Lytchett Matravers Parish Council

 Minutes of the meeting on Thurs Jan 7th 2016 in the Methodist Church, Wareham Rd, Lytchett Matravers at 7:00

PRESENT were: Cllrs C Wood, M Colvey, A Huggins, E Wilson, P Webb, J Taylor, D Bevan, and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk)

Fourteen members of the public were also present.


Cllr Wood open to the meeting by welcoming everyone present. She explained that due to its urgency and importance consideration of an additional planning application had added to the meeting, despite it being received from Purbeck District council too late to have been included in the advertised agenda. Indeed, she ascertained that the 40 members of the public who were present had attended to contribute to, or listen to the discussions regarding this particular application: – 6/2015/0755, High Street (Land to rear of Chequers Inn), Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6BJ, Erect ten dwellings with associated car parking and engineering works; form new vehicular access from Hopmans Close; modifications to services and ground levels.


  1. APOLOGIES: Cllrs A Bush, A Cottman, R Carswell


  1. DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST: There were none. It was however noted that the Council members would be considering an application (6/2015/0747) submitted by the Parish Council.


  1. Public participation (standing orders suspended). Several members of the public wished to speak about application 6/2015/0755. This began with a prepared written statement by Mr. Rowan Watts. A transcription of the statement is attached at Appendix one to these minutes.


The following additional points were then raised:

Mr Harberd-Edwards – Concerns about additional traffic and parking arising from this development.

Mr Freeman – Added points about traffic and parking and the effects on road safety, pointing out that the access to the site will be on a bend and therefore with limited visibility.

Mr Richins – Pointed out that the aerial view provided within the plans is misleading in terms of illustrated garden sizes in relation to house sizes on the proposed development.

Mr T Smith – Asked what powers the Parish Council Planning Committee have regarding the use of off- road parking.

Mr C LeCompte – sought clarification regarding the former Parish Plan for Lytchett Matravers in comparison with emerging Neighbourhood Plan.  He noted that in the earlier document there was no indication that housing development would be in the vicinity of the High Street / Wareham Road crossroads area, and therefore this latest proposal appears to go against that.  Cllr Webb responded to this by referring to the Purbeck Local Plan and explaining that this piece of land is within the settlement boundary for Lytchett Matravers and therefore, under the terms of the latest District document, is developable.  He explained that the Neighbourhood Plan is not yet set in stone, but Purbeck District Council could give consideration to its content and aspirations. Mr LeCompte pointed out that this development proposal includes no provision for pavement between the new dwellings and the High Street, so people will have to walk in the road to access it.

Mr Gibb – Explained that his concerns were related to the development and prompted by it; but that he wished to raise a discussion about a wider problem of what he described as “undisciplined and anti-social parking” on the main through routes throughout the village as a whole.  This point was noted that it was explained that this topic goes beyond the remit of the Lytchett Matravers Planning Committee – and in any event was not covered by this particular meeting agenda. It was acknowledged that this is a problem within the village as a whole and it is a matter that would be worth exploring further.  It was also pointed out that the Council have been concerned about this matter over a number of years and has taken action to do what it can about this within the limited powers it has.  It was also pointed out that the Parish Council is not in control of roads – but that this is a matter for Dorset County Council Highways Department. Those present were encouraged to voice their objections in relation to this application regarding the matter of parking and road safety direct to Dorset County Council, as well as raising objections with Purbeck District Council.  Cllrs Bevan, Taylor and Webb also commented that the emerging Neighbourhood Plan indicates that all future development should provide adequate parking as part of development proposals.  Finally Cllr Wood assured those present that the Parish Council would review the wider problem of parking in the village again as a formal agenda item in another meeting.


  1. Minutes of meeting held on 5th November 2015 were unanimously agreed as an accurate record and were signed by the meeting Chairman.



6/2015/0473 OOTA Property Ltd. 4 Penrose Close, Lytchett Matravers, BH16. Severance of curtilage, erection of bungalow with detached garage and formation of new access from Burbidge Close. PASS shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

6/2015/0582 OOTA Property Ltd. Site rear of 1 Foxhills Crescent, Foxhills Road, Lytchett Matravers. Sever land and erect detached two bedroomed chalet bungalow with access from Foxhills (amended scheme to PP 6/2014/0643 to reduce plot and building size). PASS shows that this application has been approved by PDC.

6/2015/0602 OOTA Property Ltd.19 & 20 Huntick Estate, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6EB. Variation of Condition 11 of PP 6/2012/0734 (Demolish existing bungalows at 19 and 20 Huntick Estate and erect 5 new dwellings with associated access and parking) to allow the restricted opening of some obscure glazed windows. PASS shows that this application has been withdrawn.

6/2015/0612 Arqiva Ltd. Charborough Tower, Charborough Park, Morden, BH20 7EN. Installation of 1no. 0.6m dish mounted to 1no. support pole. PASS shows that this application has been withdrawn.

6/2015/0647 Mr & Mrs R Ellis.  Eidelweiss, Burbidge Close, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6EG. Erect first floor side extension. PASS shows that this application has been approved by PDC.

6/2015/0662 Mr Day. 19 Huntick Estate, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6EB. Erect single storey garage extension with monopitch roof. PASS shows that this application has been approved by PDC.


  1. 6/2015/0728 Mr and Mrs John Lindon. 9 Ballard Close, Lytchett Matravers, Demolition of existing garage, erect extensions to form utility and garage and en-suite bathroom and replacement of flat roofs with pitched roofs. NO OBJECTION


  1. 6/2015/0747 Lytchett Matravers Parish Council, High Street (Recreation Ground Car Park), Lytchett Matravers BH16. Change of use from a car park to a dual use of car park and A5 takeaway use. NO OBJECTION


  1. 6/2015/0755 AMB Developments Limited. High Street (Land to rear of Chequers Inn), Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6BJ. Erect ten dwellings with associated car parking and engineering works; form new vehicular access from Hopmans Close; modifications to services and ground levels. After reviewing the detail of the plans and taking into consideration points raised by the public in the public participation session associated with this meeting, the members wished to raise an OBJECTION to the proposal on the grounds of it being over-development of the site – in that it is an inappropriately high density, with buildings inappropriately close to the boundary, and out of character with the townscape of the surrounding area. It was noted that there is no provision for safe access to the high street by pedestrians. There were concerns about the proximity between the development and the pub car park / seating area behind the pub which is likely to result in problems of noise, and that the parking provision is less than that included within the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan. More specifically, this proposal does not meet and respect a number of policies within be Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan, namely:
  • The architects are well aware of the emerging Neighbourhood Plan and it does not comply with the Parish Council supported vision and direction for development within the village.


  • Policy 2: no public consultation has taken place, nor does the application demonstrate how the emerging plan has been taken into consideration, despite the architects knowing full well that it has been produced.


  • Policy 3: the cramped nature of the development does not preserve the character of the area nor adhere to the design (development) principles set out in the plan.


  • Policy 4: new development should look to introduce home-zones and provide two car parking spaces per dwelling. It is made clear that a garage will not be accepted in lieu of a car parking space and research has proven that garages are not an efficient way of providing a car parking space and should not be counted as such.


  • Development Principles: the development fails to integrate with the village, as mentioned at the meeting there is no safe footpath to connect the site directly to the centre of the village.



  1. CORRESPONDENCE. There was none.


  1. MATTERS OF INTEREST. There was none.


The meeting closed at 19:55


Modified by/on ………………….  Signed by/on ………………….

PlanningMinutes 160107 Appendix 1 Statement by Rowan Watts

Minutes of Planning Committee meeting 7th Jan 2016