Meeting held on Wednesday January 10th 2024, at 7.00 p.m. in the Sports Pavilion

PRESENT: Cllr M Attridge (Committee Chair), R Aspray, K Morgan, B Barker, A Bush, A Huggins, P Webb and Mr P Vivian (Parish Clerk) and Mrs A Clothier (Locum Parish Clerk).

There were no members of the public in attendance.


1. Apologies: Cllrs H Khanna, V Abbott, K Korenevsky.

Mr Vivian introduced himself as the new Parish Clerk and was welcomed to the Parish Council.

2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest – and consideration of requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.

Cllr Morgan outlined that the company he founded submitted applications P/HOU/2023/07204 & P/LBC/2023/07205, however as he longer has a financial interest in this company he is able to comment on the application.

3. To receive and approve minutes of the Finance & Gen Purposes Committee meeting held on 13th December 2023.

These minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting and were duly signed by the Committee Chair.

4. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters.

The following matters were included in the Clerk’s report of past subject matters. [nb: comments made or decisions taken at the meeting are shown in italics]

Minute No Action Point Progress
F&GP Cttee, 8 Nov 2023, Minute 13 Parish Clerk to remove bank statements from the minutes. Ongoing
F&GP Cttee, 13 December, Minute 10 Clerk to request quotes for tree works Quotes requested from Aerial Tree Services, Poole Arbor and Dorset Arborists.

Quote from one received and awaiting two further quotes – all meetings have taken place

F&GP Cttee, 13 December, Minute 10 Raise tree at Spinney Play Park with Aster Aster are actioning this work.
F&GP, 13 December, Minute 19 Clerk to write to Tesco regarding the light. Cllr Abbott to speak to the manager of the Pharmacy. Letter written to Tesco. No response received. Clerk to follow up. Cllr Bush to send a response to Michael Tomlinson MP to say we are looking into the matter of the lighting and that replacement of the steps have made them safer.
F&GP, 13 December, Minute 19 Clerk to respond to memorial tree request and send memorial policy The donation was received and the small leaved lime has been ordered. Discharged.

i. Planning applications (19 applications listed of which 3 are now shown as granted or allowed) – See Appendix 1

5. To receive and note the 2023-24 year to date bank reconciliation (for purposes of report only).

A copy of the bank reconciliation was made available to all members ahead of the meeting, and is attached at Appendix 2 to these minutes. Charity Bank has not been able to be updated due to a lack of access to bank statements. Cllr Huggins to email Charity Bank to obtain a statement. It was RESOLVED to accept and approve this reconciliation.

Action: Cllr Huggins to obtain bank statements for Charity Bank

6. To receive and consider a report covering 2023-24 Council income and expenditure (for purposes of report only).

The report was made available to all members by the Parish Clerk. It was RESOLVED to accept and approve this. The income and expenditure report is included in Appendix 2 to these minutes.

7. To review and approve the following sections of the current year forecast and next year financial budget for recommendation to Full Council:

· Earmarked Reserves forecast (replacement of existing Parish Council assets) – All in agreement that this is an accurate representation of the current situation.

A spreadsheet was circulated to all members, a copy of which is included at Appendix 3a to these minutes. Cllr Bush introduced this item and explained that, for convenience, the PC uses the Prudential investment fund as its Earmarked Reserve Fund. Last year it was agreed to eliminate the Foxhills Play Area as a separate reserve and to utilise the Foxhills Fund for all repairs, maintenance and improvements. The funds from the Foxhills Play Area went back into reserves and the costs for the path refurbishment (£23,427) and tree clearance (£3,400) were paid out of the Foxhills Fund. The Foxhills fund is gradually being replaced to bring it back up to £162,000 over 5 years. Similarly the Skate Park sinking fund was used for the major renovation and is also being built back up.

It was noted that inflation has been high and would not cover full replacement costs. However, funds can only increase by the investment return and not RPI. Valuations are needed to see what the full replacement cost would be.

Rocket Park sinking fund will reach £63,000 by March 2024 – this is more of a priority for the village and may need new surfacing as well as new equipment.

This was Approved for recommendation to Full Council.

· CIL forecast/receipts (infrastructure spending)

A spreadsheet was circulated to all members, a copy of which is included at Appendix 3b to these minutes. It was noted that CIL forecasting is uncertain. There are no large developments upcoming so there is no way of predicting this income stream and it is paid in arrears. The forecast receipts show what has been paid. Local Plan housing development will potentially provide a large CIL income if approved. There is £134,000 to spend and the funds have been allocated. This was Approved for recommendation to Full Council.

· Project forecast (planned infrastructure spending including CIL receipts)

A spreadsheet was circulated to all members, a copy of which is included at Appendix 3c to these minutes. The current financial year has not seen a high spend as most projects have not started. It was noted project 1 priorities for current year do not include Youth Hall because the next two years will be funded from the normal expenditure planning, including the donations received. It was raised whether a separate reserve should be established for the Youth Hall for potential matched funding for a new building.. Similarly, it was raised that the Village Hall will need some investment and questioned whether some of this should come out of CIL and grants. A separate reserve for potential matched funding for the Village Hall could also be established.

Priority projects were discussed and the priority 1 projects were: Sports Pavilion Storage; Hannams Gateway; Dropped Kerb Crossings; D Day; and Judicial Review. There are other priority projects that depend on joint working with Dorset Council such as High Street Crossing, 20mph zones and Huntick Cyclepath. It was noted that some items were missing from the priority list such as Cemetery path extension, maintenance projects with the Church and the Noticeboard – these will be added in. In general, financial commitments were included in general expenditure whereas projects were those areas where spending, particularly the timing thereof, was at the PC’s discretion.

Cllrs asked if the spreadsheet could separate out costs of projects that are not projected to be paid or fully paid for by the Parish Council – Cllr Bush to amend the spreadsheet. Many large projects depend on external funding and/or grants and this should be noted..

This was Approved for recommendation to Full Council.

· Income/expense forecast related to existing Parish Council activity/assets

A spreadsheet was circulated to all members, a copy of which is included at Appendix 3d to these minutes. This sheet is a straight extract from Scribe. It was noted that there are many lines in Scribe that do not have money allocated against them and this could be tidied up.

The Citizens Advice Bureau have moved out of the library and are operating out of the bus in the car park – this is a potential saving as there is no need to pay for the hire of the library. Residual costs to be clarified, although a grant could be made to CAB.

Action: Clerk to look at cost centre codes in Scribe.

· Precept (equivalent to Band D household tax levied)

The Bank of England estimate for inflation is 3.4% for the next financial year (Apr 2024 to March 2025).. Cllrs considered that a 3.75% increase on a Band D property would be the most appropriate level of precept evidenced fully by the expenditure planning and forecasts which would total a precept requirement of £114,000 p.a.

This was Approved for recommendation to Full Council.

· Summary 23/24 Forecast and 24/25 Budget

A spreadsheet was circulated to all members, a copy of which is included at Appendix 3e.

8. To consider Planning Application P/HOU/2023/07204 & P/LBC/2023/07205 Caroline Cottage, Prospect Road, Lytchett Matravers

Internal and external alterations

No Objection

9. To consider Planning Application P/HOU/2023/07468 The Old Coach House, Peatons Lane, Lytchett Matravers
Alteration of redundant agricultural building into annexe

OBJECTION. This application lies within open countryside, within the Green Belt and outside of the village Settlement Boundary. This is an insubstantial and relatively new structure which we are not aware of having ever been in agricultural use. The application documents do not include any background detail or supporting evidence to demonstrate the very special and exceptional circumstances necessary for development within the Green Belt. The proposal is harmful to the purposes of the Green Belt.

10. To consider Planning Application P/HOU/2023/06913 3 Spy Close, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6DQ Erect rear single storey extension to provide new kitchen/dining area.

No Objection

11. To receive and consider a report on the current uptake and waiting list for the allotments (for purposes of report only).

See Appendix 4. Plot 57 is ready to re let but Plot 8 needs some clearing and plots 10 and 11 need extensive work and a mini skip might be required. Clerk to approach those on the waiting list.

Action: Clerk to contact residents on the waiting list to re let allotments.

12. To consider a response to the Proposed Zebra Crossing – Wareham Road

Comments are due on the consultation by 24th January. It was noted that this has been badly advertised and it was not clear how people comment. The Parish Council have already registered their support for the scheme but it would be appropriate to publicise the consultation online, through the village Facebook groups. It was confirmed that the Parish Council would write back to Dorset Council and ask for an extension once the correct link has been confirmed. It is important to understand the view of the school as they are a key stakeholder in the process.

There was also confusion regarding the plans as two different plans are displayed on the Dorset Council website – this will also be questioned.

Action: Clerk to get the correct link from Dorset Council

Action: Clerk to ask for an extension of the deadline by 2 weeks

Action: Clerk to clarify the position of the school

13. To receive feedback on the DAPTC AGM

John Parker stood down as president as was replaced by Jill Crouch. Only two motions were presented – one regarding the Armed Forces Covenant and whether the DAPTC should sign this and the other on consulting on whether the DAPTC should be transferred to a Company Limited by Guarantee – both were approved.

14. To consider items for an article in the next Parish Magazine.

The following matters were considered and agreed for inclusion:

· Zebra Crossing

· New grit bin

· Summer Event – 22nd/23rd June

· Highways Survey

· New Parish Clerk

19. To note correspondence received.

Cllr Huggins – Letter from resident asking about cycle path survey – this has been responded to.

Cllr Barker – Safeguarding Training 20th January for new Clerk. Savills have assessed the Youth Hall as a Dorset Council asset.

Cllr Bush – Friends of Lytchett Library – library review upcoming

Cllr Webb – Wessex internet cables will be going on the recreation ground

Clerk – an enquiry has been made into the Parish Council vacancy but the timing is being queried with DAPTC as we are running close the election.

The meeting closed at 21:15

Annotated by/on ………………………….Approved by/on ………………………

Appendix 1

Planning Applications

Planning Application No Location Proposal Status
6/2021/0282 Land east of Wareham Road Lytchett Matravers. Phased residential development of site for 95 dwellings, new vehicular and pedestrian access onto Wareham Road and other associated works including landscaping and open space. Not determined.
P/FUL/2021/02674 Cuckoo Hill Deans Drove Lytchett Matravers Dorset BH16 6EQ. New dwelling with associated access and parking and porch to front of existing dwelling. Not determined.
6/2021/0365 Caroline Cottage Prospect Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6ED – Revised. Alteration to listed building to install a new wood burner and new chimney pot. Not determined.
P/FUL/2022/01066 Land Adj, Clouds Hill Burbidge Close Lytchett Matravers Poole Dorset Sever land and erect 3 bed chalet bungalow with associated parking Not determined.
P/FUL/2022/01095 Land at Blaneys Corner To the east of Wareham Road and south of Wimborne Road. Lytchett Matravers Erect 25 dwellings (C3 use class), new vehicular and pedestrian access onto Wimborne Road and other associated works including landscaping and open space Not determined.
P/VOC/2022/01291 164 Wareham Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6DT Variation of Condition 2 & 5 of planning approval 6/2020/0314 (sever plot and erect a detached two storey dwelling with associated access, parking, landscaping and amenity space) to agree to the new building location 700mm further forwards towards the highway and the new foul water drainage connection Not determined.
P/CLE/2022/02881 (Cert of Lawfulness) Valley Farm Middle Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6HJ The erection without planning permission of 3 storage/workshop buildings, an agricultural building, a music studio and a toilet block in the positions shown on the attached site plan. Not determined.
P/CLE/2022/02911 (Cert of Lawfulness) Valley Farm Middle Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6HJ A mixed use comprising the fabrication and repair of horsedrawn vehicles (caravans, carts and wagons); the display and sale of bric-a-brac and collectables; open storage of assorted items including vehicles and portakabins; hobby farming and music festivals within the areas identified on the attached use plan. Not determined.
P/CLE/2023/00412 Beaconfield Middle Road Lytchett Matravers BH16 6HJ. The use of six units of accommodation as permanent dwellings at Beaconfield Not determined.
P/FUL/2023/02603 36 Glebe Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6EH Erect 5 bedroom detached house with associated garage and parking Not determined.
P/HOU/2023/04489 8 Old Chapel Drive, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6HA Erect garage, (demolish existing). Construct new rear terrace. Not determined.
P/HOU/2023/05756 29 Rozalia Meadows, Lytchett Matravers Removal of existing close boarded fence to rear garden and install new fence and gate. Not determined.
P/HOU/2023/06113 22 Prospect Road Lytchett Matravers BH16 6ED Erect single storey side extension Permission granted
P/CLP/2023/06137 Water Tower Field Colehill Road Lytchett Matravers Positioning of a caravan as a rest room for people working on the agricultural holding and a shipping container as a pig ark for the housing of pigs. Not determined
P/HOU/2023/06111 Arne Lodge Eldons Drove Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6HH Replace rear extension with a smaller unit, with roof lantern and balcony to first floor bedroom. Permission granted
P/HOU/2023/06540 Two Trees, 40 Wareham Road, Lytchett Matravers Construction of rear extension. Permission granted
P/HOU/2023/05971 Oakhurst, Huntick Road, Lytchett Matravers Erect side and rear single storey extensions. Not determined
P/FUL/2022/05152 15 Dillons Gardens, Lytchett Matravers Demolish existing dwelling and erect 6no 4-bedroom detached houses with associated parking and access. Not determined
P/HOU/2023/07035 103 Wareham Road, Lytchett Matravers Convert garage to habitable accommodation (amendment to planning permission 6/2012/0016) Not determined

Appendix 2 – see separate PDF file.

Appendix 3

3a – Earmarked Reserves

3b – CIL

3c – Project Forecast

3d – Income and Expenditure

3e – Summary

Lytchett Matravers Parish Council – Financial Forecast 2023-25
Forecast 2023/24 Forecast 2024/25
Brought Forward Reserves as of March 31, 2023 Earmarked 306,927 295,911
CIL (carried forward from 2021/22 101,533 134,479
General (April 2022 F&GP) 105,758 223,109
514,218 653,498
Income (BAU) Precept (actual) 108,009 112,000
Non-precept (Parish Council Assets) 72,904 16,540
Other 0 0
180,913 128,540
Expense (BAU) Admin 35,790 41,339
Parish Council Assets/Open Spaces 63,987 57,924
Grants (local) 0 0
Other 0
99,777 99,263
Income (Infrastructure) CIL 32,946 20,000
Grants &/or Funding 25,198 0
58,144 20,000
Expense (Infrastructure) CIL Funded 0 128,000
Externally Funded 0 0
LMPC Earmarked Reserve Funded 0 0
LMPC General Reserve Funded 0 90,000
0 218,000
Net cashflow for year 139,280 -168,723
Carried Forward Reserves as of March 31, 2024 Earmarked 295,911 301,829
CIL 134,479 26,479
General 223,109 156,468
653,498 484,776

Appendix 2 – see separate PDF file.

FinanceGenPurposesCommitteeMinutes 240110 Appendix 2 (Bank Rec and budget report)web.pdf
FinanceGenPurposes Committee Minutes 240110 v2.docx

Finance & General Purposes Committee minutes 10th January 2024