Held on Wednesday February 21st 2018 at 7:00 in the Blanchard Room, Village Hall, High St, Lytchett Matravers.

PRESENT were Cllrs M Colvey (Chairman), A Bush (Vice Chairman), R Carswell, A Huggins, J Taylor, R Watts, P Webb, C Wood and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).

Also present: District Councillor W. Meaden, and seven members of the public.


A resident noted that the council was considering purchase of some topsoil to assist with the landscaping of the former hedgerow area at Library Walk. She expressed concern that the quality of this topsoil should be appropriate for this task.

A resident who recently moved to the village (June 2017), expressed appreciation for the council’s support in objecting to the proposed RES for the land adjacent to Deans Drove.

He also expressed appreciation the Parish Council for the number and location of dog bins around the village. However, he expressed concern that dog owners appear to be inconsistent invade use of them. He noted There were particular problem areas, and specifically mentioned Willow Walk (the connecting footpath between the Foxhills open space and Deans Drove). He commented that he thought some other parish and town councils have policies in which walkers must carry bags to pick up after their dogs and must produce these bags when challenged. He wondered if Lytchett Matravers Parish Council might adopt a similar policy.

The Council Chairman responded by remarking that Purbeck District Council had advised that it was unable to approve the installation of any further dog bins and therefore the Council is fortunate in having the large number it currently has. He also commented that the Purbeck District Council dog warden was a very responsive to requests for visits and is being effective. Council members responded by questioning the practicality of being able to enforce any such policy to demand production of bags by dog walkers. In view of this the following was agreed:

Action: Contact Purbeck Dist Council to clarify whether it might be possible to establish a byelaw to require dog walkers to produce dog bags on demand – i.e. is there a basis in law, what precedent is there for this, and what is their view of the practical ability to enforce this by the Dog Wardens.

Cllr Meaden, as District Council member, asked the resident to email her with details of the fuller details of the specific areas the resident has noticed the problem.

District Councillor’s Report

Cllr Meaden’s and Cllr Webb’s joint report is attached at appendix 1 to these minutes.

The Dist Cllrs added to this report by advising that concerns were being experienced at District level due to the delays in ministerial decisions on restructuring of local government in Dorset – particularly in view of the deadline for this change to take effect being May 2019. A special meeting of the District Council has been held to consider that situation. Insights were given to members of the Parish Council regarding the operational and functional problems arising from this delay. One significant issue is the problem District Councils are having with resourcing – due to the need to hold vacancies and also difficulties in retaining existing staff in this climate of continued uncertainty.

Cllr Meaden also commented that a major clean-up exercise is planned, following the recent visit to Foxhills Road by a group of travellers.

County Councillor’s Report

It was noted that a copy of Cllr Wharf‘s report had been circulated to members in advance of the meeting. This is attached at appendix 2 to these minutes.

1. To receive and consider apologies for absence – Cllrs B Barker and K Norris; and County Cllr P Wharf.


Cllr Wood stated that her property neighbours of the proposed development at the former RBL Club site (item 10 below).

3. TO receive AND RESOLVE to APPROVE THE Minutes of The Full Council Meeting on 17th January 2018. It was RESOLVED to approve these as a true record of the meeting and they were signed by the meeting Chairman.


It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of the following report, which had been prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting by the Parish Clerk. The italics below indicates additional comments made by members at the meeting.

  1. Minute 10, 18th Sept 2017 – proposal to clear undergrowth and shrubs along the metal fence adjacent to Library Walk, leaving just the oak trees and the low shrubs around the noticeboard and bordering High Street. The contracted work has been completed, although it is noted that some additional top soil may be needed to prepare for grass seeding.It was also noted that a follow-up matter is the subject of a separate proposal at item 7 below.
  2. Minute 10, 16th October 2017 – Proposal to award a grant of £100 to CALM for printing of publicity signs. This was approved at the October Full Council meeting and, as CALM does not have a bank account, it was arranged with Mr & Mrs McGill thatonce the work has been completed, they will submit a paid invoice to the Parish Council for reimbursement. This is still awaited.
  3. Minute 13, 20th November 2017 – to apply to Fields in Trust for protection for the Foxhills Open Space. Background information and a copy of the draft deed has been received and is available for members’ scrutiny and to enable a proposal to be developed for Council consideration. The email also gives the personal contact details of the officer at FIT who can answer any further questions prompted by the information already supplied. Once members are satisfied with this information, Cllr Norris and the Parish Clerk will progress this application.

iv. Minute 7, 20th December 2017 – Further detailed discussion by F&GP committee about detailed sub-budget allocations. DISCHARGED

  1. Minute 7, 17th January 2018 – research of grant funding for defibrillator by Cllr Cottman. CARRIED FORWARD for a progress report at the next meeting.

The Chairman commented on the arrangements for the Council members’ workshop to take place on 17th March 09:00-13:00.

6. To receive and note the content of the minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting on 7th February 2018. It was RESOLVED to receive and note these.

7. To consider a proposal to purchase 4 tonnes of topsoil to be used to improve the ground conditions and levels prior to sowing grass in the cleared area adjacent to Library Walk. It was RESOLVED to approve this in principle and for Cllr Carswell and the Parish Clerk to seek 3 quotations for this in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulation 11.1.

8. To consider a proposed response from the Council to a letter from Michael Tomlinson MP regarding broadband provision in Lytchett Matravers; and to consider a plan of action to address Broadband and mobile phone coverage weaknesses locally. Council Members acknowledged that they had been prompted by this letter to consider a number of issues regarding both broadband and mobile phone communication provision within the village. It was also noted that Juice Broadband had indicated that they will contact the Parish Council. The view of members was that this provider’s offering should be investigated alongside others in order to obtain a full picture. In addition, regarding the matter of mobile signal, contact should be made with each of the mobile phone providers. Action: Cllr Huggins to contact each of the mobile providers accordingly.

It was resolved to respond to Mr. Tomlinson thanking him for his interest and the information he has provided regarding Juice Broadband and advising that the Council have been prompted by this to undertake a wider investigation of the options.

9. To consider planning application 6/2018/0050 Mr & Mrs Kevin Marney. 24 Spy Close, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6DQ. Single storey side extension and porch. NO OBJECTION.

10. To consider planning application 6/2018/0022 Bracken Developments Limited. Former Royal British Legion Club, Wimborne Road, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6HQ. Demolition of the former, vacant, Royal British Legion Club building and the construction of 9 dwellings with car parking and landscaping. The Council wished to OBJECT to this proposal on the following grounds:

(a) over-development in terms of inappropriately high housing density on the site which is not in keeping with the surrounding street scene and adjacent properties,

(b) insufficient provision of off-road parking in relation to the proposed number of bedrooms. This is a particular concern because there is also no opportunity for on-street parking immediately nearby since the adjacent section of Wimborne Road is a dangerous bend over the brow of a hill.

The Parish Council also notes that the proposal includes gardens which cross the greenbelt boundary (and marked on the plans as such). With this in mind, the Parish Council would comment that if the Planning Authority were minded to approve this, or any subsequent proposal, it would expect to see protection for the integrity of the greenbelt in the form of a restriction permitting the erection of no structures on any land within the greenbelt.

11. To consider planning application 6/2018/0061 Mr & Mrs James Sydenham. 9 Chequers Place, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6BJ. Single storey rear extension. The Parish Council wished to OBJECT to this proposal on the grounds that the extension overlooks adjacent properties, adversely affecting the privacy of those residents.

12. To consider planning application 6/2018/0064 Mr Jon Tedds & Mrs Rachel Campbell. 41 High Street, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6BH. Erect a 2 storey side extension. The Council wished to OBJECT to this proposal on the grounds that the proposed dwelling is positioned ahead of the building line and is out of keeping with the surrounding properties.

13. To receive and consider a report on the meeting with PDC on February 15, 2018. A copy of the notes made of this meeting are attached at Appendix 3 to these minutes.

Cllr Bush commented on the following matters:

  • Clarification had been sought from Purbeck District Council regarding the “small sites” policy – i.e. size of development to meet this definition, whether such sites would be equally distributed around the Purbeck District, and whether they can be adjacent to one another. As yet, there is little clarity or confidence in what may be intended on this by PDC.
  • It was noted that there are no questions in the consultation concerning employment, or where PDC may be planning employment sites to be located. However, it was clear that there was no new employment-related development currently proposed or being considered for Lytchett Matravers.
  • The level of windfall development in Lytchett Matravers currently stands at around 126 dwellings since the adoption of the 2012 Local Plan.
  • Discussions are still ongoing regarding whether policies removed from the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan can be included – for example the requirement for two off-road parking spaces per property in any new development proposals.
  • Regarding the matter of green spaces being a designed-in a feature of multiple dwelling development proposals, the Parish Council will continue to pursue its policy of FIT registration where it can. PDC have a mechanism in place for protecting green space. They have asked the Parish Council to prepare a list for them to review.

Cllr Wood responded by wishing to take up the small sites question further. She expressed her concerns that this could be used as a way of PDC achieving its targeted housing numbers whilst circumventing protection mechanisms. Cllr Watts commented that his understanding is that the small sites policy would not override greenbelt protection. Cllr Bush remarked that the Parish Council recommended that the policy is designed for sites of up to 15 dwellings only. It was noted that sites of 9 or less dwellings are not required to include any affordable housing and that a level of 15 would require some affordable housing. Cllr Webb commented that it will be necessary for PDC to provide some affordable housing, and the small sites policy is intended to help achieve this.

Cllr Bush then reported members that the Parish Council has been provided with a map of the parish and asked to examine it and recommend any sites to go forward with. It was RESOLVED that a small group consisting of Cllrs Wood, Webb and Carswell would meet to examine the map and to develop a recommendation for consideration of the council. Action: Cllrs Wood, Webb and Carswell to arrange to meet and report back accordingly.

14. To review and finalise the article for the Lytchett Link concerning the PDC consultation. NB: this article should be then adopted as the updated Parish Council Position Paper. The members present reviewed the article which Cllr Bush had prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting. After brief discussion it was RESOLVED to approve the full version of the article for inclusion in the forthcoming edition of the Lytchett link. A copy of the article is attached at appendix 4 to these minutes.

15. To review the proposed response to the PDC Consultation questionnaire as a Parish Council collective response. Cllr Bush referred to a paper he had prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting(copy attached at appendix 5 to these minutes). He explained that he had taken particular care to take a Parish Council organisational view for this proposed response.

Cllr Webb commented on some points of detail related to individual questions as follows:

Q2 It seems unlikely that even if large numbers of dwellings were built, this would necessarily make them affordable.

Q10 It is important to identify that this excludes the Rural Exception Site (RES) which had been proposed for land adjacent to Deans Drove and which has now been formally rejected by the local planning authority.

Q22 It was noted that references to “affordable homes” includes 10% being socially rented.

It was RESOLVED to agree this consultation response, subject to these minor alterations

16. To receive and consider an update report regarding the Youth Hall: (a) land transfer; and (b) meeting with DCC and a local resident.

Cllr Bush reported that the solicitors are now working on finalising this transfer which will be unencumbered, but which will include a clause for clawback of value if in the future community use cannot be sustained and as a result the Parish Council considers selling the site for development. The detail of the clawback would be that in such circumstances DCC, or its successor, could demand 100% of the commercial value of the land at that time.

Cllr Bush commented that the next stage would then be for the Lytchett Matravers Scouts to progress their fundraising efforts and to begin putting together their detailed plans.

Cllr Bush also commented on correspondence and meetings with a local resident who has expressed concerns over a period of time that the site may become busier once this change takes place. The resident concerned has been invited to join the Working Group on this matter. Members noted that there will be a need to work closely with local residents and to keep communications channels open at all times. It will be important for the Scouts to do likewise.

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the above.

17. To consider the content and approach to the Annual Parish Meeting. The Parish Clerk reminded those present that there is a statutory requirement for Parish and Town Councils to arrange for an Annual Parish Meeting to take place, but that this is a meeting of the community, supported by the Council, rather than a Council meeting. It is intended as an opportunity for members of the community to raise and discuss issues of concern to them. He also explained that he had noted that the recognised “good practice” around the country is that local councils take it as an opportunity to provide a report to the community on the activity of the Council over the past year.

Discussion then turned to the content of the meeting.

Ideas which received support were:

  • Formally recognise the PDC “Volunteer of the Year” for Lytchett Matravers.
  • To provide a report-If back on Parish Council activity over the year.
  • Provide information and seek views on some Working Group activity and intended outputs – including providing a demonstration / sample of the “house style” bench which has been identified.

An idea to present grant cheques was identified as impractical due to the grant process published timetable.

18. To resolve to approve the following payments already made:

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
3881 British Telecom Purchase of phone box junction of Wareham Rd / Deans Drove 1.00 0.00 1.00

It was RESOLVED to approve the above payment.

19. To resolve to approve the following payments due:

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
3882 T Watton Clerk’s salary – Feb (12 equal monthly payments by SO) 864.83 0.00 864.83
3883 T Watton Reimbursement of office expenses 82.38 7.62 90.00
3884 DCC LGPS pension contrib January and February 687.24 0.00 687.24
3885 T Homer Handyman duties, January 2018 202.50 0.00 202.50
3886 Idverde Ltd Cemetery maintenance – January 2018 303.49 60.70 364.19
3887 Borough of Poole Removal and disposal of vandalised bench slab concrete 85.00 17.00 102.00
3888 Borough of Poole (i) Removal & disposal of tree branches at boundary of Foxhills Open Space; (ii) Adjust level of safety surface under roundabout at Rocket Park. 508.40 101.68 610.08
3889 Printerbase Ltd Replacement scanner / copier / printer 210.98 42.20 253.18
3890 W T Doe Tree Surgeon Ltd Clear Library Walk Hedge, grind stumps, shape over bank. 1100.00 220.00 1320.00
3891 S P Mills Garden Svcs Dismantling fencing and removal of shrubs / ground cover plants at Library Walk 250.00 0.00 250.00
3892 D & P Warr Hedge trimming – High St, Eldons Drove and Allotments 210.00 42.00 252.00

It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments.

20. to note any training undertaken by members or the Clerk in the past month

The Parish Clerk reported that he had attended the seminardelivered by Rebecca Plane FCPFA, Senior Audit Manager at PKF Littlejohn LLP. This provided an introduction to the new External Auditor, PKF Littlejohn LLP and the revised Annual Return process.

21. To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents. The Parish Clerk reported on the following:

  1. Arranging for the urgent repair of an approx. 3m section of the fencing around Rocket Park play area – urgent safety consideration. Estimate of cost was below the de minimus limit.
  2. Arranging for urgent contractor attention level the safety surface under the “Record” roundabout at the Rocket Park Play area. Estimate of cost was below the de minimus limit.
  3. Purchase of a combined scanner / copier / printer – to address the shortfall in office equipment which has been causing operational delays to tasks and incurring cost of commercial copying and scanning. Cost is below the de minimus limit.


Cllr Colvey reported that he had been approached with a grant request from Purbeck Film Festival. Action: To be forwarded to Parish Clerk to enable him to respond with a copy of the revised process and application form.

Dist Cllr Meaden reported on correspondence about problems arising from trees overhanging the road at the Glebe Rd bus stop. She indicated that she would see if she can identify the landowner.

21. To note date of next meeting and items for future agendas.

Issues for consideration at subsequent meetings:

· To consider a proposal to demolish and remove the bus shelter at Lime Kiln Road opposite the war memorial.


The meeting closed at 9:15pm

Annotated by/on …………………………….. Signed by……………………

FullMinutes 180221 Appendix 1 (Dist Cllrs Report).doc (Word)
FullMinutes 180221 Appendix 2 (DCC Cllrs report).doc (Word)
FullMinutes 180221 Appendix 5 (Consultation response).pdf
FullMinutes 180221 Appendix 4 (Link article New Homes for Purbeck).doc (Word)
FullMinutes180221 Appendix 3 (Meeting with PDC 15th Feb 2018).pdf (PDF)

Full Council minutes 21st February 2018