Meeting held on Wednesday February 7th 2018, at 7.00 p.m. in the Methodist Church Lytchett Matravers

PRESENT:, C Wood (chair), A Bush, B Barker, R Carswell, M Colvey, A Huggins (from 8pm), K Norris, R Watts, P Webb, and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk)

No members of the public were in attendance.

Public participation. There was none

1. APOLOGIES. Cllr A Cottman

2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest; and consideration of requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.

Cllr Colvey declared an interest in item 8 (planning application 6/2018/0015). Cllr Bush declared a pecuniary interest in item 9 (planning applications 6/2018/0038 and 6/2018/0039), and left the meeting for the duration of this item.

3. To receive and approve minutes of the Finance & Policy Committee meeting held on 3rd January 2018. These were ACCEPTED as a true record and signed by the Committee Chairman.

4. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters. The following matters were included in the Clerk’s report of past subject matters. [nb: comments made or decisions taken at the meeting are shown in italics]

i. F&P Cttee Minute 12, 6th June 2011. Security of council papers & records. One Council minute book is still with Cllr Bush, who is currently making an electronic copy. Carried forward.

ii. F&P Cttee Minute 6, 9th Oct 2017 – To consider a proposal to write off Sports Club currently outstanding debt for Lytchett Astro repairs. This had been approved at Full Council in September, subject to confirmation that the Sports Club would take on the annual maintenance contract for the Lytchett Astro pitch with effect from the renewal date in December. This item therefore refers to that confirmation aspect only. Members noted that the notification for renewal of the Astro maintenance contract has not yet been received from the contractors. The Parish Clerk is chasing this. Carried forward.

iii. E&A Cttee Minute 10, 8th May 2017: Outstanding risk assessments: Members to note please that the following Risk assessments for 2016/17 are still outstanding: Old School Green….Cllr Taylor, Club Hall….Cllr Wood. Cllr Wood indicated that she would be visiting the hall within the week following this meeting. Carried forward.

iv. E&A Cttee Minute 6, 4th September 2017 – arrange for Mr Mills to remove the Ivy on the line of trees between the Library and Library Walk. This matter was extended by a proposal to incorporate the intended work by a tree surgeon to clear the rest of the area. As reported to the Full Council at its meeting on 17th January, the tree surgeon was scheduled to carry out the clearance work week commencing 5th February 2018. Carried forward.

v. E&A Cttee Minute 5.1(i), 6th Nov 2017 Sports club pavilion minor building work proposal This work to block up the doorway on the eastern side of the Pavilion has evidently been undertaken, but without any formal proposal to do so being put forward for Council consideration. As a reminder, this proposal should have received formal ratification of the Sports Club Committee and then been sent to the Parish Council for consultation. The purpose of it was to create an internal bin store, but members should note that further complaints were received in Nov / Dec after the work had been done regarding fly tipping alongside the Sports Club’s bin which is still being left outside. The Parish Clerk has referred these to the Sports Club Chairman on each occasion with a request to keep the bin inside, but no response has been received to the messages sent to the SC Chair about this. Carried forward

vi. E&A Cttee minute 5.4 6th Nov 2017 Old School Green / War Memorial. The Parish Clerk has again contacted Mr Mills to remind him about the task to arrange for soil to be delivered to fill the depression in the ground. Carried forward

vii. F&GP Cttee minute 12, 13 Dec 2017 – To consider a change to the mix of housing within the proposed development 6/2016/0743 – Land at Deans Drove, Lytchett Matravers (email to Council members 29th November 2017). The paper as agreed at the meeting on 13th Dec 2017, was forwarded to PDC accordingly setting out the grounds for theobjection. DISCHARGED

viii. F&GP Cttee minute 13, 13 Dec 2017 – to consider a proposal to obtain quotations from contractors to clear, re-landscape and replant the two roundabouts in Landers Reach in a sustainable way. It was observed at the meeting that there was currently no consensus on exactly what work is to be done; for example – whether to (i) dig out the current plants and soil etc, replace it with topsoil and re-plant, (ii) to take out the plants and re-landscape with low-maintenance decorative material such as gravel / chippings or (iii) something else. It was noted that this decision need to be made in order to draw up a clear specification so that estimates or quotes (Fin Regs, regulation 11.1) can be obtained. It was also suggested that the local Gardening Club should be approached to see if volunteers can be found to undertake the work if the materials are supplier to them. Carried forward.

ix. F&GP Cttee minute 14, 13 Dec 2017 – to consider the quotations obtained for fitting inner palings to the remaining 3 sides of the Rocket Park play area. This work has been completed. DISCHARGED

x. Planning application responses sent to PDC and reported as “not yet determined” by PDC at the November LMPC Planning Committee meeting:

6/2016/0743 Stonewater Housing Association. Land at Deans Drove, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6EQ. Redevelopment of the site with 19 affordable houses and 4 open market houses with associated access, parking and landscaping. PASS shows that PDC has still not yet determined this application. PASS still shows the status of this application as still “not yet determined” however information from other sources confirms that it was refused. DISCHARGED

6/2017/0549 Mrs Jacqueline Wheeler. Elderbrook, Peatons Lane, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6HW. Replace part of existing flat roof with new flat roof, replace remaining existing flat roof with pitched roof. PASS shows that PDC has now been approved. DISCHARGED

6/2017/0650. Mr Garry Vincent. 10 Paddock Close, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6AZ. Single storey front extension. PASS shows that PDC has now approved this application. DISCHARGED

6/2017/0617. Mr Robert Taylor. Woodlands, Sandy Lane, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6DB. Single storey side extension. New windows to be installed to both sides of the main entrance door. PASS shows that PDC has now approved this application. DISCHARGED.

6/2017/0633. Mr Patrick Day. 19 Huntick Estate, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6EB & Honeypot Cottage, 20 Huntick Estate, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6EB. Joint Householder Application between 19 Huntick Estate & 20 Huntick Estate (Honeypot Cottage) to replace link roof attachment and garage approved by planning permission 6/2012/0734 with utility/breakfast room with monopitch roof and rooflight to Honeypot Cottage. PASS shows that PDC has now approved this application. DISCHARGED

6/2017/0664. Nicholas Rubenstein. Plots 1 and 2, Eldons Drove, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6HH. Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 6/2016/0345(Demolish existing house and erect 2 new dwellings) to retain 2 surfaced parking spaces per dwelling and amended landscaping scheme. The members noted this request for a variation of condition 2 to planning permission given under 6/2016/0345, and wished to advise PDC that they welcomed the two car parking spaces. However they were concerned about the issue raised by nearby residents regarding possible encroachment beyond the established property boundaries. The Parish Clerk was asked to report the above to PDC and to ask if this matter can be clarified and the Council advised of their findings. PASS shows that PDC has still not yet determined this application.

6/2017/0654. Mr & Mrs K Wharmby. 13 Old Chapel Drive, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6HA. Single storey rear extension. PASS shows that PDC has now approved this application. DISCHARGED.

5. To receive and note the latest bank reconciliation.

RESOLVED.A copy of the bank reconciliation and related bank statements is attached at Appendix 1 to these minutes.

6. To receive and consider a report covering council income and expenditure to date. RESOLVED. This is also covered in summary form within Appendix 1. Responses were given to questions related to the make-up of the total receipts shown in cell b2, and also regarding to totals of expenditure subheads and grant total. It was also pointed out that the report at Appendix 1 is also being used to track CIL money receipts and expenditure.

7. To consider the detailed sub-budget allocations for 2018/19, as well as:

Allocating CIL monies to specific projects,

Reviewing the tagging of monies invested with Prudential International to ensure that the capital provided under s106 agreement for Foxhills Open Space is protected,

Ensuring that the agreed sinking funds for replacement of Council assets continue to be provided for, and their future remains secure.

Cllr Bush referred to a report he had produced giving details of the apportionment of the Prudential investment to earmarked reserves and the Foxhills Open Space Maintenance Fund; as well as the CIL money received. A copy of Cllr Bush’s report is attached at Appendix 2 to these minutes. It was RESOLVED to accept and approve the report and allocations of the proceeds of the Prudential investment to earmarked reserves as shown therein. It was further RESOLVED to allocate CIL money to the three initiatives as listed in the report.

8. To consider planning application 6/2018/0015 Alex O’Sullivan. 14 Gibbs Green, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6ND. First floor addition to existing ground floor extension. The members had NO OBJECTION. However they wished to draw the Planning Authority’s attention to a potential nuisance caused by a window overlooking a neighbouring property, and wished to suggest that this is glazed with obscured glass.

9. To consider planning applications 6/2018/0038 and 6/2018/0039 (listed building consent) Alf & Raili Bush. The Shooting Box, Middle Road, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6HJ. Proposed demolition of southern extension and rebuilding to a larger size. NO OBJECTION

10. To consider a proposed revised policy and procedure for grant awards. After brief discussion, it was RESOLVED to approve and accept the revised Policy. Action: Parish Clerk to arrange for this to be placed on the Council’s website in place of the previous Grants Policy.

11. To consider the content of a paper from Cllr Barker regarding Parish Council contributions to the Parish Magazine. Cllr Barker referred to a paper she had circulated to members ahead of the meeting. After some discussion three minor amendments to it were suggested and agreed. It was also RESOLVED that consideration of topics for each forthcoming Parish Magazine will be a standing agenda item for each F&GP Cttee meeting. Action: Parish Clerk to add this standing item to each agenda accordingly.

12. To consider and decide on content for the forthcoming issue of Lytchett Link. Cllr Bush reported that he had spoken to Cllr Taylor to agree the timings. Cllr Taylor will need the copy to him by 21st February 2018. It was noted that the core content of this issue of the link will be the housing numbers as identified in the Purbeck local plan. other matters: front page message – drawing attention to the importance of completing the Purbeck Local Plan consultation questionnaire; details of forthcoming litter pick; removal of hedge / undergrowth adjacent to Library Walk; drawing local organisations’ attention to the revised grant policy and application form – both of which are available on the website.

13. To receive and consider the content of a REPORT covering the main points of a meeting on 5th February discussing the possible devolution of services. It was noted that the Council is alert to the work being done centrally within the County on this; and it is prepared to deal with the opportunities as they arise. A copy of this report is attached at appendix 11 to the minutes. It was determined that there are no services currently delivered by DCC or PDC which the Parish Council would wish to take on at this time. Members noted that Dist Cllr Meaden is a member of the Community Engagement Task & Finish Group.

14. To receive and note the content of a Working Group report regarding the Clerk’s progress towards CiLCA submission. It was RESOLVED to note the content of the report circulated in advance of the meeting by Cllr Norris. A copy of the report is attached as appendix 10 to these minutes.

15. To receive and note the content of a Working Group report on the Cyclepath project. It was RESOLVED to accept and note the content of this report which is attached at Appendix 3 to these minutes. In discussion it was noted that this initiative is reached the point where the council has agreed in outline terms what it requires – an appropriately surfaced path for cycling, 2.5 metre width, separate from the road, and kerb edged. However it was confirmed that there is no detailed specification yet. It was agreed that it would be useful to prepare a photo record of the proposed route had contacted DCC to confirm which part of the roadside verge over which it is intended to run is owned by them. Action: Working Group members to prepare this.

16. To consider recommendations arising from review of RoSPA report on Lytchett Astro, Rocket Park / Basketball / wheeled play areas, and the Foxhills Play Area. It was RESOLVED to accept and note the content of this report which is attached at Appendix 4 to these minutes.

17. To receive and consider a Working Group report on the ‘Not Just the Rec Path Project’ and consider options for Recreation ground circuit distance markers. It was RESOLVED to accept and note the content of this report which is attached at Appendix 5 to these minutes.

Dolly posts: A suggestion to place dolly posts at 100m intervals around the recreation ground path was noted.

Ball court proposed upgrade: Cllr Huggins reported that quotations for this work are around £50K. It was reported that Sport England have greater grants available for up to this level, and so there is an opportunity to apply. It was suggested that grant awarding bodies normally expect to see a proportion of the cost of substantial projects such as this include a local contribution, and therefore it may be appropriate to tag some CIL money to this.

Wareham Rd Crossing Point: The Parish Clerk reported on the difficulty he had experienced in getting any advice on the options for this from various officers at DCC. Cllr Bush indicated that he would take the matter up with County Cllr Wharf.

18. To receive and consider a Working Group report on the Benches and Dolly posts project. Consider proposals for bench replacement policy; and style of replacements. Consider options for Dolly Post replacement programme. It was RESOLVED to accept and note the content of this report which is attached at Appendix 6 to these minutes. It was also RESOLVED that all future replacement of dolly posts will be plastic; and that an initial stock of 20 posts should be obtained for this purpose. It was agreed that Cllr Huggins should try to obtain three quotations or estimates (see Financial Reg 11.1) for consideration at the March Finance & Gen purposes Cttee meeting. Action: Cllr Huggins to obtain the estimates or quotes accordingly.

19. To receive and note the content of a Working Group report on the Library project Working Group. It was RESOLVED to accept and note the content of this report which is attached at Appendix 7 to these minutes. Cllr Watts reported on comments from Tracey Long (DCC) regarding previous discussions with the Parish Council concerning ideas for the library building. It was noted that initial ideas do indeed go back over 10 years, however the current council is particularly dynamic and focused on improvement opportunities. Corry Proven, Senior Estates Surveyor at DCC, He has been asked for a breakdown of the running costs of the library, but has not yet responded with that detail. This matter is being chased. The overall aim is for DCC to transfer the library building to the Parish Council, whilst DCC continue to run the library service element. In order to achieve this, noting that DCC will inevitably have a goal of making some cost savings, a business case is required to be developed and put forward. This will need to demonstrate how the full running costs of the building will be covered – i.e. through revenue from additional facilities introduced there and additional uses made of it.

It was reported that Cllr Colvey is chasing Sue Joyce, a PDC Finance Officer, to confirm whether the Parish Council will be liable for business rates on the building. It was also noted that the coastline community fund, Administered by Alex Clothier, has Grant funding available which may be suitable for projects such as this. He indicated that he would arrange for Mr. Clothier to come and talk to the Parish Council. Action: Cllr Colvey to contact Mr. Clothier accordingly.

Cllr Norris indicated that he would speak to those operating in the corfe Mullen community library to ascertain how they have structured their management of the building and whether they pay business rates. Action: Cllr Norris to contact Corfe Mullen Community Library accordingly.

Cllr Watts commented that Lyme Regis is another example of a community-run library which may be worth exploring further.

20. To receive and note the content of a Working Group report on the Youth Hall project Working Group. It was RESOLVED to accept and note the content of this report which is attached at Appendix 8 to these minutes. Members were reminded that the parish council has only asked DCC for the land to be transferred – and this has been approved. A council is now waiting for the details of the terms and conditions; and is hoping for these to be flexible to enable all or any community uses of the building on that land.

It was noted that there is a need for further dialogue with the Scouts locally; and in particular for all the interested parties within their local organisation to confirm their commitment to the proposed redevelopment. It was suggested that a formerly minuted meeting be held with the interested parties from the Scouts. Objectives of this meeting would include understanding more clearly why the Scouts feel they need a 75 year lease and what drives this timetable. Cllr Carswell indicated that he would contact the local Scouts accordingly to propose such a meeting. Action: Cllr Carswell to contact the scouts accordingly

21. To receive and note the content of a report on the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group. It was RESOLVED to defer this item until the next meeting of this committee.

22. To receive and note the content of a report of the Purbeck Local Plan Review Consultation Launch Event held by PDC on 30th January 2018. It was RESOLVED to accept and note the content of this report which is attached at Appendix 9 to these minutes.

23. To receive and consider activity status of Working Group / projects – except where listed separately above. To include any necessary “resetting”.

Sports Club Governance WG: It was reported that good progress had been made on this Initiative. However this recently seems to have stalled – with the youth football Group having not paid its contribution for some time. Consequently a meeting of the Sports Club Committee was called, dissatisfaction with the operation of the club was expressed, and an ultimatum was issued to the youth football group to pay its debts or forgo use of the Sports Club Pavilion. As a further Illustration of the developing situation, Cllr Bush reported on receipt by the Sports Club of notification of an unpaid bill for the rental of its recycling Bin.

In response to this situation, the members of the Parish Council were asked to consider a suggestion that the Sports Club becomes an adjunct to the Parish Council, renting out the facilities as necessary – since this would seem to be the most effective way to bring it back into local community control. Members expressed confidence in this idea, and so Cllr Bush indicated that he would bring forward formal proposals to this effect for formal consideration by the Council.

In response to a general question about the Working Group initiatives, it was noted that the matters of funding and team membership resources will begin to be considered at the March Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting.

24. To note correspondence received.

Cllr Colvey referred to correspondence from a resident regarding the overgrowth of trees in Deans Drove. This matter is to be taken up with DCC via Cllr Wharf.

The Parish Clerk reported on two items of correspondence:

A letter from Lytchett Matravers Pre-School Ltd requesting consideration of some financial assistance by the Council. It was RESOLVED that this will be handled through the revised grant process.

A letter from Michael Tomlinson MP commenting on local Broadband provision and making a suggestion about an alternative supplier. A copy of this letter will be forwarded to all members to examine.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 21:15

Annotated by/on …………………………. Approved by/on ………………………

Fin&GenPurposes Committee Minutes180207 Appendix 2 (Allocation to reserves).pdf (PDF)
Fin&GenPurposes Committee Minutes 180207 Appendix1 (Bank Rec Report).pdf (PDF)
Fin&GenPurposes Committee Minutes 180207 Appendix 11 (LMPC Local Government Services).doc (Word)
Fin&GenPurposes Commitee Minutes 180207 Appendix 10 (CILCA Progress review Working Group).doc (Word)
Fin&GenPurposes Committee Minutes 180207 Appendix 9 (Notes of the Purbeck Local Plan Review Launch Event 2018 rev 1).doc (Word)
Fin&GenPurposes Committee Minutes 180207 Appendix 8 (Youth Hall WG Feb 5 2018).doc (Word)
Fin&GenPurposes Committee Minutes 180207 Appendix 7 (Library WG Feb 5 2018).doc (Word)
Fin&GenPurposes Committee Minutes 180207 Appendix 4 (Recommendations from the 2017 ROSPA report – Lytchett Matravers Play Areas).doc (Word)
Fin&Genpurposes Committee Minutes 180207 Appendix 6 (Benches and Dolly Posts WG Proposal Jan18).doc (Word)
Fin&GenPurposes Committee Minutes 180207 Appendix 5 (Not Just the Rec Path Project update Jan18).doc (Word)
Fin&GenPurposes Committee Minutes 180207 Appendix 3 (Huntick Cyclepath Project update Jan18).doc (Word)

Finance & General Purposes Committee minutes 7th February 2018