Meeting held on Wednesday November 13th 2019, at 7.00 p.m. in the Methodist Church, Wareham Rd, Lytchett Matravers

PRESENT: C Wood (committee Chair), M Attridge, B Barker, A Bush, M Colvey, A Huggins, C Maher, R Watts, P Webb and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk). No members of the public were in attendance.

Public participation:

There was none.

1. APOLOGIES. Cllrs R Carswell and A Cottman

2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest; and consideration of requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.Cllr Wood declared an interest in item 7 below (Planning application 6/2019/0585) because the proposal site is neighbouring to her property. She took no part in the discussions of that agenda item.

3. To receive and approve minutes of the Finance & Policy Committee meeting held on 9th October 2019. The minutes were ACCEPTEDas a true record and signed by the committee Chairman.

4. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters. The following matters were included in the Clerk’s report of past subject matters. [nb: comments made or decisions taken at the meeting are shown in italics]

i. F&GP, 13th February 2019, Minute 12 –Health and Safety Policy, a draft revision of the revised / updated policy had been passed to the members who agreed to review it. It was noted that this is the subject of a separate agenda item (by item 8 below).

ii. F&GP Cttee, 12th June 2019, Minute 20 Role of Parish & Town Councils in the planning consultation process – Cllr Bush is now pursuing communication with David Walsh on issues arising from this matter. He reported that he had exchanged emails with DC Officer Anna Lee; and members noted that the focus is on the role of Parish & Town Councils in the process for considering planning applications. Attention was drawn to a document published by Winsham Parish Council (Somerset) which attempts to interpret and define that role. It is intended that LMPC should offer a statement to David Walsh at Dorset Council based on the Winsham document and invite his comments. CARRIED FORWARD

iii. F&GP Cttee, 14th August 2019, minute 9 – Gap in the am peak bus service arriving in Poole. It was noted that whilst this was written into the PLP Infrastructure Delivery Plan as an option it was not taken forward as a Local Plan issue. Consequently if the Parish Council wishes to contribute to the introduction of a service to bridge this gap it would be necessary to talk to the Dorset Council about it.

iv. F&GP Cttee, 19 October 2019, minute 6 – Annual Licence with Lighthouse church for Club Hall – Review of licence fee by Cllrs Bush and Watts. Cllr bush reported that he and Cllr Watts had exchanged emails about this. They had recognised that the matter should be considered also in the light of the annual ground rental charge to the Scouts for their premises – possibly also taking into consideration the alignment of expiry dates of the leases for these two organisations. Carried forward

v. F&GP Cttee, 19 October 2019, minute 6 – review of food vending licence. Parish Clerk to add this to a future agenda of F&GP. November and December agendas judged to be too full; to be included in the new year.Cllr Attridge indicated that he would pursue an application for change of use for the recreation ground car park to enable a possible expansion of food vending activity. It was noted that the details of the food vending licence and the related fees would be reviewed In January 2020.

vi. F&GP Cttee, 19 October 2019, minute 10.2 Cllr Cottman to arrange for improved access car park gate lock (VH end) by removing part of cover. In view of the absence of Cllr Cottman no report was available. Carried forward

vii.Planning application responses sent to the DC Planning Team:

Planning application 6/2019/0441 Harlequin Homes. The Shooting Box, Middle Road, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6HJ. Sever plot, erect two dwellings with access and parking. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application 6/2019/0439 Little Garth Dolmans Hill Lytchett Matravers BH16 6HP. Demolish existing dwelling and garage and erect a replacement dwelling and garage. DC planning portal shows that this application has now been approved.

Planning application 6/2019/0453 Whytewood Lodge, Jennys Lane, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6BP. Outline application to sever land and erect a dwelling (all matters reserved). DC planning portal shows that this application has now been approved.

Planning application 6/2019/0455 Treetops, Flowers Drove, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6BX. Single storey side extensions. Erect detached carport with office above. DC planning portal shows that this application has not yet been determined.

Planning application 6/2019/0493 Highbury, Eddy Green Road, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16. Erect two storey rear extension. DC planning portal shows that this application has now been approved.

Planning application 6/2019/0530 Lewis Wyatt (Construction) Limited. Land off Flowers Drove, Lytchett Matravers. Change of use of land to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) & associated car park. DC planning portal shows that this application has not yet been determined.

Planning application 6/2019/0528. 3 Foxhills Crescent, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6BEFlowers Drove, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6BX. Erect a two storey extension. DC planning portal shows that this application has not yet been determined.

Planning application 6/2019/0538 Quarr Grange, Halls Road, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6EP. Erect agricultural barn. DC planning portal shows that this application has not yet been determined.

Planning application 6/2019/0548 Caroline Cottage, Prospect Road, LYTCHETT MATRAVERS, BH16 6ED. Variation of condition 2 of pp 6/2016/0721 (Subdivide plot and erect single dwelling in front garden of existing cottage, and single dwelling in rear garden of existing cottage with new access from Prospect Road and associated car parking) to increase floor area of dwelling A to create an extra bedroom. DC planning portal shows that this application has not yet been determined.

5. To receive and note the 2019/20 bank reconciliation. A copy of the bank reconciliation is attached at Appendix 1 to these minutes. Members also examined copies of the relevant bank statements. It was RESOLVED to accept and approve this reconciliation.

6. To receive and consider a report covering 2019/20 year End council income and expenditure. The reports were circulated to all members by the Parish Clerk. It was RESOLVED to accept and approve these. Copies of the report and the Sports Club financial tracker are attached at appendices 2 and 3 to these minutes.

7. To consider planning application 6/2019/0585 Bracken Developments Limited. Former Royal British Legion Club, Wimborne Road, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6HQ. Demolition of the former, vacant, Royal British Legion Club building and the construction of 9 dwellings with car parking and landscaping. The Council notes that this application is a reiteration of an earlier proposal for 9 dwellings which it objected to, was subsequently refused by the Planning Authority and that decision was then upheld by the planning inspector. Since nothing has occurred to alter the Parish Council’s view it wishes to repeat its earlier OBJECTION on the following grounds:

(a) over-development in terms of inappropriately high housing density on the site which is not in keeping with the surrounding street scene and adjacent properties,

(b) insufficient provision of off-road parking in relation to the proposed number of bedrooms. This is a particular concern because there is also no opportunity for on-street parking immediately nearby since the adjacent section of Wimborne Road is a dangerous bend over the brow of a hill.

(c) The Parish Council notes that the proposal crosses the greenbelt boundary (and marked on the plans as such). This is inappropriate in that it compromises the “openness of the greenbelt”.

8. To consider a report from Cllrs Attridge and Cottman into a review of the draft revised H&S Policy. Cllr Attridge reported back on this. He indicated that the draft policy had been found to be acceptable. He had noted some minor improvement points to consider, including the need to clarify the actual frequency rather than using the expression “regular” where actions are indicated, and also to ensure there is an overt link to the council’s risk assessment activity and documentation. Cllr Attridge indicated that he would circulate his report to all council members for comment in time for formal consideration at the next F&GP Cttee meeting. Action: (a) Cllr Attridge to circulate his report, (b) All members to review this and feed comments back to Cllr Attridge ahead of the December F&GP Cttee meeting.

9. To consider a proposal to have a replacement full set of allotment plot markers made and installed. Cllr Huggins volunteered to investigate the availability and suitability of recycled plastic posts for this purpose. Actions: (a) Cllr Huggins to investigate and report back accordingly. (b) Parish Clerk to forward a copy of the allotments plan to Cllr Bush.

10. To consider a proposal for the reinstatement of the Annual Maintenance contract for the Skate Park with Evolution at £300pa (excl VAT). Unanimously Resolved to approve.

11. To receive and note a photographic record of the invasive plant growth on the recreation ground and the impact of remedial action taken. A copy of the record which had been circulated to all members is attached at appendix 4 to these minutes. It was RESOLVED to receive and note this, and to update and review it again at the F&GP Cttee meeting in March 2020. Action: Parish Clerk to add this as an agenda item for the March 2020 F&GP Cttee meeting.

12. To consider a proposal to install Electric Vehicle Charging Points in the Recreation Ground Car Park. Cllr Watts referred to a paper he had prepared which had been circulated to all members ahead of the meeting. A copy is attached at appendix 5 to these minutes. Some discussion took place regarding the type of EVCPs to be installed and it wasclarified that these would be 22KW. It was resolved to progress on the basis of Vatenfall funding the purchase and installation costs, that the council would work towards preparation and submission of an application for an On-Street Residential Charging Point grant, and work with JoJu to develop and implement a joint project plan for the purchase and installation of EVCPs.

13. To consider a report from the Climate Change Emergency Working Group. It was confirmed that all members of the council had received a copy of report in advance of the meeting. A copy is attached at appendix 6 to these minutes. The council resolved to approve the recommendation that the following statement is added at the top of the agendas for all Parish Council meetings:

“All council decisions must give due consideration to their impact on the community’s carbon footprint.”

It was also RESOLVED:

– To arrange for costings to be sought against the items as set out in item five of the paper.

– To arrange for an audit of the Sports Pavilion premises.

– To talk to representatives of the Lighthouse Church about the future of the Youth Club building and what needs to be done.

14. To CONSIDER ITEMS FOR THE NEXT PARISH MAGAZINE Discussion took place concerning the work which was being undertaken by Cllr Barker to structure and edit material supplied for the “climate emergency” themed edition of the Lytchett Link supplement to be included in the December parish magazine, as well as the regular parish council article in the magazine.

15. TO note correspondence received.

· Reference was made to remarks from residents attending the Remembrance Day parade that the cracks and slippage in the wall behind the war memorial capital appear to have significantly worsened. Action: Parish Clerk to add this matter to the agenda of the next F&GP Cttee meeting.

· Cllr Bush reported on correspondence from a member of the public who has a steel fabrication and welding business and who had offered to produce and donate to the village a “silent soldier” figure – to be positioned near the war memorial. It was RESOLVED to accept the donation and to thank him for his very generous offer.

· Cllr Huggins reported on discussions with a resident, who is a former parish and district council member, regarding the installation of a “plate” for a Christmas tree.

· Cllr Barker reported on correspondence from members of the PCC concerning possible assistance from the Parish Council towards improvements to the surface of the drive to St Mary’s church.

· The Parish Clerk referred to correspondence with Fields In Trust (FIT). He reported that the signed Deed Of Dedication for the Foxhills Open Space and signed Deed Of Release Of Part for the Recreation Ground had now been received from FIT. He also reported that some further follow-up work is required to register these Deeds with the Land Registry against the Title Registers for these two pieces of land.

The meeting closed at 21:15.

Annotated by/on …………………………. Approved by/on ………………………

Fin&GenpurposesCommitteeMinutes 191113 Appendix1 (Bank Reconciliations 7 November 2019).pdf (PDF)
Fin&GenpurposesCommitteeMinutes 191113 Appendix 2 (Accounts update Nov 19).pdf (PDF)
Fin&GenPurMinutes 191113 Appendix3 (CIL and Sports Club trackers Nov 19)< (Excel)/a>
Finance&GenPurposesCommitteeMinutes 191113 Appendix 4 (Photographic Record of Knotweed 2019 nov) (Word)
Finance&GenPurposesCommitteeMinutes 191113 Appendix 5 (Proposal to Install EVCPs in Rec Car Park Nov 2019) (Word)
Finance&GenPurposesCommitteeMinutes 191113 Appendix 6 (Climate Emergency Working Group Report Nov 2019) (Word)

Finance & General Purposes Committee minutes 13th November 2019