Objective is to renew the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan (LMNP) in readiness for the Dorset Local Plan.

The current LMNP was limited in scope by Purbeck District Council and further by the examiner. The plan was prevented from identifying any type of development and in addition many policies/strategies for the community were removed. e.g. infrastructure and employment requirements.

A renewed LMNP is required to address the chronic erosion of the green belt over the last 40 years, to ensure development is beneficial to the community in addressing its needs. i.e. sustainability, CCE net zero, design standards, local employment, community infrastructure and amenities.


  • PLP2 adoption
  • DLP next consultancy stage

Status/Next Steps:

  • Selected Jo Witherden to advise on NP2. Meeting scheduled for Mar. 3rd.
  • Selected Stephen Morgan as barrister to advise on potential JR. Draft notes prepared for review.
  • Reply received from Wyatt Homes – non-committal
  • Letter sent to Dorset Council re: Wareham 95 – no response but letter added to application
  • Letter sent to Cllr David Walsh on clarification of PC role in Planning – no response to date
  • PC has joined CAN/CPRE campaign to reduce the number of houses in the DLP from 39,000 to 22,000.
  • NP2 WG to develop core objectives – draft policies underway
  • PC has applied for and received Locality grant for consultant expenses to end March
  • Set up next NP2 WG meeting – March 15th.

You can also download a copy of this summary here (as a PDF).

NP2 Working Group February 22 Update
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