Held on Wednesday 22nd January 2020 at 7:00 in the Methodist Church, Wareham Rd, Lytchett Matravers.

PRESENT were A Huggins (Vice Chairman), B Barker, R Carswell, A Cottman, M Colvey, P Webb and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).

Also present: Dorset Councillor A Brenton.

One member of the public was present for part of the meeting.


Former Dist Cllr Wendy Meaden thanked the council for arranging for repair of the potholes in the High St car park.

She then went on to ask about the installation of a plate in the ground near the library for the Christmas tree, which she suggested could also be used to display a flag on significant dates. She asked whether the council could liaise with Tescos to get this installed. Cllr Huggins remarked that the reason this had not happened yet is that the land has not yet been transferred the Parish Council.

Also, in regard to the land between the Library and the Pharmacy, Ms Meaden commented on the possibility of using this site as a venue for regular Country Markets in future. She reminded members that there had been one tried in the Village Hall last year which proved popular, with lots of interest from stallholders to hold more. It was agreed that this was worthy of further consideration, and it was noted that the current applications for change of use and also redesign of the car park makes that a more likely venue for such events in future.


A copy of the report produced by Dorset Cllr A Brenton was not available to be circulated to members in advance of the meeting. However the report she gave at the meeting is attached at appendix 1 to these minutes.

Cllr Webb asked Cllr Brenton whether planning permission had been granted for a new waste centre in West Dorset – which she confirmed. In response to a question from Cllr Webb about whether the DC budget had been balanced, Cllr Brenton advised that it had “at the moment”.

1. To receive and consider apologies for absence. Cllrs M Attridge, A Bush, R Watts and C Wood offered apologies that they were unable to attend. Dorset Cllrs B Pipe and A Starr also gave their apologies.

2. To receive any declarations of Pecunary interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011. There were none.

3. TO receive AND RESOLVE to APPROVE THE Minutes of The PARISH Council Meeting on 18th December 2019. It was RESOLVED to approve these as a true record of the meeting. The minutes were then duly signed by the meeting chairman.

4. TO RECEIVE and consider REPORTS OF PAST SUBJECT MATTERS (for purposes of report only).

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of the following report, which had been prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting by the Parish Clerk. Italics below indicate additional comments made by members at the meeting.

Full Council Agenda item 4 – Reports of past subject matters:

  1. Dorset Cllrs Report, Minutes 23rd October 2019 – DC Criteria for placement of SIDs. During October 2019 the Parish Clerk contacted DC Road Safety team to ask for details of the criteria for placement of SIDs. He subsequently fed the responses back to the council members accordingly. At the November Full Council meeting it was noted that a SID can only be fitted on a Dorset Highways post and these can only be located where DC deem them to be appropriate. There would need to be a speed survey initially and there is a fee attached to having this survey. During the subsequent discussion the relationship to the village “gateways” was discussed and the following locations considered to be desirable for a SID:

– Wimborne Rd

– Huntick Rd, near Race Farm.

– The southern end of Wareham Rd at the start of the 30mph limit.

– Flowers Drove

At the meeting on 18th December it was resolved that the Parish Clerk should ask Mr Camp from the Dorset Highways Safety Team to make a site visit to review each of these locations. However subsequent advice from Mr S Mepham identified Joe Allen Principal Technician, Transportation Modelling at Dorset Council as a more appropriate person to provide this initial site visit and advice. He therefore asked members whether they would like such a visit arranged and who would be available to meet him and he has made initial contact with Mr Allen accordingly.

  1. Minute 13, 23rd October 2019 – Replacement fence for Rocket Park play area. Cllr Huggins has prepared and circulated a paper on bowtop fencing for consideration under item 10 below.
  2. Minute 7, Full Council 27th November 2019 – request from Purbeck Citizens Advice for additional contribution to fund an extension to the service operated in the Lytchett Matravers library (letter copied to members on 7th November 2019). The Parish Clerk has now written to the Manager of Purbeck CAB to advise of the council’s decision as detailed in minute 9, 18th December 2019. DISCHARGED

5. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS (for purposes of report only) There were none.

6. To receive and note the content of the minutes of the finance & General purposes committee meeting on 8th January 2020 (for purposes of report only) It was RESOLVED to receive and note the content of these minutes.

6.1 To consider a recommendation from the Finance & General Purposes Committee to accept the proposed draft Health & Safety Policy, based on consideration of Cllr Attridge’s report. Proposed Cllr Carswell, Seconded Cllr Huggins: RESOLVED to accept.It was noted that the condition of the public footpaths on Parish council land should be added to the Council’s Risk Register. Action: Parish Clerk to add this the Risk Register accordingly.

6.2 Acceptance of the updated Risk Register for Lytchett Matravers Parish Council attached at appendix 3 to the F&GP Minutes 8th Jan 2020. Proposed Cllr Huggins, Seconded Cllr Carswell: RESOLVED to accept.

6.3 Acceptance of the updated Annual Schedule of Governance / Internal Control Responsibilities for Lytchett Matravers Parish Council attached at appendix 4 to the F&GP Minutes 8th Jan 2020. Proposed Cllr Huggins, Seconded Cllr Cottman: RESOLVED to accept.

7. Proposal for the Parish Council to approve as landowner of the Rec. the application to the Football Foundation for Grass Pitch Revolution Funding. Cllr Webb referred to his report which is the subject of item 9 below. This report contains an explanation that Lytchett Matravers FC has, via the Dorset FA, been offered Football Foundation grant funding to purchase materials and undertake work to improve all the football playing surfaces. The scheme lasts 10 years with the grants being front loaded for the first few years to bring the standard up rapidly. Cllr Webb explained that in order to take up this opportunity, the applicant (Lytchett Matravers FC) would need to obtain written consent from the landowner (the Council) to submit with its application. He also indicated that the assistance to LMFC in completing and administering the application would be undertaken by Cllrs Webb, Bush and Cottman. Proposed by Cllr Webb and Seconded Cllr Carswell. It was unanimously RESOLVED to provide the necessary approval to enable this grant application to be taken forward.

8. To receive and consider a report from Cllr Bush regarding investigation into the role of Local Councils into the Planning Process – DEFERRED

9. To receive and consider a report on Lytchett Matravers Sports Club Governance and progress on the Pavilion refurbishment programme. The report prepared by Cllr Webb was circulated to members in advance of the meeting. A copy is attached at appendix 2 to these minutes. It was RESOLVED to receive the report and note its contents.

10. Consideration of quotes and selection of vendor for replacement Rocket Park fencing. Cllr Huggins referred to the report he had prepared and had been circulated to all members in advance of the meeting – a copy of which is attached at Appendix 3 to these minutes. The report contains consideration of three quotes for supply of bow top fencing. After some discussion and clarifications is was Proposed by Cllr Huggins, Seconded by Cllr Cottman and RESOLVED to accept the quote from Alpha Rail, and to engage Poole Business Services to take delivery of the fencing and to install it.

11. To consider and approve the draft schedule of council meetings for 2020/21.

It was noted that a date is still to be set for the Annual Parish Meeting. It was RESOLVED to approve this schedule, a copy of which is attached at appendix 4 to these minutes.

12. To consider planning application 6/2019/0710 Higher Bulbury House Dolmans Hill Lytchett Matravers BH16 6HP. Loft conversion of existing garage to provide additional accommodation to the main house. NO OBJECTION.

13. To receive and consider reports of the following Working Groups:

(i) Village Centre: R Carswell. Cllr Carswell reported that the planning application for the adjustment to the car park entrance had now been received by the “Planning Portal” team. He also reported on the estimate received from a local contractor for the removal of the Car Park / High Street hedge between the lower brick entrance piers and the gap adjacent to the bus stop and the door the Sports Pavilion. After some discussion it was proposed by Cllr Carswell, seconded by Cllr Cottman and RESOLVED by the meeting to approve expenditure of up to £1000 for the removal of the hedge, disposal of the arisings and all associated tasks to ensure this work is carried out safely and effectively.The matter of communications to residents about what is being done and how this fits in to the larger village centre initative was also discussed.

(ii) Library: A Bush. Nothing to report.

(iii) Astro: A Huggins. Nothing to report.

(iv) Village Hall: A Cottman. The matter of the proposed relocation of the drop posts adjacent to the village hall was discussed. A formal response to this is awaited from the Village Hall Management Committee. Cllr Huggins will prepare a detailed proposal.

(v) Huntick Rd Cycle Path: Cllr Huggins. Nothing to report.

(vi) LM Trust structure: R Watts. There was no report. However Cllr Barker noted that the potential trustees who have so far expressed an interest have been invited the Council awayday in February. She wondered what is being done to widen the diversity of the group of potential trustees. In response a number of further names were mentioned. It was also suggested that Cllr Bush or Cllr Watts email all council members seeking further suggestions of individuals to approach.

(vii) Parish Council communications: B Barker. A report was circulated before the meeting and is attached as Appendix 5 to these minutes. There were no questions.

(viii) Climate Emergency: R Carswell. It was noted that there had been around 70 responses so far to the local survey. The matter of exploring the cost and feasibility of an LED alternative to the required remedial work to the Astro floodlights was also discussed.

(ix) Broadband Provision Improvements: A Huggins. Whilst there was no formal written report, Cllr Huggins advised that Wessex Internet are in contact with a local landowner about an alternative route to connect to a group of remaining properties in Middle Rd.


Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
4241 T Watton Clerk’s salary – January (12 equal monthly payments by SO) 936.78 0.00 936.78
4242 Dorset County Pension Fund LGPS pension contrib December 2019 373.14 0.00 373.14
4243 T Homer Handyman duties, December 2019 236.25 0.00 236.25
4244 Idverde Ltd Cemetery maintenance – Dec 19 303.49 60.70 364.19
4245 SSE Sports Pavilion Electricity supply Quarter 3 2019-20 93.70 4.68 98.38
4246 Water2Business Sports Pavilion water charge 08/06/19-12/12/19 473.22 0.00 473.22
4247 Water2Business Allotments water charge 25/06/19-16/12/19 342.80. 0.00 342.80
4248 SSE Car park lighting Quarter 3, 2019-20 23.32 1.15 24.47
4249 D & P Warr Contracting Hedge Trimming at Allotments 120.00 24.00 144.00
`4250 Lytchett Matravers Village Hall Hire of Blanchard Room for meetings 10 July 2019 – 8 Jan 2020 275.00 0.00 275.00
4251 T Watton Reimbursement of clerk’s office expenses 23.95 1.21 25.16
4252 Dorset Council Planning application fee for change of use application for car park. 231.00 0.00 231.00
4253 Planning Portal Planning application fee for car park adjustments 142.00 0.00 142.00
4254 Ellis Jones LLP Fee to be forwarded to Paul Dyer, solicitor, for pharmacy steps project to meet the balance of fees required by solicitors acting for the four other parties involved. 750.00 150.00 900.00
4255 Circle Leisure Ltd Skate park half yearly inspection and service. 300.00 60.00 360.00
4256 A Cottman Reimbursement of cost of:

(a) locks and keysafes

(b) Litter pickers







It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments.

15. To note any training undertaken by members or the Clerk in the past month.

There was none.

16. To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents. The Parish Clerk reported that he had been in contact with Sutcliffe Play South West to arrange for a replacement part to be ordered and fitted to repair damage to a “springer” in the toddlers’ area of Rocket Park. This is likely to be below the de-minimus limit and is required for urgent safety reasons.

17. Correspondence.

The Parish Clerk reported on telephone correspondence with a local resident regarding the flooding of a property which the resident believes was due to a shortcoming of the council. The Parish Clerk responded by acknowledging receipt of this correspondence and is awaiting further details.

18. To note date of next meeting and items for future agendas.

The next full council meeting is scheduled to take place in the Methodist Church on Wednesday 26th February 2020 at 7pm.

The meeting closed at 20.52

Annotated by/on …………………………….. Signed by……………………

FullMinutes 200122 Appendix 1 (Council report 21.1 .2020 Upton and Lytchett) (Word)

FullMinutes 200122 Appendix 2 (LMSC Report Jan 22nd. 2020) (Word)

FullMinutes 200122 Appendix 3 (Replacement Fencing for Rocket Park)-1 (Word)

FullMinutes 200222 Appendix 4 (Meetings schedule 2020-21).doc (Word)

FullMinutes 200122 Appendix 5 (LMPC Comms Group Updates January 2020)-1 (Word)

Full Council minutes 22nd January 2020