Held on Wednesday 23rd October 2019 at 7:00 in the Blanchard Room, Village Hall, High Street, Lytchett Matravers.
PRESENT were A Bush (Chairman), M Attridge, B Barker, A Huggins, M Colvey, C Maher (from 19:10), R Watts, C Wood and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).
Also present: Dorset Councillor A Brenton.
Three members of the public were present.
Referring to the paper in item 17 on the agenda for this meeting a resident commented that the suggested widening of the pavement between the two school gates was not a priority because she believes it to be currently little used, and vehicle drivers tend to respect the zig-zag lines. She also suggested that bollards be positioned on the edge of the pavement on the eastern side of Wareham Rd as it approaches the school from the north, in order to prevent people parking on the pavement. Finally, whilst she recognised that the path alongside Eldons Drove is a high priority this needs to be accompanied by improvement of the connecting path from the recreation ground because this is currently unmade and is steep and often slippery. The Chairman responded by confirming that this improvement is indeed part of the improvement project for the end to end route to the school. Another resident observed that it may be advantageous to seek a parking restriction on the narrow section of Wareham Rd opposite Prospect Cottage.
A third resident expressed concern about the safety of pedestrians using the proposed path alongside Eldons Drove, in view of the narrow width of that road and the changing gradients and blind bends. In response the Chairman explained that the path is intended to be very clearly laid out and marked.
A discussion then took place regarding the trial in the summer term of adjustments to the school drop off and permitted access times. It was noted that it would be useful to have a report of the findings from that trial. The Chairman indicated that he would obtain the school’s views on that. Action: Cllr Bush to request a report from the school on this matter.
A copy of the report from Cllr Brenton is attached at Appendix 1 to these minutes. Cllr Brenton added to this by reporting that Dorset County Farms is looking to see what it may contribute to Dorset Council’s response to the Climate Emergency. She also remarked on action by the Highways Department regarding widening use of vehicle-activated signage (speed activated warnings, etc). She reported that Morden Parish Council is considering purchasing a SID and she wondered if LMPC might be interested in sharing it. In relation to this matter the Parish Clerk was asked to contact the Dorset Road Safety team to clarify what criteria are applied regarding where SIDs may be located. Action: Parish Clerk to contact the Dorset Road Safety team accordingly. Cllr Brenton also remarked that there had been a good response to the “Win on Waste” initiative. Finally, she reported that she had asked for planning application 6/2019/0530 (Change of use of land off Flowers Drove, Lytchett Matravers as a “Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) & associated car park”) to be referred to the Dorset Planning Committee for consideration.
1. To receive and consider apologies for absence. Cllrs R Carswell, A Cottman, P Webb; and Dorset Cllrs B Pipe and A Starr.
2. To receive any declarations of Pecunary interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011. There were none.
3. TO receive AND RESOLVE to APPROVE THE Minutes of The PARISH Council Meeting on 25th September 2019. It was RESOLVED to approve these as a true record of the meeting. The minutes were then duly signed by the council chairman.
4. TO RECEIVE and consider REPORTS OF PAST SUBJECT MATTERS (for purposes of report only).
It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of the following report, which had been prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting by the Parish Clerk. Italics below indicate additional comments made by members at the meeting.
- Minute 18, 25th September, bullets 2 and 3 – Cutting High St car park and Allotment hedges. The contractor had been contacted about this and confirmed that he would do it, but the work had not yet undertaken due to his other commitments and delays due to inclement weather.
5. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS (for purposes of report only) The Chairman reported on the following:
– A draft for the next edition of the Lytchett Link is being prepared.
– The third set of Inspector’s hearings on the Purbeck Local Plan were completed during October. Following the Inspector’s consideration of the evidence a period of consultation over 6 weeks will take place. The additional hearings mean that the timetable for adoption of the plan has been pushed back to quarter 1 of 2020/21.
6. To receive and note the content of the minutes of the finance & General purposes committee meeting on 9th October 2019 (for purposes of report only) It was RESOLVED to receive and note the content of these minutes.
7. To receive and consider reports of the following Working Groups:
(i) Village Centre: R Carswell. In Cllr Carswell’s absence it was reported that the next meeting of the Working Group was due to take place on Thursday 24th October.
(ii) Library: A Bush. Cllr Bush reported that he has chased Dorset Council to finalise the requested numbers related to the maintenance of the building.
(iii) Astro: A Huggins. No report.
(iv) Village Hall: A Cottman. No report.
(v) Huntick Rd Cycle Path: Cllr Huggins. It is understood that Lytchett Minster & Upton Town Council have contacted Dorset Council with a request to be included in the meetings with Helen Jackson. It is still hoped to arrange an informal meeting with LM&U TC to provide them with the background to this project.
(vi) LM Trust structure: R Watts. Cllr Watts’ reported that the next meeting is due to take place week commencing 4th November.
(vii) Parish Council communications: B Barker. Cllr Barker reported that the main focus of activity currently is the preparation of the next edition of Lytchett Link.
(viii) Climate Emergency: R Carswell. The first meeting of this Working Group is to be held on 30th October 2019.
(ix) Broadband Provision Improvements: A Huggins. It was noted that there are around 25 remaining properties where requested improved service provision has not yet been achieved.
8. To receive and consider a report on Sports Club Governance and progress on the Pavilion refurbishment programme. A copy of Cllr Webb’s report is attached at Appendix 2 to these minutes. It was RESOLVED to note the content of this report. Cllr Wood remarked on the success of the new regime. It was noted that Cllr Huggins has emailed Cllr Bush regarding the cost of installing broadband in the Sports Pavilion.
9. To consider planning application 6/2019/0528. 3 Foxhills Crescent, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6BEFlowers Drove, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6BX. Erect a two storey extension. NO OBJECTION.
10. To consider planning application 6/2019/0538 Quarr Grange, Halls Road, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6EP. Erect agricultural barn. NO OBJECTION.
11. To consider planning application 6/2019/0548 Caroline Cottage, Prospect Road, LYTCHETT MATRAVERS, BH16 6ED. Variation of condition 2 of pp 6/2016/0721 (Subdivide plot and erect single dwelling in front garden of existing cottage, and single dwelling in rear garden of existing cottage with new access from Prospect Road and associated car parking) to increase floor area of dwelling A to create an extra bedroom. The Parish Council wished to register an OBJECTION to this proposal on the grounds that it represents incremental development, and is contrary to the advice of the Planning Officer when the original approval was granted. The Council is of the opinion that the requested variation would result in overdevelopment on this site.
12. To consider a proposal to demolish and remove the bus shelter opposite Old School Green, Lime Kiln Road. It was RESOLVED to approve this.
13. To consider a proposal regarding the fencing options for Rocket Park Play area. Cllr Huggins referred to a paper which had had prepared and which had been circulated to members in advance of the meeting. A copy of this is attached at Appendix 3 to these minutes. After discussion, and taking into account the views of parents who expressed the view that a “no fence” option would be unacceptable in this location due to the risk of small children wandering off and the presence of dogs, it was RESOLVED to replace the current fence with one which is more robust. Follow-up actions to compile information to assist the council in selecting a suitable fence material and supplier: (i) Cllr Huggins to obtain 3 quotations for the robust moulded plastic picket fence he commented on at the meeting. (ii) Parish Clerk to speak to Mr Parkinson of Poole Business Services to obtain information on effective fencing options / locations which the Council could visit to review.
14. To receive and note the content of notes of a Meeting with Dorset Council Highways on 30th September Cllr Watts referred to the notes which had been circulated to members in advance of this meeting and are attached at Appendix 4 to these minutes. He summarised the outcomes of the meeting. He drew particular attention to the opportunity for the council to sign up to a Service Level Agreement with Dorset Council for the maintenance of selected public footpaths or bridleways in which the 50p per metre cost of regular maintenance is shared 50:50 between the Parish Council and Dorset Council. Cllr Bush remarked on the offer of advice from Mr Mepham regarding the safety issues around installing additional lighting in the High Street car park. Action: Parish Clerk to pursue this with Mr Mepham.
15. To consider for approval a proposal for the Parish Council to become custodian for the Lytchett Matravers SANG. This matter relates to a proposal circulated to all members in advance of the meeting, a copy of which is attached at appendix 5 to these minutes. The Chairman clarified that this would involve taking responsibility for the ongoing maintenance of this area of land; and that this would be funded from a pot of money to be provided for this purpose by developer contribution linked to development approvals in the village. After discussion an amendment to the proposal was considered as follows: “The Parish Council to apply to become the custodian of any future SANG, subject to the condition that this expression of interest is not taken to mean that the Parish Council is in favour of the development of the new homes proposed in the Purbeck Local Plan or subsequent Dorset Council plan, or that the Parish Council will support any Planning Application(s) submitted for any new homes”. Proposed Cllr Watts, Seconded Cllr Wood CARRIED unanimously.
16. To consider a proposal to investigate a cycle-usable Public Right of Way between Lytchett Matravers and Morden. Reference was made to the paper from Morden Parish Council Chairman A Brenton which containing this proposal. The paper had been circulated to all members ahead of this meeting and a copy is attached at Appendix 6 to these minutes. It was RESOLVED to contact Dorset Council officers Katie Black and Tina Hasford to confirm that LMPC is in favour of this proposal. Action: Parish Clerk to email Katie Black and Tina Hansford accordingly.
17. Proposed 3 Phase Improvement Programme for the Lytchett Matravers School Crossing, for consideration and approval. The Chairman referred to a paper, with two annexes, which draws on the outputs of an investigation and report with suggested improvement actions which was prepared by Sustrans. The paper had been circulated to all members in advance of the meeting. Copies of the paper and its annexes are attached at appendix 7 to these minutes. The paper suggests a 3 phased approach to the improvement actions over a three year period, prioritising those with the anticipated biggest impact first and invites the council and the school governors to consider this proposed approach to deployment of the improvements. In response to questions from council members and the public it was clarified that pedestrians should have priority, and also that the crossing control person is intended to be an ongoing part of the arrangements.
Regarding phase 1, there were no suggestions for anything to change; and it was noted that discussions still need to take place regarding the type of crossing at the north end of the school. Turning to phase 2, it was agreed that there is a need to add detail in the description of this phase with regards to the proposed location of the bus stop and the positioning of bollards.
Inv | To Whom | For What | Net | VAT | Total |
4190 | T Watton | Clerk’s salary – October (12 equal monthly payments by SO) | 936.78 | 0.00 | 936.78 |
4191 | Dorset County Pension Fund | LGPS pension contrib October 2019 | 373.14 | 0.00 | 373.14 |
4192 | T Homer | Handyman duties, September2019 | 247.50 | 0.00 | 247.50 |
4193 | Idverde Ltd | Cemetery maintenance – Sept 19 | 303.49 | 60.70 | 364.19 |
4194 | Idverde Ltd | 3 x grass cuts – sports playing area of rec : Sept 19 | 255.00 | 51.00 | 306.00 |
4195 | Idverde Ltd | 3 x grass cuts – southern area of rec : Sept 2019 | 69.75 | 13.95 | 83.70 |
4196 | AEC (South West) Electrical Ltd | Install external light on Sports Pavilion | 265.00 | 53.00 | 318.00 |
4197 | BCP Council (Poole Business Services) | Remove existing fence panels at Astro; supply and fix additional steelwork to accommodate new panels, cut and fix new panels supplier by LMPC. | 1900.00 | 380.00 | 2280.00 |
4198 | DAPTC | New Cllr Induction course | 40.00 | 0.00 | 40.00 |
4199 | PKF Littlejohn LLP | Fee for Annual Governance & Accountability Return audit yr ending 31/3/2019 | 400.00 | 80.00 | 480.00 |
4200 | R Watts | Reimbursement of expenses incurred on behalf of LMPC:
(a) Hire of Library for meetings (b) Purchase of copies of title registers |
(a) 75.00
(b)137.64 |
0.00 | (a) 75.00
(b)137.64 |
4201 | SSE | Car park lighting Q2 2019/20 | 23.32 | 1.15 | 24.47 |
4202 | Saregcv cleaning | Sports Pavilion cleaning 7 Oct – 18 Nov | 105.00 | 0.00 | 105.00 |
4203 | A Bush | Reimbursement of cost of key cutting Sports Pavilion. | 39.00 | 0.00 | 39.00 |
4204 | South Shore Garage Doors Ltd | New Garage Door for Sports Pavilion | 624.40 | 124.88 | 749.28 |
It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments.
19. To note any training undertaken by members or the Clerk in the past month. The Parish Clerk reported that he had attended the DAPTC Clerks’ seminar at Kingston Maurward on Friday 27th September 2019.
20. To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents.The Parish Clerk advised members that he had undertaken the following:
- Arranged for Circle Leisure Ltd to urgently visit the skate park to assess and deal with a fault which had developed with the riding surface – Urgent H&S issue.
- Arranged for the handyman to collect loose palings from the fence around the Rocket Park play area, and also to inspect the remaining fence to remove any exposed nails or screws.. Urgent safety issue.
21. Correspondence.
Cllr Colvey asked about the correspondence which had taken place regarding the arrangements for the Remembrance Day parade. The Parish Clerk reported that he had applied to Dorset Highways for the usual road closure arrangements and that these had been approved. He had also liaised with the Highways team to obtain the appropriate over-stickers for the road signs to notify road users in advance of these closures, and also for the publication of the statutory notice advising of the temporary closures. Finally, he reported that he had also been liaising with Mr Russell regarding putting the signage out and the stewarding of the road closures on the day.
Cllr Bush referred to a letter which Mr M Tomlinson MP had written to Tescos regarding their delivery vehicle operations at Purbeck Parade.
The Parish Clerk reported on the following correspondence received:
– An email from British Telecom advising that they do not sell off or otherwise offer redundant telephone kiosks for spares. The email offered details of their suppliers who may be able to help if the council needs spares / replacement parts for an adopted box.
– A letter from HSBC Bank advising that they had carried out the council’s request for the adjustment to the standing order for the clerk’s monthly salary payment.
– An advice from Dorset Council giving details of the payment of part 2 of the Precept.
22. To note date of next meeting and items for future agendas.
The next full council meeting is scheduled to take place in the village hall on Wednesday 27th November2019 at 7pm.
The meeting closed at 21:15
Annotated by/on …………………………….. Signed by……………………
FullMinutes 191023 Appendix1 (DorsetCllr Report 231019) (Word)
FullMinutes 191023 Appendix 2 (Sports Club Report Oct 2019) (Word)
FullMinutes 191023 Appendix 3 (Rocket Park Fencing Oct 2019) (Word)
FullMinutes191023 Appendix 4 (Quarterly Meeting with Dorset Council Highways on 30th September 2019 final) (Word)
FullMinutes191023 Appendix 5 (Proposal to Express Interest in Managing SANG) (Word)
FullMinutes191023 Appendix 6 (MordenPC -Lytchett PC Bridlepath) (Word)
FullMinutes191023 Appendix 7a (Proposed Improvement Programme for School Crossing) (Word)
FullMinutes191023 Appendix 7b (Annex 1 to proposed improvment programme for school crossing).pdf (PDF)
FullMinutes191023 Appendix 7c (Annex 2 to proposed improvement programme for school crossing).pdf (Word)