout Hut/PC stores.

· Boules/Petanque Pitches + Pond + Hannams Gate – Develop designs and invite tenders.

· Work up Hannams Gate design and obtain tenders.

Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT)

2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
Expense to date Benches, gym, dogs, path, seat 35
Forecast (based on Precept debate costings with adjustments) Sch Path, Boules, TT tables, SpPav gap, ………………………………80 Astro C Pk 200
Total 35 80 200


Highways Working Group – Summary Report

May 2023

Working Group Objective:

Review of all Highways related projects and establishing close liaison with Dorset Council Highways.

Working Group Participants:

Andrew Huggins, Ken Morgan, Alf Bush, Peter Webb, Beverly Barker, Rob Aspray


PC projects that require Dorset Council Highways interaction and agreement. To set up a more formal working arrangement with DC Highways to progress those projects.

Project Details:

1. School Crossing – application made. Liaise with GDH on next steps (consultation, etc.)

2. Huntick Road Cycleway – obtain approval for next section from Rozalia Meadows to Jubilee Walk

3. High Street Crossing – apply for permission to install

4. Tesco Island – Create formal notice to Tesco of intentions with DCH approval

5. 20 MPH Zones – Apply for central village area to be set to 20 mph.

6. Drop crossings.

Status / Next steps:

· Cycleway – Proceed with 2m wide path on basis of footpath rather than formal cyclepath?

· High St Crossing – work up tech details and apply to DC.

· Tesco frontage – write to Tesco requesting their cooperation/part funding.

· 20mph. Prepare formal application but, pending that, make representation to DC (at all levels) pointing out the shortcomings and over-bureaucratisation of their Policy/application process, bearing in mind the 12month review coming up in the autumn.

Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT) 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26
Expense to date


LM Youth Hall Working Group – Summary Report. May 2023

Working Group Objective:

To review the status & condition of the Youth Hall and set out new business plan for use.

Working Group Participants:

Beverly Barker, Ken Morgan, Chris Wilson, Alf Bush


The PC are the owners of the Youth Hall; land is leased from DC until December 19, 2056. The PC has been in discussion with DC re: the transfer of the land to the PC. This was approved by DCC on December 6, 2017. The Lighthouse Church relinquished their tenancy on June 30, 2022.


The PC intends to use the building primarily for youth purposes, but will be renovated to be a multi-purpose public community space.

Stage 1 – Getting the building back into use with a solid business plan.

Stage 2 – Renovating the building to full CCE standards.

Status / Next Steps:

Stage 1 Status:

· Replacement windows have now been fitted throughout.

· Following approval, detailed discussions have taken place with Fairway. This included a full set of revised detailed drawings, a detailed Statement of Work, particular discussion regarding the asbestos risk and all H&S requirements.

· Tentative start of main building work – mid June

We have obtained quotations from 3 Building Regulation agencies.

Financial forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT) 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26
Expense to date 10
Forecast 50 75
Total 60 75


Coronation Picnic – Summary Report

May 2023

Event Details:

The Coronation Picnic day built on our experience with the Jubilee in 2022. The organisation included:

· Full stage and sound system used by all participating musicians & groups [Charitable Emporium]

· Large pyramid tent for shade [Charitable Emporium]

· Arrangement of hay bales for seating & pre-managing semi-circle layout around stage

· Bunting hung along Rec car park

· Engagement of various entertainment bands from 14.00 to 19.00 [see list overleaf]

· Permission for R&C to use Sports Pavilion as the pop-up bar on the Rec

· Bouncy Castle next to Millennium viewpoint

· Within VH: face painting & crown making

· Mini-train rides on VH terrace

· Public toilets & First Aid station established in Sports Pavilion

· Engagement of mobile catering van [Cuppa Crew] and ice cream van [Rob Ferrett, aka IceCreamBournemouth]

· Additional stalls provided by:

o Guides/scouts: sustainable gardening & information on club activities

o Lottie’s Chocolates: Local Chocolate / sweet trader

o Spa To Go: skin care products

o Youth Club tuck shop

· Promoted on LMPC website, Parish Mag, community FB pages & three 6×2 banners (Tesco’s Island, Memorial corner & Blaneys Corner]

· Pre-prep: booked VH & Sports Pavilion, mowed Rec, hired 4 additional litter bins from DC

The financial costs was covered by the PC and totalled £6,000.


The organisation laid the foundation for the success.

The weather ensured there was a large turnout to enjoy the day.

Next Steps:

1. What type of similar event should the PC organise in future?

2. How should it be organised?

3. How should it funded?

4. How to re-engage the participation of the school?


Internal Auditor’s report to Parish Council for YE 31 March 2023

Please see separate file.


Availability of Parish Council Reports

May 2023


Currently, Parish Council reports are available only to councillors prior to meetings. They are not available to either Dorset Councillors or to residents. Usually they will be attached as appendices to the minutes approved at the following meeting in one month and then posted to the Parish Council website for wider view. This may then be 5 to 6 weeks after the reports were considered.


1. To further promote openness on Parish Council discussions, it is proposed that:

2. All reports should be made available to Dorset Councillors. Their participation based on a wider perspective may be pertinent to the subject under discussion.

3. Reports can be requested by residents from the Parish Clerk up to 24 hours before the start of the meeting.

Next Steps:

· The standard report format is accessibility compliant, which is a requirement as a public institution.

· These are intended to be summary reports and should be 1 page. Appendices can be attached, but the one page should try to summarise all issues.

· To meet the above, reports must be delivered to Dropbox 48 hours prior to the meeting.

· Preparers should be cognisant that their reports will be available in the public domain and will not normally be edited and/or checked by the Parish Clerk. So they need to be accurate, spell-checked and website accessible.


Lytchett Matravers Parish Council Annual CIL Report for the year ending 31st March 2023

Regulation 62A Monitoring Report for Parish and Town Councils

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) imposes a charge on certain new developments, based on the size of the properties being built. This is designated to underwrite the cost of improving the infrastructure within the village.

This report is required by Regulation 62A of the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended). It must be published by 31 December each year and made available on the Parish Council website.

Reporting period: CIL Monies received by the Council in the year 2022/23

Reg. 62A Reference Description Response (amount) Amount
2 (a) CIL Receipts – Total amount received in financial year 2022/23 £90,215
2 (b) CIL Expenditure – Total amount spent in financial year 2022/23 £40,401
2 (c) Summary of CIL expenditure during the financial year including: i) The items to which CIL has been applied ii) The amount of CIL expenditure on each item Sports Pavilion environmental upgrade (supply and install TESLA powerwall)

Rec upgrades – benches and picnic tables.

Dog exercise area

Library Walk path

Skate park refurbishment






2 (d) Details of any repayment notices received in accordance with Reg. 59E, including:

i). Total value of CIL receipts subject to notices served under Reg. 59E during the reported year;

ii). Total value of CIL receipts subject to notices served under Reg. 59E in any year that has not been paid to the District Council by the end of the reported year



2 (e) (i) CIL Retained – Total amount of CIL received in financial year 2022/23 and retained (unspent) at the end of the reported year (2022/23) £90,215
2 (e) (ii) Total amount of CIL received in previous year(s) and retained (unspent) at the end of the reported year 2022/23 £11,317
2 (e)(i)+ 2 (e) (ii) = Total CIL receipts retained (unspent) £101,532
Projects to which CIL funding has been applied/allocated to, but not yet spent. Youth Hall refurbishment, stage 1.

High Street Crossing

Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer: Tim Watton Date: May 2023

Full Minutes 230524.docx
Full Minutes 230524 Appendix 7 (Internal Auditor’s report to PC for YE 31 Mar 2023 – with agreed management responses).docx

Full Council minutes 24 May 2023