Wednesday 27th April 20222 at 7:00 in the Village Hall.

PRESENT were A Huggins (Council Vice Chair), M Attridge, R Aspray, B Barker, M Colvey K Morgan, P Webb and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).

Also present: Dorset Cllrs A Brenton and B Pipe. Seven members of the public.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION (Standing orders suspended)

A resident of Dillons Gardens expressed a number of concerns about the planning application listed under item 9 on the Council’s agenda i.e. P/FUL/2022/00691 15 Dillons Gardens Lytchett Matravers.

He advised that he would be objecting to the Local Planning Authority in full, but he wanted to highlight to the Parish Council what he felt were key points of objection:

1. The entrance to the site is owned by the Fairview residents association. No one has approached the residents for any consent to use the access which the applicants have included as part of their site plan for approval. Nor has there been any public engagement or consultation, which they understand to be required in accordance with the Purbeck Local Plan. He pointed out that the proposal for this is in excess of the current user arrangements – with the potential for at least 12+ cars if the development is given permission to go ahead. In addition he felt that the width of the proposed access into the site is questionable, and neither is there any mention in the proposals of the provision for waste and recycling. He questioned how a refuse truck be able to access the development.

2. Two of the proposed houses at the lower part of the plot are beyond the building line of his dwelling and he believes these will block sunlight from most of his rear garden. He felt that these two proposed houses would be particularly overbearing. The resident is concerned that the proposal includes a garage/driveway adjacent to his property which he feels may further restrict daylight as well as offering potential noise pollution. He felt that the proposal was not in keeping with the existing neighbouring properties such as his – which was built more sensitively and has the appearance of a bungalow from higher up the road because it is cut into the hill. Apart from the other houses in Fairview all other properties in Dillons Gardens are bungalows.

3. All the proposed dwellings are 4 bedroom properties. The resident questions the local need for further large houses. This appears to be in conflict with the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan. He pointed out that the new Huntick Road development consists of large houses, with the 4 and 5 bed units being the last to sell.

4. The resident stated that there is a history of floods in the vicinity of this development site – often caused by surface water running down from Dillons Gardens. He remarked that this has caused a great deal of water damage inside and outside of his dwelling. He referred to a long-standing case with Dorset council to improve the drainage at the bottom of the Dillons Gardens road, and he reported that he has videos showing what happens during heavy rain – especially flash floods. He emphasised that having more houses contributing to surface water run off would make things even worse.

5. Other concerns included:

  • The presence of invasive Japanese knotweed and Himalayan balsam on the site of the development proposal.
  • There is a public foul water sewer that runs through the middle of the site. It is unclear how this arrangement might need to be modified if the development goes ahead because the site is on quite a steep gradient. There are concerns that this might involve a pumping station – resulting in causing noise / disturbance.
  • The proposed development site is understood to be rich in wildlife; i.e. bats, owls, hedgehogs, slowworms, grass snakes.
  • There is a pipe that runs the length of the site which takes care of the surface water and flows eventually into the brook further down the hill – i.e. the same one that manages the water from the drains further up Dillons Gardens. This already blocks up from time to time and cannot always cope with the few drains that are there already. There is a large part of garden at the rear of the property which is always boggy. It is understood that the brook is within 20 meters of the proposed development.

Another resident of Dillons Gardens felt that putting six dwellings, and of a two storey design, on this site is out of character with the immediate area. He also reiterated concerns about the narrowness of the road. This was reinforced by the comments from a further resident who is concerned both about parking and about the ability to get emergency services vehicles to and from this location. Dorset Cllr Pipe noted the particular point about access for emergency services vehicles along the existing length of Dillons Gardens and he agreed to take this point back to Dorset Council.

A resident of Burbidge Close added to the above by expressing concern about the negative effects on the visual amenity of local residents as a result of this proposal consisting of two storey dwellings.


Reports were submitted to the meeting by Dorset Cllrs Alex Brenton and Bill Pipe, copies of which are associated at Appendices 1a and 1b to these minutes.

Cllr Brenton then went on to comment on an email which had been sent to all Dorset council members by Mike Garrity head of planning at Dorset council. This advised members thatNatural England had recently issued new advice to local planning authorities whose areas include catchments for freshwater / estuarine habitats where development proposals have the potential to affect water quality as a consequence of adverse nutrient impacts. The email explained that nutrient deposition can arise from agriculture but also from the treatment and disposal of wastewater arising from residential development. The email noted that Dorset Council is affected by 5 catchments in total:

• Poole Harbour catchment

• Somerset Levels and Moors

• River Avon

• Chesil and The Fleet

• River Axe

The email went on to explain that Dorset Council has been working with Natural England and other partners in developing nutrient mitigation strategies for affected catchments, but where development proposals in affected catchments are unable to demonstrate that they are able to mitigate adverse effects, planning permission will be refused.

Mr. Garrity’s e-mail concludes by stating that further clarification is being sought from Natural England on various details, in particular around the suitability of current nutrient mitigation strategies in the Poole Harbour catchment for dealing with the impact of phosphorus. It states that in the meantime, planning permission will only be granted if Dorset Council can be satisfied that it will not lead to an adverse effect upon the integrity of a protected habitat as a consequence of the impact of nutrient enrichment upon water quality.

It was noted by all members present that the content and intention of Mr Garrity’s email has particular significance for Lytchett Matravers because the village is within the Poole Harbour catchment identified above, and there is clear evidence of the regular failure of Wessex Water pumping stations to cope with waste water, as well as (as yet) unrealised plans for mitigation in the form of a reed bed. Consequently it is clear that there is not sufficient mitigation in place at the moment.

1. To receive and consider apologies for absence.

Cllrs V Abbott, A Bush, H Khanna, and K Korenevsky.

2. To receive any declarations of interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.


3. To receive and resolve to approve minutes of Council meeting held on 23rd March 2022.

It was RESOLVED by all present to approve the minutes as a true record of the meeting.

4. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters (for the purposes of report only).

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of the following report, which had been prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting by the Parish Clerk. Italics below indicate additional comments made during the meeting.

  1. Minute 21, 22nd September 2021 – signage for BMX / cycle dirt track. had arrived in March and had been put in the Parish Council Office ready for installation. At the March Full Council meeting the Parish Clerk drew members’ attention to insurance issues related to BMX tracks which he had picked up from other Parish Councils. In the light of these it was decided to ask PBS to arrange for a dedicated ROSPA inspection of the track as soon as possible. In addition at the March meeting Cllr Bush agreed to contact the groundsworks contractor for his comments. An inspection has since been carried out by a RoSPA safety inspector, and the report received was passed to Cllr Huggins. The report indicates that there are currently no agreed standards by which the safety of such facilities can be measured. The report is currently being digested.

5. Chair’s announcements (for the purposes of report only).

There were none.

6. To receive and note the content of the minutes of the Finance & General purposes committee meeting on 13th April 2022 (for purposes of report only).

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of these draft minutes.

7. To consider the following recommendations from the Finance & General Purposes Committee

7.1 (minute 4 v) That the roof of the bus shelter opposite the war memorial is removed by a specialist asbestos contractor, the brickwork is demolished and removed from site, the base is made good, and then the surrounding soil level raised to the level of the surface of the base. Proposed A H, Seconded M A. RESOLVED to APPROVE.

7.2 (minute 18) The replacement of the small (and damaged) bin positioned within the Rocket Park Play area with a standard round bin of a similar type to those installed elsewhere on the Rec (i.e. Topsy 2000). Proposed AH, Seconded M C. RESOLVED to APPROVE.

7.3 (minute 18) The replacement of the elderly rectangular bin adjacent to the upper car park located approx. halfway between the Sports Pavilion and the Village Hall with a standard round bin of a similar type to those installed elsewhere on the Rec (i.e. Topsy 2000). Proposed A H, Seconded K M. RESOLVED to APPROVE.

7.4 (minute 19) That the supplier selected from the three quotes obtained was Caloo (F&GP 8th Dec 2021) at a cost of £12K, to supply and install plus a maintenance contract at £395pa. Proposed A H, seconded K M and PW. RESOLVED to APPROVE.

It was noted that approval has now been received from Lord Rockley for the donation from The Rockley Trust for this project. The siting plan had not yet been finalised. It was noted that Cllr Webb has spoken to the Village Hall Management Committee Chair informally, but formal approval from the VHMC is still required for the units on VH land.

7.5 (minute 19) That the supplier selected from the three quotes obtained for ground works and installation of rubber mulch was Fletchamore at £8468. Proposed P W, seconded K M. RESOLVED to APPROVE.

7.6 (minute 20) To place the order for the purchase of 4 x benches and 4 x picnic tables (2 x round and 2 x rectangular) with Play Area Hygiene Services in Totnes on the basis that recent enquires by Cllr Huggins revealed that they were still the most competitive on price, as well as also having the shortest lead time. Proposed M A, Seconded R A. RESOLVED to APPROVE.

8. To consider planning application P/LBC/2022/02269 Castle Farm House Castle Farm Road Lytchett Matravers Poole. Minor alterations to approved flat roof dormers under Planning Permission refs. 6/2020/0555 and 6/2020/0556. Proposed alterations include addition of upstand at rear of flat roof to accommodate lead detailing requirements, change of fall to fascia with ogee gutter and downpipes.


9. To consider planning application P/FUL/2022/00691 15 Dillons Gardens Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6DW. Demolish existing buildings and erect 6no. houses with parking.

The members present noted the remarks made by the residents in the Public Participation at the start of this meeting. They also noted the observations that the proposal is to replace a single bungalow with 6 houses on 0.2 Ha site within Village Settlement Boundary. The proposal site is at east end of a cul de sac which is assumed to be unadopted by the Highway Authority. The site slopes down west to east, with substantial tree cover along east boundary and with a specimen tree in the south west corner. The existing site plan submitted with the Application is marked ‘Preliminary’ and shows no details other than the existing building footprints. Also the submitted documents do not include an Arboricultural Survey, report or Mitigation Proposals. A sewer crosses the site from the access point towards the south east corner. It is understood that there are no conservation constraints.

The proposed layout of 6 dwellings is largely dictated by the existing sewer line. Each dwelling is set back from the access road allowing for frontage planting. No garages are to be provided but each dwelling has a double length driveway. Rear gardens are compact but adequate, 10m long at the tightest point along the south boundary. This reduces to around 8m along the east boundary against an adjoining garden area. The ground falls away steeply at this point and it is currently unclear at this stage whether this could cause an overlooking/privacy issue. However, given the substantial effectively 3 storey building form on the downhill side, exacerbated by an elevated balcony, it is reasonable to assume that this may be unneighbourly.

It was noted that the additional traffic generated by adding further dwellings in this area and on a site served by a very narrow road is likely to create problems along Dillons Gardens itself as well as further exacerbate the general congestion problem on Wareham Road which has been commented on at length and severally elsewhere over an extended period. Indeed, the members present felt that the Council should request of Dorset Council an embargo on any further development until the initiatives to alleviate parking and congestion problems on Wareham Road and around the school which have been discussed in detail with Dorset Council over several years have been fully addressed.

Cognisant of the email on 27th April 2022 from Mr M Garrity to Dorset Council members concerning “Nutrient neutrality and implications for development” (see Cllr Brenton’s report above), and taking into account the details within the proposal documents, the concerns raised in the Public Participation session, and the points made within members discussion the Council wished to OBJECT to this proposal on the following grounds:

  • Inadequate arrangements for the disposal of stormwater from the proposed development is likely to add to nutrient deposits into the Poole Harbour catchment – ref: the email on 27th April 2022 from Mr M Garrity to Dorset Council members concerning “Nutrient neutrality and implications for development”. This site already suffers from frequent flooding including by stormwater along Dillons Gardens, and the site is within 20 metres of a natural watercourse. No mitigation arrangements are included in the proposals. In addition it is already on record that the local Wessex Water pumping station regularly overflows.
  • The proposed development is out of keeping with the surrounding properties – both in terms of dwelling design / height / size and the density of buildings on the site.
  • Loss of the rich biodiversity on this site.
  • Inadequate highway access. The development site is beyond the end of a very narrow residential road and a section of unadopted and privately owned track. There is significant concern that emergency vehicles, waste vehicles etc will have insufficient access.
  • Effects on an already serious local traffic congestion problem arising from the insertion of more dwellings on this road. The Parish Council requests an embargo on any further development within the Lytchett Matravers settlement until the initiatives to alleviate parking and congestion problems on Wareham Road and around the primary school have been fully addressed. Proposals to address these well publicised problems have been in progress with Dorset Council now for several years.

10. To receive a report from the Climate Change Emergency Working Group (for purposes of report only).

A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 2 to these minutes. It was noted that the powerwall is due to be installed on Friday 29th April 2022.

11. To receive a report from the Huntick Road Cycleway Working Group (for purposes of report only)

A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 3 to these minutes.

12. To receive a report from the Village Environment Working Group (for purposes of report only)

A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 4 to these minutes.

13. Receive a report from the Neighbourhood Plan 2 Working Group (for purposes of report only).

A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 5 to these minutes.

14. To receive a report from the Queens Jubilee Working Group (for purposes of report only).

A paper containing an update on the arrangements to date, together with an actions ticklist had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting. A copy is associated at Appendix 6 to these minutes. The following additional points were noted:

  • The beacon has arrived and is being held securely by Cllr Huggins.
  • Enquiries are under way with the Council’s insurers regarding cover for both events. This is being referred to the insurer’s underwriters. It was suggested that it may be worthwhile looking at the cover offering by “Unity”, if necessary. The Parish Clerk will report back on this. Action: Parish Clerk
  • A quote is awaited from the PRS. Cllr Aspray will report back on this. Action: Cllr Aspray
  • Efforts are being made to find first aid cover for both events – ideally from St John’s Ambulance personnel. This is proving to be a challenge. Cllr Huggins agreed to make enquiries will two contacts he has, and to report back on this.
  • It was suggested that one of the Sports Pavilion changing rooms could be used as a first aid station.
  • The emergency services need to be informed that the events are taking place. Cllr Barker will advise the police via 101.
  • Cllr Attridge will prepare a message informing both schools of the events – to pass on to students & parents. Action: Cllr Attridge

Members were asked to consider and put forward any further ideas for ways to promote these events.

Finally, Cllr Barker reported on communication from a resident wishing to volunteer to help in some way. It was noted that there will be a number of suitable ways in which volunteers can contribute both in the preparations and on the day. As a starting point it was suggested the Cllr Barker draws up a list of such tasks.

15. To receive an update report from Cllr Huggins on the arrangements for “First Aid Training for Parents” which the Parish Council has agreed to host (for purposes of report only).

Cllr Huggins reported that places on this training were filled within 3 days of advertising it.

16. To consider a proposal to purchase 8 more litter picker sticks at a cost of £28.49 from Amazon, to replace broken ones.

It was suggested that the recent number of breakages may suggest that the plasic is deteriorating with age and it may therefore be prudent to buy a larger replacement stock. It was therefore RESOLVED to purchase a further 20 sticks of a higher quality. It was noted that this will be at a cost which is under the de-minimus limit.

17. To receive a report on spending against the Groundwork UK Grant and to approve any unspent funds (Neighbourhood Plan 2).

It was noted that £1601 of this grant remains unspent, and that this should therefore be returned to Groundwork UK.

18. To consider a paper in response to public’s correspondence request for football goals on the Foxhills Open Space.

Cllr Huggins had produced a paper considering this matter which had been made available to all members of the Council ahead of the meeting. After some debate the Council RESOLVED that siting a goal or pair of goals on the open space would not be appropriate.

The factors we considered were:

• The area in consideration is quite potholed underfoot. If the Council were to actively promote running around on this area it would be necessary to address the ground condition.

• The grass at Foxhills is cut monthly whereas on the rec, which is intended as a sports field, the grass is cut fortnightly in the growing season.

• The area is bounded by the play area on the top side, a road on the east side, the wall/gardens on the lower side and falls away to thick brambles in the valley on the west side. Consequently stray balls kicked towards a goal oriented in any direction could be a nuisance to residents.

• Whilst the area was always intended to include a play area, that was a specific part of the land and was, itself, quite controversial with neighbours when installed. The Council therefore felt it preferred to keep the remaining area as "open space"

• The Recreation Ground and the Lytchett Astro are both only a short walk away.

19. To consider a proposal to increase the Parish Clerk’s pay in line with the national salary award 2021/22 agreement published on 2 March 2022 – i.e. an increase from £12.73 to £12.95 per hour (SPC17) backdated to 1st April 2021.

It was noted that the back pay for 2021/22 would amount to £286, plus back pay for April 2022 a further £22, making a total back payment due in May 2022 of £308. RESOLVED to APPROVE both the revised ongoing hourly rate of £12.95 and the back pay of £308.

20. To resolve to approve the following payments already made:

To Whom For What Net VAT Total
Octopus Energy Sports Pavilion electricity charge for period 1st- 31st Mar 2022 65.85 3.29 69.14
British Telecom Office phone and broadband – Mar 2022 44.02 8.80 52.82
SSE Car park lighting quarter 4 2021/22 16.32 0.80 17.12

It was RESOLVED to approve the above payments already made.

21. To resolve to approve the following payments due:

To Whom For What Net VAT Total
T Watton Clerk’s salary – April 2022 (12 equal monthly payments by SO) 1039.25 0.00 1039.25
Dorset County Pension Fund LGPS pension contrib April 2022 383.38 0.00 383.38
Idverde Ltd Cemetery maintenance Mar 2022, Inv 10838808 303.49 60.69 364.18
Lytchett Matravers Village Hall Hire of all for meetings 13th Oct 2021- 13th Apr 2022 inclusive 325.00 0.00 325.00
Lytchett Matravers Village Hall Electricity used in Parish Council Office 1 Apl 2021- 31 Mar 2022 21.22 0.00 21.22
Lytchett Matravers Sports Club Reimbursement to LMSC for cost of water supplier to LM Scouts hut (first half of 2021/22) 45.95 0.00 45.95
Dorset Council Rights of Way partnership agreement – maintenance of Jubilee Walk / Church Walk fee for 2022/23 490.00 0.00 490.00
Dorset Council Annual rental fee for land at Lytchett Matravers Youth Club / Club Hall 15.00 0.00 15.00
Dorset Council Funding for additional opening hour at Lytchett Matravers Library 2021/22 1439.00 0.00 1439.00
Dorset Council Annual SID deployment fee between 3 sites 750.00 150.00 900.00
D&P Warr Contracting Materials and labour to reinstate pipework connection for water supply to Row Park Cemetery 725.32 145.06 870.38
RP and SA Ball Parts and labour to reinstate pipework connection for water supply to Row Park Cemetery 166.00 0.00 166.00
Play Area Hygiene Services Ltd 4 x benches, 4 x picnic tables plus carriage. 4567.06 913.41 5480.47
Printerbase Ltd Printer toner cartridges 66.29 13.27 79.56
A Clothier Cover for 10 days of Parish Clerk’s holiday in April 2022 (Invoice 004) 100.00 0.00 100.00

It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments.

22. To note any training undertaken by members or the Clerk in the past month (for purposes of report only).

Cllr Huggins has attended the DAPTC Chairing Meetings training, and Cllr Barker attended a Carbon Literacy Accreditation Workshop organised by DAPTC.

23. To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents (for purposes of report only).

There were none.

24. Correspondence (for purposes of report only).

The Parish Clerk reported that he had received a remittance advice and supporting letter from Dorset Council advising of the latest CIL payment of £58,328.21, which covers payments in respect of the following developments:

  • Huntick Rd development
  • Former RBL Club land, Wimborne Rd
  • 16 Foxhills Cresc
  • 204 Wareham Rd

The Parish Clerk reported that he had received a remittance advice for £50,208.65 from Dorset Council covering part 1 of the 2022/23 precept.

25. To note date of next meeting and items for future agendas.

  • The next full council meeting (the Annual Parish Council meeting) is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 25th May 2022 commencing at 7pm in the Blanchard Room at the Village Hall.
  • The Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday 11th May and will be held in the Sports Pavilion due to the unavailability of the Village Hall.
  • The Annual Parish Meeting is scheduled for the morning of Saturday 28th May in the Village Hall. Cllr Barker indicated that she would speak to St Mary’s church members about providing tea/coffee etc for this. She also agreed to submit a proposal to the May F&GP Cttee meeting requesting a donation of £25.00 to St Mary’s Church for this.

The meeting closed at 20:55

Annotated by/on ……………………………..Signed by……………………



Report to Lytchett Matravers Parish Council for 27th April 2022

From Dorset Councillor Alex Brenton

Dorset Council is one of six councils invited to take part in the Pilot Inspection with Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission. Since 2016, Ofsted and CQC have jointly inspected local areas to see how well they fulfil their responsibilities for children and young people with SEND. Dorset has agreed to take part in the pilot inspection to support development of a new local area framework.

Last week your three Dorset Councillors attended a site visit to view the proposed RSPB viewing platform over Lytchett Bay at the bottom of Slough Lane. We all thought it was a well thought out plan and would be popular with bird watchers.

The Dorset Full Council meeting on 21st April last Thursday was disrupted by two XR type protesters (Grannies against fossil Fuel) who superglued their hands to the front desk in the Council Chamber. Despite being a bit green myself, I totally disagreed with this action as it disrupted democratic discussion of an important motion about whether local energy security was more or less important than not using or extracting fossil fuels. This was originally sparked by an application to explore and extract oil near Athelhampton House. Whatever the arguments, it did shine a light on Councils need for security and flexibility in response- having alternative venues, etc.

20s Plenty Campaign has many criticisms of the Dorset Highways approach to lowering speed limits in built up areas or near schools. A report on this was discussed at a Place and Resources meeting during week commencing 18th April. There seemed to be a consensus amongst most councillors that the attitude in the report needed changing and it has been referred to a Task & Finish group. Morden Parish Council has joined the campaign even though they know that DC is unlikely to favour more restrictions. But narrow lanes should not be National Speed limit 60mph. the Parish has purchased 20sPlenty bin stickers to remind drivers and the need for caution.

Weymouth councillor David Gray is calling on Dorset Council to review its senior management structure. The move comes after revelations about the number of senior officers of salary and pension deals worth over £120,000 a year.

The Dorset Together network has picked up the coordination of the support for Ukraine across Dorset County. The role of the council is to not get in the way of the great work being done in communities, and to contribute through our service delivery, helping to coordinate and facilitate activity.

The network is currently working to prepare a warm welcome for Ukrainian refugees coming to Dorset. Help & Kindness (a local community interest company) is signposting people to local groups supporting refugees and sharing information: Support for Ukraine (helpandkindness.co.uk)

The council’s role to support Ukrainian refugees includes:

• Conducting accommodation checks and DBS checks for people sponsoring refugees

• Arranging education/early year provision for children arriving

• Administering payments to sponsors which includes an optional £350 per month, if the sponsorship arrangement exists, for up to 12 months in total

• Providing a small amount of financial support for arriving individuals and families.

• Referring individuals to services and support, including health, benefits and job-seeking.

To enable Dorset Council Highways to carry out maintenance work, they plan to close the A35 Denmer House Slepe (Dorchester Road) between 1st and 2nd June 2022. The road will be closed overnight between the hours of 20.00 and 06.00. Obviously a long diversion route via the A31 or through Sandford to Morden road.

Dorset Council is in the top 15% of over 400 local authority areas in the UK for renewable electricity generation. In 2020, Dorset generated enough electricity to supply over 110,000 average sized households for a year. A number which will increase with the installation of three recently approved solar farms. The solar farms, which have all been granted planning permission in the last 6 months, are expected to provide enough energy to power a further 29,000 homes each year. Newly installed solar panels at two of Dorset Council’s waste depots are already producing over 200,000 kWh of renewable energy each year and providing most of each building’s power needs. At the Poundbury depot, 182 panels have been added to the roof. The panels on the roofs convert the sun’s energy into direct current electricity (DC), which is then converted into alternating current electricity (AC) that is used on the premises. The panels will always generate as much power as they can, so if the sites do not use this energy then it will automatically feed into the national grid.

I have had some case work to do with Council Tax banding in Park Homes, Many people are checking their outgoings because of the rise in cost of living. Dorset Council cannot intervene as bands are set by the Valuation office which is a department of HMRC. Every householder can challenge their banding if they have proof that identical properties in the same area are in a different band.

Cllr Barker raised a question about the Dorset Highways response is to requests under the “20 is plenty” campaign in which they argue that they are following current Department For Transport guidelines. She wondered if there was anything which local councils could do in order to press more strongly for the introduction of 20MPH zones in areas of high risk or sensitivity within settlements. In response Cllr Brenton suggested that the mounting of a local campaign may be the best immediate course of action.


Report to Lytchett Matravers Parish Council for 27th April 2022

From Dorset Councillor Bill Pipe

The first of a number of Ukrainian families have now arrived in the Dorset Council area to hopefully restart their lives free of Russian aggression and murderous intent that drove them from their homes in the Ukraine. Dorset Council is providing at least 27 families with support once they have arrived with their host families. This includes access to schools, psychiatric help, adult and children’s social care, doctor & dental registration, access to work opportunities and much, much more.

There have been no complaints to me over the Bank Holiday weekend in respect of missed bin collections. I would still urge Members and members of the public to contact me if collections have been missed. Dorset Council assure me that the "problem" at the Westminster Road Depot is now sorted.

The land agent to the Lees Estate informs me in a conversion held recently that the siting of the battery storage area indicated on the original plans for the proposed solar farm is very likely to be relocated to enable the more efficient use of the topography now that the area to the south of Royale Heights is now longer considered to be a viable part of the application after it was withdrawn from the original plans. Feedback from members of the public continues to be positively in favour of the farm, particularly now that the nation is looking to become self-sufficient in its energy needs.

Upton Together continues to meet the needs of our more disadvantaged and socially isolated residents and our volunteers continue to give 100% to our community and to those in neighbouring villages, including Lytchett Matravers, Slepe, Sandford and elsewhere. On Easter Sunday, Upton Together hosted a grand Easter Egg Quiz event at the recreation ground with a large number of our younger children taking part in the event; all ending up with a decent Easter Egg at the end of the event. Again, very positive feedback was received from mums, dads and children alike. Well done to the 15+ volunteers, mostly supplied by Sarah Fudge from her group of Army Cadets and to Cllr McKell for organising the event and the Upton Co-Op for helping to finance the event.

Still no application has been put in to BCP Council by the Rothschild Estate to extract gravel from its Upton Heath site/holding. I still have the assurance that any application is likely to fall at the first hurdle because of the protections enjoyed by Upton Heath.

Dorset Highways department attended at the Aldi supermarket at the invitation of myself & Cllr Starr to consider the replacement of the pedestrian refuge with a pelican crossing, to widen the access point to Aldi and on a separate initiative, to consider reducing the traffic speed limit from 60mph to 30mph on all access roads to the roundabout, reducing the speed in which vehicles leave the roundabout on the various slip roads. A rear access to the store received their blessing as did the clearing of ALL of the wooded embankment.


Climate & Ecological Emergency Working Group – Summary Report, April 2022

Working Group Objective:

Following the Parish Council declaration of a Climate Change Emergency, identify, assess, and implement measures within the parish to reduce the carbon footprint of both LMPC and the community.

Working Group Participants:

Rob Carswell, Alf Bush


  1. Sports Pavilion full building upgrade with Low Carbon Dorset (LCD).
  2. Youth Hall full building upgrade – deferred until DC transfer and building business plan is approved.


  • Delivery of PV batteries (long delays due to Brexit)
  • SSE inspection and sign-off

Status/Next Steps:

Works already completed:

· Air-to-air heat pump (to provide instant heat in main user space), replacing gas boiler.

· Solar array (26 PV panels)

· Replacement of old, inefficient radiators & pipework

· New thermally efficient doors, including fire door to comply with Building Regulations

· Installing loft and cavity wall insulation, fitting thermostats & controls + cage around ASHP unit

· Fit PV diverter unit to directly heat hot water from PV-generated energy

· LCD have made partial payment for work to date

Works to come:

· Powerwall battery scheduled for installation on April 28th. Battery will store during the day and provide electricity overnight for heating/hot water.

· Application to Octopus to register for their export tariff.

· Still awaiting SSE sign-off

· Business plan for Youth Hall to determine next, if any, steps

Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT)

2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Expense to date 37k less 14k LCD payment 0 0
Forecast 8k less 3k LCD payment 0
Total 23k 5k 0

(1) Low Carbon Dorset grant = 40% contribution.


Huntick Road Cyclepath Working Group – Summary Report April 2022

Working Group Objective:

To provide a dedicated safe cycle route to Lytchett Minster School and on to Poole from the village.

Working Group Participants:

Andrew Huggins, Alf Bush


1. The requirement for a dedicated cyclepath was included in the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan and was unanimously approved at the referendum and subsequently adopted by Purbeck D.C.

2. The proposed route starts at the Rose & Crown crossroads and goes down Huntick Road. Preliminary agreement has been reached with Highways and the landowner to the north of Huntick Road.

3. The final stage from the Race Farm junction to Post Green and/or Dorchester Road is to be finalised.

4. LMPC to complete the next section to Jubilee Walk (linked to Selbys Yard decision).


  • DC Highways confirmation on the full route, particularly after Race Farm.
  • Confirmation of the LTP commitment within the Purbeck Local Plan, which includes the requirement for both DC and the developers to provide 150k each for local transport needs. This would be earmarked for the cyclepath.

Status/Next Steps:

· Met with LM and Upton Council + S Mepham 9 Feb (Zoom). LM+U want a path Randalls Hill to Courtyard. Some issues with narrow and flooding verges – they are investigating land ownership. That path could link to the Huntick Cyclepath for complete route to Poole/Wareham.

· First 180m across full width of site frontage on Huntick Road now complete.

· Contact affected Huntick Road houses advising of new cyclepath plan, including Selbys Yard decision.

· LM+U to pursue a path at bottom end to meet up with Huntick Cyclepath near Kitchermans cottage.

· WSP (DC’s consultant) are in early stages of investigation. We have now a copy of the brief provided to WSP It is very brief.

· Project update letter has now been sent to Lord Rockley. A less supportive response has been received. This was echoed in the recent meeting Hanna and Ken had with him..

· WSP report received and briefly discussed with Highways. Project costs now expected between £2.2M and £2.5M. LMPC not entirely happy with design proposals (width).

· LMPC emphasised to Highways that as LM is growing and sustainable alternatives are becoming more key, such infrastructure is needed.

· Cllrs Bush and Huggins have discussed next steps

o AH will write to Highways asking for process to extend a 2m path to Jubilee Walk

o AH and AB to meet Anthony Rockley once we have costs for other village projects.

· AB is asking for local contractor for quote to build 2m wide path from existing path to Jubilee Walk to to highways spec, then AH will contact Highways for approval to proceed with this stretch.

Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT)

2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Expense to date
Forecast 30 150
Total 30 150


Village Environment Working Group – Summary Report. April 2022

Working Group Objective:

To identify areas of concern/opportunity within the physical environment of the Village and propose responses. Due to other pressures a Progress Mtg has not convened since the Nov PC mtg.

Working Group Participants:

Ken Morgan, Alf Bush, Andrew Huggins, Karen Korenevsky, Vicky Abbot, Hannah Khanna, Martyn Colvey


1. Rec Area Projects:- Exercise Trail/Outdoor Gym Equipment – Dog Exercise Area –Picnic Tables x4 + Benches x4 – Boules/Petanque Pitches. Dog Exercise Area. Bins. Trees + Swales/sw attenuation.

2. Community Garden adj fence at top of Pond Walk – Area cleared by GGs.

3. Trees – Rec + generally– Seek sponsorship.

4. Hannams Close entrance enhancement. Discuss with management company.

5. Wareham Rd/School traffic/parking – DC/WSP proposals discussions ongoing. – New Car Pk?

6. Pond – Ongoing Japanese Knotweed appears to have worked. Spoil to form attenuation swales / bunds. Proceed?

7. Finger post Renovations – Blaneys Corner done. Vol Training + sponsorship. Progress on upper cross roads sign.

8. Library Green Path – DC agreed so can proceed. Tarmac + Bk Edgings – No Dig spec over roots.

9. Pharmacy Steps Planting – underway.

10. High St Crossing – Awaiting DC Highways.

11. Tesco frontage – Acceptable design agreed with DC. Suggest joint Tesco/DC/PC funding.

12. Sports/Scout Bldgs ‘backside’ to High St. Short term ideas + longer term workplace opportunity.


· Dorset Council Highways + Planning/LP. Flow of CIL monies.

Status/Next Steps:

· Adult Exercise Trail + Benches/Picnic Tables/Bins – Proceed subject to PC agreement.

· Exercise Dog Area fencing + gravel Eldons Drove C Pk. Layout agreed .Firm up price/date.

· Community Garden – Await further proposals from participants.

· Work up designs for Sports Area, Boules, Hannams/Rec entrance+ Rec landscaping/tree planting.

· Push Tesco/Highways re shop frontage funding.

· Investigate Grants/Funding/Sponsorship/Lottery/ Local Trusts + Loans/Mortgage possibilities.

· Library Green Path – Invite tenders.


Neighbourhood Plan 2 Working Group – Summary Report. April 2022

Working Group Objective:

To renew the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan (LMNP) in readiness for the Dorset Local Plan.

Working Group Participants:

Ken Morgan, Micki Attridge, Karen Korenevsky, Alf Bush, Peter Webb, Ian Taylor.


The current LMNP was limited in scope by Purbeck District Council and further by the examiner. The plan was prevented from identifying any type of development and in addition many policies/strategies for the community were removed. e.g. infrastructure and employment requirements.

A renewed LMNP is required to address the chronic erosion of the green belt over the last 40 years, to ensure development is beneficial to the community in addressing its needs i.e. sustainability, CCE net zero, design standards, local employment, community infrastructure and amenities.


· PLP2 adoption

· JR review decision

· DLP next consultancy stage

Status/Next Steps:

· Met with Planning Consultant Mar 3rd and 23rd.

· Written letter to Stephen Morgan (selected barrister) on key points. He would like to see all PC responses to PLP2 and DLP. Need to put those together.

· Written to school and pre-school enquiring about their inclusion in PLP2/DLP consultation. Both replied they were not included.

· Reply received from Wyatt Homes – non-committal

· Letter sent to Dorset Council re: Wareham 95 – no response but letter added to application

· Letter sent to Cllr David Walsh on clarification of PC role in Planning (Dec. 21). Follow up sent March 22.

· PC has joined CAN/CPRE campaign to reduce the number of houses in the DLP from 39,000 to 22,000.

· NP2 WG to develop core objectives – draft policies underway, discussed Mar. 23rd.

· PC has applied for and received Locality grant for consultant expenses to end March. Need to refund unused funds planned for mapping and printing – total refund £1,601.


Queens Jubilee Celebrations

Date of report: 27.4.22

Reported by: Beverly Barker

Subject Status:

Village community Queens Jubilee celebrations will take place between 2nd and 5th June 2022. Two LMPC led events are planned for the celebrations:

  • Thursday 2nd June 2022: Lighting a Beacon – on the Rec between 8-11pm with Beacon lighting at 21:45pm
  • Sunday 5th June 2022: Big Jubilee Picnic – on the Rec between 2 & 6pm

Details of plans and status outlined below.

Thursday 2nd June 2022: Lighting a Beacon

Venue: The Rec

Timing: general gathering between 8-11pm with Beacon lighting at 21:45pm

Beacon: Cllr Huggins has organised purchase of the Beacon and fuel (see separate reports)


The Chequers will provide a bar in the Sports Pavilion.

Jo Meade will provide the Fish&Chip van on the lower Rec car park.

Accommodation: Both the Village Hall & Sports Pavilion booked for use of the facilities for the evening

Still to be done:

Plan for preparation and tidy-away and other safety measures

Election/volunteering for Marshalling and identification of other roles needed

Musical entertainment/background music

Cllr Morgan to contact Bagpipe player

LMPC to decide if we want other background music. If so, a sound system and music license would be needed for this. Cllr Aspray to investigate background music licence for large public event.

Additional food/refreshments trader to be identified

Insurance: Based upon advice from Beacon Event Guide To Taking Part’ (see copy in Dropbox and via https://www.queensjubileebeacons.com) specialist public liability cover is needed for beacon/bonfire events – Can Parish Clerk ask insurers

Registering involvement: need to register with brunopeek@mac.com by 1st June 2022 to be included in media listings.

Sunday 5th June 2022: Big Jubilee Picnic to be held on the Rec between 2 & 6pm

Venue: The Rec

Timing: General gathering between 2-6pm


The Rose & Crown will provide a bar in the Sports Pavilion

– Café Greywood to provide pre-order collection picnic boxes (already being promoted on FB)

Accommodation: Both the Village Hall & Sports Pavilion booked for use of the facilities during the day


– Chris Manning will provide a variety of music from 2-5pm.

– Frayed Strings Ukulele 3-3:30pm.

Still to be done:

Additional music options:

– Awaiting confirmation on Two Man Travelling Medicine Show to perform 5pm to 6pm.

– Cllr Bush has written to Lytchett Minster school & Primary school to see if any of their singers/singing groups/musicians might wish to play. 20-30minute slots from 4-6pm offered. TBC

Music license: Cllr Aspray to investigate background music licence for large public event.

Additional food/refreshments trader to be identified:

Robert Ferret’s Mister Softee ice-creams [https://www.icecreambournemouth.co.uk/events/] have been contacted but no reply to date

Quotations sought from ‘Add to event’ for pizza vans, etc. No reply to date

Cake Bake competition: emails sent out to local organisations re judging but no suggestions received. Emails sent to ‘Cookery Judges’ list. Confirmation of availability received from Susan Billington from Blandford, an NFWI cookery and preserves judge.

Preparation and tidy-away and other safety measures:

– Mowing the Rec before event – Can Parish Clerk ask contractor about this

– Rental of haybale seating – Cllr Webb look into this

– LMPC to decide if we want to hire/volunteer any additional marquee, gazebos, trestle/tables, litter bins/recycling stations, bunting & other site decoration, etc.

Insurance: Can Parish Clerk ask insurers

Financial Impact: Budget of £2000 approved at Full Council February 2022

Cost allocations to date

The Charitable Emporium (Hawkeye Houlihan/Wonky Donk Festival): fixed/covered stage 6m x 6m with full PA system, backline, 32 channel mixing desk with qualified engineer. 17m Star Tent. £1250 plus VAT

Chris Manning Band: Play between 2-5 including set of Bublé/ Swing Classics, Keys and Sax Duo and provision for hosting Karaoke. £400.

Beacon purchase: TBC

Full Minutes 220427v3.docx

Full Council minutes 27 April 2022