Held on Wednesday 28th August 2019 at 7:00 in the Blanchard Room, Village Hall, High Street, Lytchett Matravers.

PRESENT were A Bush (Council Chairman), M Attridge, B Barker, R Carswell, A Huggins, C Maher, P Webb and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).

Also present: Mr M Tomlinson MP; and Dorset Councillors A Brenton, B Pipe and A Starr.

No members of the public were present.


There was none.

Michael Tomlinson MP offered remarks of encouragement to the parish council to raise any local issues with him where the council considers that he may be able to help. He noted that the two newly established unitary authorities serving Dorset, the Dorset council and the Bournemouth Christchurch & Poole Council, were still in the process of finding their feet. He noted that funding remains an important issue and he is campaigning for better funding for rural authorities. He feels that areas such as Dorset have been somewhat left behind in this respect. He offered thanks to the members for their service to the community as councillors. He reflected on the success of the joint Lytchett Link / Parish Magazine publication during the summer, which he felt was very effective.


Copies reports from Cllr Brenton and Cllr Pipe are attached at Appendices 1 and 2 to these minutes.

Prompted by Cllr Pipe’s report, Cllr Carswell sought clarification regarding the moving-on of travellers in Poole. Councillor Bush raised the question about the possible additional bus service. Cllr Pipe confirmed that he had attended a meeting on this subject, 27th August. He had also received a copy of the letter on this matter from a member of the local WI. He pointed out that the provision of bus services is subject to commercial considerations, and therefore it is most important that the services are well used. Michael Tomlinson remarked that he had heard no rumours of any planned withdrawal of bus services affecting Lytchett Matravers.

1. To receive and consider apologies for absence. Cllrs M Colvey, A Cottman, R Watts and C Wood.

2. To receive any declarations of Pecunary interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011. Cllr Bush declared an interest in item 11 below – planning application 6/2019/0441.

3. TO receive AND RESOLVE to APPROVE THE Minutes of The PARISH Council Meeting on 24th JUly 2019. It was RESOLVED to approve these as a true record of the meeting. The minutes were then duly signed by the council chairman.

4. TO RECEIVE and consider REPORTS OF PAST SUBJECT MATTERS (for purposes of report only).

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of the following report, which had been prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting by the Parish Clerk. Italics below indicate additional comments made by members at the meeting.

  1. Minute 11, 22nd May 2019 – Repair of Lytchett Astro Fencing. The replacement fence panels have been delivered to Poole Business Services. Other demands on the PBS engineering team has meant that the job to remove and replace the damaged panels has had to be rescheduled to 16th September.
  2. Minute 13, 22nd May 2019 – Purchase and installation of 3 further benches. All three benches have now been correctly installed and the sponsored bench adjacent to the posting box near Tescos has been satisfactorily replaced. DISCHARGED

5. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS (for purposes of report only) On the matter of the inspection in public of the Purbeck Local Plan, the chairman explained that due to the overwhelming number of new papers which the Inspector and others did not have time to read, additional hearings have been introduced to the process and will take place on October 9th-11th. Any additional responses on the issues to be considered must be submitted by 10th September. He referred to a paper “SD92” prepared by PDC / Dorset Council documents and submitted to the Inspector that address outstanding actions from the first set of public hearings. This particular document appears to refer to all potential development sites – which it is thought may not have been assessed against any suitability criteria. Cllr Bush indicated that he would forward a link to the SD92 paper to all members, and would also query this point with the DC Planning department. Action: Cllr Bush to forward the link accordingly.

The chairman also referred to a forthcoming meeting for council members with representatives from Wyatts and Dorset Council Planning Department on 9th September at 7pm. He encouraged members to attend this meeting if available. He will confirm the venue.

6. To receive and note the content of the minutes of the finance & General purposes committee meeting on 14th August 2019 (for purposes of report only) It was RESOLVED to receive and note the content of these minutes.

7. To consider recommendations from the Finance & General Purposes Committee:

a. Meeting the eligibility criteria for the General Power of Competence (Localism Act 2011, Part 1, Ch1, ss 1-8; and Parish Councils (General Power of Competence) (Prescribed Conditions) Order 2012 schedule Conditions of Eligibility). RESOLVED.

b. To approve the revised pay rate for the Parish Clerk (old SCP 25 = new SCP 17) with effect from 1st April 2019. RESOLVED

8. To receive and consider reports of the following Working Groups:

(i) Village Centre: R Carswell. Cllr Carswell reminded the meeting of the overall vision of this initiative. He advised that it is hoped to commence the work on the pharmacy steps phase before Christmas. Regarding the matters of the High Street crossing point and the re-modelling of the “island” area at Purbeck Parade, he asked if Mr Tomlinson could help by supporting this from a public safety viewpoint in any contact he has with Dorset Council and Tesco stores. Cllr Carswell indicated that he would forward details of the proposals for these elements to Mr Tomlinson. In response to a question from Mr Tomlinson, the chairman outlined the progress to date on the proposed walking route along Eldons Drove and into the school via the field. He also reminded the meeting of the intended widening and re-grading improvements to the connecting path across the southern part of the recreation ground which links to Eldons Drove.

(ii) Library: A Bush. Awaiting a response from Dorset Council on the terms and conditions of the transfer.

(iii) Astro: A Huggins. Awaiting a response from Dorset Council on the terms and conditions of the transfer.

(iv) Village Hall: A Cottman. No report.

(v) Huntick Rd Cycle Path: The chairman summarised the Council’s revise approach to this initiative based on the principle of breaking it into sections 1 – R&C to access road of development, 2 – access road to Jubilee Walk, 3 – Jubilee Walk to Race Farm, 4 – Race Farm to the school. The PC was hopeful that the developers for the Huntick Road site (Wyatts) would assist in the delivery of section 1. Approximate quotations had been received for section 2 (£35k) and section 3 (£135k). In light of these quotes, the DC Highways estimate of £500k looked pessimistic. During the PLP hearing process, Dorset Council were looking to secure the full costs from developer’s contributions. This was felt to be unrealistic in that the level of development contributions were unlikely to reach that level. It was observed that elsewhere other council funds had been used to provide cycle paths. Support was needed to ensure that the LM Cycleway was retained as a deliverable of the PLP.

Cllr Huggins noted that the section over the existing path from Race Farm to Lytchett Minster School would need to be re-designated on the definitive map to be able to permit cycling on it. A further approach was discussed regarding the evident change of landowner opinion with regard to the path crossing Lees estate land.

(vi) LM Trust structure: R Watts. In Cllr Watts’ absence, the chairman reminded those present of the overall intention of this initiative. A meeting is scheduled for 10th September 2019.

(vii) Parish Council communications: B Barker. It was noted that a meeting of the working group took place on 31st July. Cllr Barker summarised the content of her report which is attached at appendix 3 to these minutes.

9. To receive and consider a report on Sports Club Governance and progress on the Pavilion refurbishment programme. A copy of Cllr Webb’s report is attached at Appendix 4 to these minutes. It was RESOLVED to note the content of this report.

10. To consider planning application 6/2019/0424 OOTA Property Ltd. Honeypot Cottage, Huntick Estate, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6EB. Single storey extension. NO OBJECTION

11. To consider planning application 6/2019/0441 Harlequin Homes. The Shooting Box, Middle Road, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6HJ. Sever plot, erect two dwellings with access and parking. NO OBJECTION

12. To consider a motion to adopt a Tree Management Policy. Item not required. It was noted that a policy covering these matters was adopted by the council on 10th April 2019.

13. To resolve to approve the following payments already made:

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
4157 Medisol BV Purchase of 3 x Aivia outdoor cabinets and 3 x Zoll AEDs 6885.00 1377.00 8262.00
4158 Henderson Supply and install goalpost sleeves at Rec Ground 550.00 110.00 660.00
4159 A White Allotment 1st Prize 15.00 0.00 15.00
4160 J Watson Allotment 2nd Prize 10.00 0.00 10.00
4161 A Russell Allotment 3rd Prize 5.00 0.00 5.00

It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments.


Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
4162 T Watton Clerk’s salary – August (12 equal monthly payments by SO) 910.53 0.00 910.53
4163 T Watton Clerks salary adjustment 130.40 0.00 130.40
4164 Dorset County Pension Fund LGPS pension contrib August 2019 418.92 0.00 418.92
4165 T Homer Handyman duties, July 2019 245.25 0.00 245.25
4166 Idverde Ltd Cemetery maintenance – July 19 303.49 60.70 364.19
4167 Idverde Ltd 2 x grass cuts – sports playing area of rec : July 170.00 34.00 204.00
4168 Idverde Ltd 2 x grass cuts – southern area of rec : July 46.50 9.30 55.80
4169 Association of Dorset Watches – Community Speed Watch Purchase of Dictaphone 21.99 0.00 21.99
4170 Stackhouse Poland Ltd Additional insurance premium for Defibrillator at Sports Pavilion 28.00 0.00 28.00
4171 BCP Council Supply and installation of plastic bollards at Eldons Drove car park 1832.00 366.40 2198.40
4172 BCP Council Supply and install 2 x lockable bollards + locks at Eldons Drove car park 355.00 71.00 426.00
4173 J & Bs Ltd Supply of plumbing goods for Sports Pavilion refurbishment 308.48 61.70 370.18

It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments.

15. To note any training undertaken by members or the Clerk in the past month. There was none.

16. To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents.The Parish Clerk advised members that he had arranged for the further repair to sections of the fence around Rocket Park, after consultation with council chairman – urgent safety issue.

17. Correspondence.

Cllr Huggins reported on contact from Mr Bartlett, Dorset Council, regarding the Superfast Broadband initiative. Mr Bartlett had given an update on current coverage within LM (95%). Wessex Internet are planning further connections to outlying properties, which will draw on a new government voucher scheme.

Cllr Huggins also reported on correspondence with Wicksteed Ltd which he has used to help formulate a draft public consultation on the ball park.

Cllr Bush reported on telephone correspondence with a resident of Foxhills Crescent (which is a private road) regarding a hedge which is troubling him.

18. To note date of next meeting and items for future agendas.

The next full council meeting is scheduled to take place in the village hall on Wednesday 25th September 2019 at 7pm.

The meeting closed at 21:20

Annotated by/on …………………………….. Signed by……………………

FullMinutes 190828 Appendix 1 (Report from Dorset Cllr A Brenton 28.8.2019) (Word)
FullMinutes 190828 Appendix 2 (Dorset Council Report Cllr B Pipe Aug 2019).pdf (PDF)
FullMinutes 190828 Appendix 3 (Comms Working Group Aug 2019) (Word)
FullMinutes 190828 Appendix 4 (Report to LMPC on LM Sports Club 28.08.19) (Word)

Full Council minutes 28th August 2019